"But considering Zabuza's sword, his strength should only be enough to carry a bounty of 25 million."

Kakuzu added another sentence.

"Twenty-five million?"

"Then you can still deal with it if you're careful?"

Everyone looked at Chojuro next to them. This was a private matter in their Kirigakure Village, and it was not within the scope of their mission.

As serious black market bounty hunters, they all have professional ethics and have to pay more.

"Another five million taels."

Chojuro gritted his teeth and said.

"I'm sorry, Zabuza-sama, although we are not hostile, this mission cannot have any surprises.

Otherwise, the entire Kirigakure Village will fall into the blood mist again. "

There was a trace of determination in Chojuro's eyes. He would never die here.

He was going to defeat Zabuza here.

The two swords on his back were slowly drawn out. The two large swords were very large and looked a little out of place for the slightly thin Chojuro.

However, after Chojuro pulled out the ninja, the surrounding ninjas finally retracted their contempt for the young ninja. The sense of threat coming from the ninja made them pay attention.

Among the seven Ninja Swordsmen, under this name, how could there be any weak ones?

Chojuro jumped from the deck with a flounder in hand.

Among the ninjas on the ship, five ninjas jumped off the ship with Chojuro, and Kakuzu was among them.

Not far away, Zabuza saw this scene and raised his left hand slightly.

"Cado, take the little ones and retreat further. You cannot interfere in the next battle."

Zabuza was also a little confused at this time.

It's outrageous, there's not one single person on that ship who is not a simple person.

What are you doing? Just escort the silver enshrinement in Kirigakure Village. Do you need so many people? And these people are not ninjas from Kirigakure Village at all.

And that guy in the red cloud and black robe, can't you "revolutionary army" keep a low profile when doing things?

"Isn't that guy going to rebel?"

Zabuza naturally knew Chojuro.

Now Chojuro appears in this place, and with so many ninjas, even the so-called "revolutionary army" is involved.

Something big is definitely going to happen.

Although it was none of Zabuza's business, it was really unlucky to think that he would meet him here.

"Six people, even if they run away now, it's probably too late."

Zabuza was a little helpless, but in that case, let's give it a try.

"In that case, let me show you the real swordsmanship, the purest swordsmanship."

Zabuza's body bent slightly, thick mist spread out from his body, and the decapitating sword in his hand was also shrouded in this mist.


At this moment, both sides seemed to have a clear understanding of each other, and they all rushed towards each other.

Chojuro rushed to the front with two swords in hand, followed closely by Kakuzu, and the other four people dispersed and began to form seals with their hands.

"Floor, liberate!"

Chojuro didn't hold anything back, and the two swords in his hands burst into blue light, and strong chakra gathered on the two swords.

The chakra balls gathered on the two swords became the most dazzling light spot on the battlefield.

But the next moment, the photoelectricity was obscured by a more dazzling light.

"Swordsmanship does not rely on the gorgeous ability of the Ninja Sword, kid."

Zabuza didn't dodge Chojuro's attack, but faced it directly.

Among the so-called Seven Ninja Swordsmen, apart from his beheading sword, which sword is the real sword?

How could such a flashy knife block the real blade!

"No sword style. Break style!"

The flash of the sword light directly cut off the chakra ball condensed on Changjuro's turtle, and the terrifying sword light flew out close to Changjuro's forehead.

Zabuza's figure instantly arrived in front of Chojuro. The sword he had swung had not yet been withdrawn, but Zabuza had no intention of withdrawing it.

He turned his body in the direction of the sword, and the sword in his hand struck again.

The surrounding wind pressure began to shrink, and Chojuro felt that his breathing had stopped, and the movements of his hands were much slower than Zabuza's.

clang! !

A chain and a kunai blocked Zabuza's attack.

Kakuzu next to him kicked Zabuza, but the sole of Zabuza's foot also appeared at Kakuzu's attack position.


With a muffled sound, both parties flew out upside down.

Kakuzu stood up again with a solemn look on his face.

Next to him, Chojuro also stood up. A blood streak appeared on his forehead. The blood flowed down his cheek and dripped onto the ice.

Ice flowers bloom on the ice.

Bai, take action.

Chapter 29 The situation is complicated

"The Secret Art of Ice Escape. Bingyan Tangwu!"

Several thick walls of ice appeared around Zabuza. From the beginning, Shiro prepared the secret technique.

But for the old Jianghu people, Bai is still too immature now.

"Fire Escape. Phoenix Crying Technique!"

"Wind Escape. Big breakthrough!"

The two ninjas had long expected this situation to happen. Ice escape blood successor limited ninja?

On the battlefield, although the Blood Succession Limit has advantages, it is just an advantage. The so-called Blood Succession Limit advantage also depends on who is using it.

At this moment, Fire Release relied on the power of Wind Release. The power of Fire Release, which was not very powerful at first, surged in an instant, directly engulfing Zabuza's position.

The surrounding air was distorted by the rapid rise in temperature, and the ice surface began to melt.


The next moment, more than ten kunai with detonating tags were stabbed near Zabuza.

It was the other two ninjas who took action.

Although it was the first time for them to cooperate with each other, the cooperation between these jonins was definitely better than that between Zabuza and Haku.

The so-called experience of jonins was gained at the cost of their lives.


The two men detonated at the same time, and a violent explosion sounded again.

The ice surface could no longer hold up at this time. The ice surface within a range of ten meters around Zabuza became fragmented in this explosion. The violent shock wave even blew Chojuro, who was not far away, back several meters.

In such a violent explosion, it was impossible for anyone to survive.

Not to mention the damage caused by the broken ice.

But at this time, Kakuzu had a solemn face.

Because in the explosion, he heard dense metal collision sounds.

The fragments formed by the ice were likely blocked by Zabuza.

And because of the melting ice, the battlefield was covered by mist. If Zabuza was fine, then all of them would be countered by Zabuza.

"Damn, these guys who are dragging us down!"

"Where are the people?"

Kakuzu was not worried about his own safety, he was concerned about his money.

Wait, money?

Kakuzu reacted the next moment.

"Lightning escape. Pseudo-darkness!"

A masked monster appeared behind Kakuzu, and a lightning spear shot out from the monster's mouth in the direction of Chojuro.

"Iron block!"

As the lightning of the lightning spear flashed, Zabuza's figure appeared in Kakuzu's sight.

His naked upper body turned pitch black, and many places on his pants were torn. Obviously, Zabuza had resisted the explosion just now.

"Are you from the Revolutionary Army? You are really strong, but I will accept the money from the Hidden Mist Village."

The black on Zabuza's body gradually faded, and even the iron block could not completely block this kind of attack.

He also had many wounds on his body.

However, seeing this scene, Kakuzu felt it was outrageous. This injury was just an ordinary scratch.

Kisame never said that Zabuza was so strong.

"I hope we can fight well next time we meet."

Zabuza raised his foot and kicked Chojuro under him to Kakuzu's side. Then, an ice wall rose and separated the two people again.

In this fog, it would be too easy for Zabuza to leave.

If he continued to entangle, the only result would be that he would be exhausted to death by this group of people.

The other four ninjas had gathered together at this time, and it was impossible to defeat them one by one.

Of course, if Zabuza wanted to run, this group of people could not stop him.

As the fog slowly dissipated, Zabuza's pirate ship disappeared from everyone's sight.

On the ship of the Hidden Mist Village, Kakuzu stood on the bow carrying Chojuro, and the ninjas also looked unwilling. The five of them, plus Chojuro, could not beat the two people on the opposite side.

"That guy didn't use ninjutsu at all. It's so strange. Can pure physical skills achieve such an effect?"

"I don't know, but if any one of us fights that guy alone, I'm afraid we will die.

Only when four of us are together can we protect ourselves."

"The dangerous thing is his swordsmanship. Fortunately, we didn't face his attack head-on."

The other people sighed.

If they weren't so many, I'm afraid they would really be in trouble.

Just look at Chojuro. They are all members of the Seven. Chojuro was hit by Zabuza's sword head-on and almost died.

After a battle, Chojuro was the most seriously injured.

On the other hand, Zabuza was surrounded and beaten by them, and was hit by Kakuzu's lightning escape. As a result, he had a few more small wounds on his body. In the end, he was fine and ran away.

Although they did win, it was very uncomfortable to win.

More importantly, Chojuro's money was gone.

"What should we do next?"

"Even one of the Seven of Kirigakure is so strong, what we have to deal with is..."

When everyone thought of this, their hearts sank.

Their mission target is the Fourth Mizukage of Kirigakure, the Three-Tails Jinchuriki.

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