At that time, the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo and his brother Otsutsuki Hamura sealed not only Kaguya, but also the Otsutsuki will in Kaguya.

In the original plot, Naruto and Sasuke finally sealed not only Kaguya, but also the Otsutsuki will in Kaguya.

And the things that the Six Paths Sage set on his two sons were actually used to seal the Otsutsuki will.

Whether Kaguya can be sealed is a question of strength, but whether the Otsutsuki will can be sealed is not a question of strength.

How to say it? In the era of the Six Paths Sage, only the Six Paths Sage set foot in the field of will and could see the Otsutsuki will on the sacred tree.

This thing is the most troublesome.

So in order to ensure that the Otsutsuki will can be sealed, Ashura and Indra have the power to seal the Otsutsuki will.

And this power is obviously not chakra.

What can chakra seal? And in order to pursue a stable seal, of course, the real power is sealed in the blood limit.

As a result, the Redvers directly turned the tables and suppressed the Ten Tails, and the will of the Otsutsuki was transferred to the Redvers.

What happened next? The Redvers was defeated by Fukuda Kiyomé, who was empowered by the will of the Ninja World and directly destroyed the Redvers.

The chain reaction brought about by that moment was that the "Golden Lion" Jigen in the New World of the West Sea was selected by the will of the Otsutsuki because of his strong strength and qualified to become the Otsutsuki Sage.

As a result, that little bit of will was directly suppressed to death by Jigen.

Of course, it was impossible to die, but in the Otsutsuki clan, those elders suffered.

Jigen was too strong.

Although this guy was a pirate with no morals, as a member of the Otsutsuki clan, he put down his bowl and started cursing, and looked down on other members of the Otsutsuki clan.

But this guy's strength is very strong, and because his brain circuit is very different from that of normal people, his ability to adapt to the new version is ridiculously high.

The wills of the elders of the Otsutsuki clan were easily suppressed.

Then, the will of the Otsutsuki clan returned to the Ten-Tails again.

It was at this time that the returning will was observed by Nagato's Samsara Eye, and Nagato didn't know what was going on at this time.

However, as he saw more and more things, he naturally knew more and more.

To put it simply, he saw the "answer" to the test paper.

The power of Ashura and Indra was used to seal this thing, but later there was news that his leader was Ashura.

And Itachi's identity was also directly confirmed.

As the son of the Six Paths Sage, it is impossible to keep a low profile, and it is impossible to keep a low profile at all.

In this case, it is easy to deal with. The power of Ashura and Indra can seal the will of the Otsutsuki clan. We can now access the will of the Otsutsuki clan and see the answer.

Although it is difficult to write the questions according to the answers, it is not that difficult.

Nagato and Itachi are not weak, and their talents in this area are absolutely top-notch.

This was before, and now, after experiencing the baptism of a new era, these two guys will only be stronger.

"It's this power!! Follow this power and fully stimulate the power in our bodies."

Nagato's eyes flashed, and his hair floated under the powerful chakra.

Itachi was the same, his eyes had entered a kaleidoscope state.

"It's too deep!"

Itachi already felt something was wrong, there was indeed another power in his body.

And it was difficult to stimulate and deal with.

The stability of this power also means that it is extremely difficult to trigger, and only the real reincarnation of Ashura and Indra can do it more easily.

But difficulty does not mean that Nagato and Itachi can't do it.

Both Nagato and Itachi have reached the level of being able to contact natural energy, and even the level of being able to practice the Sage Mode by themselves.

"Since the new era, I have almost studied these powers. This power..."

Feeling the condensed natural energy on his body, Itachi was not worried at all.

"Compared to practicing the Sage Mode on your own, these natural energies are much safer.

It's not practicing with the help of natural energy, but using these powers to trace back."

Itachi was extremely calm. The natural energy was under Itachi's control and did not merge with the chakra at all.

Itachi and Nagato's chakras were still using the will of Otsutsuki to deduce.

"We found the direction!!"

Nagato said. At this moment, the chakras of the two people began to lock the will of Otsutsuki directly, but they couldn't lock it at all.

The two powers are different, but they don't need to lock it.

And in this further contact.

"Itachi, get ready!"

"Don't worry, my control of natural energy may be better than yours."

Itachi glanced at Nagato, and the two looked at each other and nodded.

The next moment, the natural energy merged into the bodies of the two people, and the chakras of Nagato and Itachi all left the body and were deposited in the Ten-Tails.

Only a few spiritual powers connected the bodies of the two people with the Ten-Tails, and after the natural energy entered the body, the two people only felt a sharp pain.

"It's started!!"

"The life force in the natural energy began to transform the body."

Itachi gritted his teeth. His body had begun to change. This was not the reverse of chakra and ninjutsu, but the reverse of bloodline and atavism.

The flesh and blood were directly inferred. At this moment, the flesh and blood began a terrifying evolution.

The pain on their bodies disappeared, their flesh and blood reorganized, and their bodies began to twist and squirm uncontrollably.

Outside, looking at the terrifying thunderclouds in the sky, Konan, Kakuzu and others all felt threatened and had no idea what Nagato and Itachi were doing.

In fact, you can see what these two guys are doing from another angle. Writing questions based on the answers is obviously cheating.

The body ascends, the blood returns to the ancestors, and the power is stolen directly from the long river of history. It is strange that this kind of cheating method is not locked by the will of the world.

However, at this time, the huge World Will above Amegakure Village had no way to take action, because although Nagato and Itachi cheated, the World Will only observed the cheating, and there was no evidence.

Normal cheating is plagiarism, but these two people did not plagiarize. They knew the answers in advance and wrote the questions themselves.

Is this cheating? Not at all, but how could a normal person do such a thing.

Of course, the will of the world cannot find the problem.

When something like this happens, there are two people who need to come out and get beaten. One is Shanks. Without Shanks, the ninja world can still behave itself.

The other one is the Sage of Six Paths. The reason why Nagato and Itachi are able to do this is because the Sage of Six Paths has placed some restrictions in the blood succession limit.

However, of these two guys, one is in the dragon vein group in the new world, and the other has been dead for thousands of years. Now his body is still wandering in the ninja world, and he cannot be caught at all.

Shanks is like a bandit, and the will of the world cannot handle Shanks at all.

As for the Six Paths Immortal, the Six Paths Immortal is not a robber. This guy is all-powerful, more like a thief.

Whatever he does is not accepted by the will of the world, but the Immortal of Six Paths has the ability to avoid punishment.

Want to kill me? I'll just pretend to be dead, bury myself in the coffin and hide, and I'll see how you fuck me.

The Sage of Six Paths may not be that strong at the beginning, and he would not do such things that go against the world.

But after taking care of his mother and all the other immortals, the Six Paths Immortal also embarked on this path.

As for the Sage of Six Paths that Naruto and Sasuke later met in the plot, it was just a little bit of chakra? Stop it.

With just that little bit of chakra, Naruto and Sasuke could seal Kaguya. How could the real Sage of Six Paths die?

It's just that the will of the world really can't do anything to the Sage of Six Paths.

As for Shanks, there is no other way.

So at this time, everyone in Xiaonan looked at the terrifying scene in the sky, and everyone looked pale.

"Once this kind of force hits us, can we really stop it?"

Deidara stared at the sky with his eyes widened, his face already covered with cold sweat.

"Can't stop it!! Even I can't stop it, I will definitely die."

Hidan's expression was solemn, and he no longer had any pride as before. Once this power comes, all of them will die.


Deidara was startled when a lightning bolt more than ten meters thick struck down from the sky. The lightning was not normal lightning at all.

It was as if the actual power of thunder and lightning directly dug a large hole in the sea in the distance, and the entire sea surface was blue.

next moment!


Another bolt of lightning fell and hit everyone. The terrifying thunder and lightning made everyone's hair stand on end, and Deidara's hair exploded.

"Get away!!"

A voice came from behind, and at the same time, a huge orange-red Susanoo flew into the sky, and the twisted Susanoo exuded shocking power.

Susanoo holding the Yata Mirror crashed into the clouds, and the clouds in the sky sank at this moment.

Tear it apart! !

Dense lightning exploded from the thunderclouds, and the entire sky seemed to have been shattered by Weasel.

Then, a sword light tore through the thunder clouds, the orange-red sword light cut off the lightning, and the intimidating aura in the sky was directly cut off.

An even more terrifying Susanoo appeared in the sky.

I posted this in a group and someone said I look like Tony? hateful! ! I will take Shedoni directly.

In addition, Hui Feng has a really good figure, those legs! ! God, I'll lick it right away.

Cry to death! Soft, ahhhhh.

Also, I am really a man, don’t be led astray by some people in the group, I am 1.68 meters tall [Hey hey hey! 】

Chapter 217: Severe Suppression


Itachi felt the power dissipating in the sky. This power was obviously aimed at them, but it was flashy. Under his attack, the power and natural energy condensed in the sky completely dissipated.

At this time, crystalline energy blocks have appeared on the surface of the complete Susanoo. These darker crystals exude an unnatural natural energy, which makes people feel extremely weird.

"Is this the power of Indra? Sage Susanoo, the real Susanoo."

Itachi raised his palms. His body seemed to have not changed at all, but in fact, Itachi's body had taken on a new look, and terrifying power was condensed in his body.

The five senses are directly developed to the extreme.

Every cell in his body was absorbing and spitting out natural energy. Although his chakra did not fuse with the natural energy, the chakra that had increased more than ten times would fuse directly with Susanoo when he cast Susanoo.

Forming a sage Susanoo that was beyond ordinary Susanoo.

"Transfer the cost of the world's will to Susanoo, and use Susanoo to bear this cost.

Is this the power of Indra, the means that the Six Paths Sage arranged for Indra?"

Itachi said lightly.

In fact, at this moment, Itachi had surpassed the former Indra by a lot.

The Six Paths Sage did arrange a back-up for Indra, but Indra had no ability to trigger it at all.

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