Shisui spoke, his voice was clear, but it was a little trembling.

"If you're really worried, let's go over and take a look!"

Jiraiya was keenly aware of Shisui's emotions. Shanks always took on too much.

"I'm not worried, I just... feel lonely. Shanks did nothing wrong, and he didn't even have any selfish motives.

But... now we are the only ones facing the counterattack of the entire ninja world. It feels like we are really villains!"

Shisui spoke awkwardly. He just felt that Shanks shouldn't be treated like this. That guy was too lonely.

It shouldn't be like this...


Hearing Shisui's words, Jiraiya slapped Shisui on the head.

"Who are you looking down on, you guy? Don't underestimate your captain's courage.

Although even the pirates will stare at you and beat you, I believe that as long as that guy is willing to bow his head, the pirates of the whole world will unite and help him."

Jiraiya was very sure that his magical powers had inherited even Shanks' will.

Jiraiya knew how powerful that thing was. It was impossible for such a person to be alone.

As an exceptional top immortal, Jiraiya's combat power did not seem strong, and his magical powers seemed to be useless.

However, this could be superimposed. Jiraiya knew that the superimposed wills and beliefs were not as good as the last figure.

However, Jiraiya did not want to use Shanks' will... because that meant that Shanks was dead...

At this time, in the base of the immortals more than a hundred kilometers away.

Fukuda Qingmeng and Master Yuanyi suddenly opened their eyes, and the moon in the sky became brighter. The moonlight fell and enveloped Master Yuanyi.

Master Yuanyi and Fukuda Qingmeng looked at each other and smiled.

"We are the first to be treated like this by that guy."

"Red hair? What a terrible and proud aura."

The two old men flew up, and the rich immortal chakra on their bodies bloomed and flew away.

Chapter 233: Inescapable

The breath of Shanks is too different from that of ordinary people. The coverage of 100 kilometers is extremely terrifying, but this is just the breath. Normal people can't feel it at all.

Only the founder of the earthly fairyland like Master Yuanyi and the immortals like Futian Qingmeng who have broken through the limit because of the world's will can discover it.

However, when they felt this breath, they had a clear understanding of Shanks for the first time.

The two immortals flew towards Shanks at a high speed, and the looming moonlight opened a path on the sea.

And the moment Shanks was locked by the other party, he also used his observation Haki to lock the other party.

Two elderly people, one is extremely strong, and his body seems to contain powerful power, and his will and belief are also very strong. To be precise, he is the most powerful person Shanks has ever seen.

This kind of strong belief and will can be felt by Shanks from the strength of the immortal chakra on the other party.

With the same immortal chakra, Futian Qingmeng can exert a power far beyond others. This is the increase brought by belief and will.

The other immortal, wearing aristocratic clothing, looked very old. His chakra strength was not high, but the amount of immortal chakra he controlled was extremely terrifying.

"Is that so?"

"I said that with that guy's spirit, it was impossible for him to create Ashura and Indra for no reason."

The moment he saw Master Yuanyi and Futian Qingmeng, Shanks understood.

The spirit of the Six Paths Sage is not just this.

Ashura and Indra are indeed the sons of the Six Paths Sage, but the Six Paths Sage himself is also a ruthless person. Not to mention his mind... even in terms of means, he is also a figure who suppresses the times.

No, to be precise, he is an existence that has suppressed the ninja world for thousands of years.

Now after seeing Futian Qingmeng and Master Yuanyi, Shanks understands that Ashura and Indra were created to target these two guys?

It is difficult to explain something like fate.

If you really want to say it, it is born and created by heaven.

Some people are born with the blessing of God, and Master Yuanyi and Fukuda Qingmeng are like this, and it was like this in the era of the Six Paths Sage.

As for Ashura and Indra, they are just a test subject of the Six Paths Sage.

Did the Six Paths Sage really not find the abnormality of Ashura and Indra? Did he not find the existence of Black Zetsu?

If it is really the original Hokage, then it is true.

But now that we are really in this world, you tell me that a existence that has suppressed the ninja world for thousands of years cannot be discovered even by a small figure like Black Zetsu?

How is it possible?

"It's really a headache!"

"I remember that after Shippuden, there seems to be Boruto, right? Although I haven't watched Boruto, it seems that this is the direction of Boruto's development."

"The appearance of Ashura and Indra is just an experiment of the Six Paths Sage, and even Kaguya is just to see if Ashura and Indra can reach the imagined level after experiencing reincarnation.

But this trick is really different."

Shanks began to think. He hasn't watched Boruto, but if it continues to develop after Shippuden, it should be like this now.

Well, even if it's not, it's almost the same.

He, Shanks, only had a vague understanding of One Piece, but he really didn't understand Naruto at all, and he didn't dare to speculate casually.

But one thing is certain, that is, these two guys flying towards him will definitely cause big trouble to the Immortal of Six Paths.

Asura and Indra are just imitations of these two guys by the Immortal of Six Paths. Of course, the Immortal of Six Paths must also have feelings for his children.

But there are feelings, and you can't say what the Immortal of Six Paths does to your children.

Because the reincarnation system of Asura and Indra is to steal the power of fate and slowly gain the blessing of the will of the world in repeated reincarnations.

To put it simply, it is to let Asura and Indra get the halo of the protagonist. As for the first time the Sage of Six Paths saw this kind of thing, he saw it on these two people in front of him.

Among the ancient immortals thousands of years ago, there were two immortals who were born in accordance with fate and expelled Kaguya.

If this kind of destiny is born together, it can be fixed. If it can be fixed, the Six Paths Immortal can copy it.

The reincarnation system of the immortals seems to be a transaction between the immortals of the six paths and the immortals. In fact, the immortals of the six paths also use this system to practice what they see.

The real ones - Asura and Indra! !

Shanks opened his eyes, and the katana in his hand left the scabbard in an instant. A dull sword light flashed. The moment the sword light flashed, subtle lines appeared on the surrounding red sand. The red energy was squeezed out of the ground.

The moment Shanks put away his sword, the darkness was cut off, and a huge silver ball broke into two pieces and passed by Shanks.


The chopped ball hit the red rock mountain behind, and two holes were instantly melted out of the huge rock mountain. Then, dense silver-white cracks appeared on the entire rock mountain.

The next moment, it collapsed suddenly.

Rock mountains hundreds of meters high turned directly into piles of sand.

"As expected... very strong!"

Shanks smiled.

The stubble on his chin made him look a little undressy, and made his smile look a little frivolous, even...contemptuous.

The sea breeze swept big waves, lapping on the red beach. The water droplets blown up by the strong wind collided with Shanks' messy red hair.

The red water drops reflected two immortals suspended in the sky. Behind the immortals was the moonlight, but the moonlight could not get even half a step closer to the beach.


The water droplets shattered and the image on them disappeared.

"It is my honor to be praised so much by the strongest person in the world."

Master Yuan Yi still had a kind smile on his face, looking extremely kind, but the sneak attack just now was the trick he used.

"Shanks, I know you are strong. is still difficult for one person to defeat us. "

Fukuda Qingmeng exuded a ferocious aura, and the muscles on his body bulged horribly, exuding brilliance.

That long hair floated wildly in the air.

He has already entered a fighting state.

The reason why they dared to come here was because they had a certain degree of confidence that Shanks would not be able to cross the fairy kingdom on earth to kill them.

However, from the test just now, Master Yuan Yi and Fukuda Qingmeng can clearly feel that Shanks' strength is different from others.

There is no terrifying power in the move, no extra energy, and no extra movements... all together, it is completely natural, as if Shanks' swordsmanship was not meant to deal with them.

But the swordsmanship that was born to cut off this world is extremely terrifying.

But no matter how strong it is, they are not afraid.

Of course, Master Yuan Yi and Fukuda Qingmeng seem to be showing off and showing their strength. In fact, these two guys are also very strong. After all, they are the best in the world.

But if you put it another way, that is...

"Zhenren Zhang, although you have great martial arts skills, you may not be able to kill us all before your internal strength is exhausted!"

He used the cruelest tone and said very cowardly words.

But that's the real situation. In fact, there are few people in this world who dare to say such things in front of Shanks, and can actually do it.

However, Shanks is not here to show off his power.

"You two, you underestimate yourselves too much."

Shanks held the sword and looked at Master Yuan Yi and Fukuda Kiyome.

"Since you have come with the belief of killing me, then don't think of yourself so low. I... am just an ordinary person."

"As long as you are human, you will die!"

After Shanks finished speaking, a black and red thunder struck in the sky, and the entire sea suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and terrifying pressure descended at this moment.

On the sea surface within a radius of a kilometer, the original strong winds and waves disappeared at this moment, and an invisible force spread out with Shanks as the center.

The strong wind was directly suppressed, and the big waves on the sea were instantly shattered, pressing tightly on the sea. The blooms formed by the broken waves were shattered again under the tremor of thunder.

"Red Lion!"

Shanks took action, his speed was very fast, but even faster was the speed of his sword.


The fire on the scabbard appeared along with the red flames. Before the sword was completely unsheathed, the natural energy of Master Yuan Yi and Fukuda Qingmeng was suffocated.

It was as if a male lion pounced on them and bit them tightly. The natural energy on their bodies was directly shattered by one bite, and the moonlight on Master Yuanyi's body also shattered like glass.

Fortunately, the strength of the two people was also extremely terrifying. In just a moment, they had already escaped from the state just now.


Horrible swordsmanship.

I have never seen such a terrifying swordsmanship, and there is no need to even draw the sword.

But Shanks has already drawn the sword.

In the moment when Master Yuanyi and Futian Qingmeng reacted, Shanks had already appeared in front of the two people.

The samurai sword was wrapped with black and red lightning and red flowing flames.



At this moment, Shanks's move really cut out, and the terrifying power suppressed the two people.

Master Yuanyi didn't know when a black Zen stick appeared in his hand, and four seeking jades were suspended behind him. In the middle of the four black seeking jades, there was a white moon.

That was also the transformation of the seeking jade.

It means that Master Yuanyi has crossed over to another form of Armament Haki through the normal path, and it is another form that he developed himself.

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