This guy probably didn't notice the problem in the ninja world at first, but he was able to find his own way out in this situation. "

The Immortal of Six Paths exclaimed, looking at Shanks' photo on the reward list, he became more and more satisfied with it.

As for the Sage of Six Paths himself, he can only say that he himself is far inferior to Shanks in some aspects.

The reason why he left a back-up for the ninja world in the first place was because at that time, the Sage of Six Paths had truly come into contact with Otsutsuki's "Sage" level and was recognized by Otsutsuki's will.

But who is the Immortal of Six Paths? I am the strongest genius in the ninja world, who do you think you are?

So the Sage of Six Paths simply ignored the thing. He didn't dare to do anything to Otsutsuki's will, just in case it caused any trouble.

But it was at that time that the Sage of Six Paths became aware of the threat outside the ninja world, and began an arrangement that lasted thousands of years.

This is how the Immortal of Six Paths broke through again under this great "contradiction".

But Shanks is completely different.

Looking at Shanks' condition, he didn't even have chakra, let alone any threat from the Otsutsuki clan.

But in this situation where there was no external threat in sight, Shanks actually chose the most correct path.

And from the current point of view, it is not just luck that Shanks can embark on this path. Being able to go so smoothly shows that Shanks's own wisdom is also extremely powerful.

This is the way things are done...

"How on earth did this guy train? The path of the ninja world is obviously not like this at all. Did you train this guy on your own?"

The Immortal of Six Paths put the reward list into his arms, and the expression on his face was sometimes good and sometimes bad.

His understanding of the ninja world was so deep that he couldn't even figure out how Shanks practiced.

After all, let alone an ordinary person, even if the Six Paths Immortal were to come by himself, he would not be able to open up such a path.

From this point of view, Shanks is indeed very powerful, but he looks like a lunatic.

If the way Shanks entered the depths of the dragon veins felt outrageous to the Immortal of Six Paths before and he directly removed the door panel, then the Immortal of Six Paths also feels outrageous now.

What's Shanks' situation like?

I had already entered the examination room and the papers were handed out. When Shanks looked at the papers, he realized that I couldn't understand any of the questions.

Then Shanks took out another paper on the spot and started writing. As a result, after handing it in... no problem was found.

This is what Sage of Six Paths thinks is outrageous.

But when you think about it, it's not wrong. That's what Shanks did in the beginning.

Because this guy didn't realize that he had gone to the wrong examination room at the beginning, and he brought his own papers, so he directly brought the papers from the examination room next door, and then he wrote like crazy.

And when you write the answer, just say whether it is correct or not!

Is that a problem if the paper is correct? Can’t I take the papers from the science class while I’m in the liberal arts class?

No problem, the answer is correct anyway.

"And the descendant of Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru? The people in Ryūchi Cave are indeed a little careless. It only takes some time to find the door I left behind, and they can actually open it.


Seeing Orochimaru's reward list, the Sage of Six Paths shook his head again.

He could see Orochimaru's qualifications and potential at a glance.

Although there is no such thing as bloodline inheritance, in fact, top experts do not value such things at all.

The so-called strong bloodline is not at all because the bloodline itself is strong, but because... they are strong enough based on this bloodline.

The lineage theory of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan will eventually be traced back to him, the Sage of Six Paths.

But can you say that the reason why monsters like Shanks are powerful is because of his bloodline as the Sage of Six Paths? Not at all.

For ordinary strong men, bloodline is indeed an advantage, but for world-class strongmen, bloodline is of little use.

There are so many people in the Otsutsuki clan, how many of them are like the Sage of Six Paths?

The Sage of Six Paths has been in this line for thousands of years. How many people like Shanks are there?

So Orochimaru can really enter the eyes of the Sage of Six Paths.

"It's a pity that I was led astray by Shank Si.

They had already found the door, but they just tore it down. "

The Immortal of Six Paths shook his head, Shanks was really causing a lot of harm.

Anyway, since waking up, the Immortal of Six Paths has been full of curiosity about this world.

Of course, what is outside now is just a clone of the Six Paths Immortal, and the real body is still hidden deep in the world.

After all, in the current violent situation of the world's will, he, the Sage of Six Paths, would be beaten when he came out. What's more, after seeing the existence of Shanks, the Sage of Six Paths had to sort out some of his previous arrangements.

Otherwise, with Shanks' approach, many things built before may collapse.

At night, the Sage of Six Paths, who was still reading the newspaper of the ninja world, raised his head and looked at the sea.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the sea. In the direction of his finger, the waves calmed down. A wave of magical chakra covered the sea water. Under the influence of the chakra, a "corpse" followed the waves and came to the Sage of Six Paths.

The sea water receded, and the Immortal of Six Paths looked at the person in front of him, still half breathing.

"Huh? The breath of Asura and Indra? Why does it feel... a bit strange."

Injecting the remaining magic chakra into the opponent's body, the Six Paths Sage continued to read the newspaper under the lamp.

Well... this "lamp" is actually made by rubbing chakra.

At the level of the Six Paths Sage, chakra is already infinite. It seems that he uses a lot of chakra, but in fact it is all stolen from the world.

And here is only one of the Six Paths Sage's clones.

Of course, the Six Paths Sage also kept a bottom line in his heart about the matter of Ashura and Indra.

He can't say that he cares about it, but he also wants to see what's going on.

As for the ninjutsu of the ninja world today, the Six Paths Sage is also curious.

Many ninjutsu in the ninja world were also studied by the Six Paths Sage through fairy arts.

The most obvious one is the clone technique, which is really completely separated from the fairy arts.

Sages often use the clone technique to study things. A person can think about many things at the same time, and the same is true for cultivation.

Of course, the practice of the clone technique is actually to increase the accumulation speed, and there is no way to increase the upper limit.

From this point of view, Naruto uses the clone technique to practice. In fact, it is said that he is practicing ninjutsu, not to mention that Naruto is actually cultivating immortals.

He walked the path of a ninja and used the orthodox path of cultivating immortals.

Anyway, this technique would not be problematic even if it was used in orthodox cultivation texts. It was a true incarnation.

Moreover, the clone of the Six Paths Sage did not have any realm problems. It was just that the clone was more fragile than the original body and could withstand less force.

You said there was a realm gap, but there really wasn't. It was just that the strength of the force that could be exerted was different.

"Unfortunately, no one in the Ninja Sect has been able to walk out of that path so far.

It seems that the restrictions imposed by the Ninja Clan on the Ninja Sect are indeed very large."

After looking around, the Six Paths Sage did not find anything about the Ninja Sect.

However, there was no way. When he made the arrangement, he also thought that the most important thing to maintain this kind of inheritance in the Ninja World was blood and bloodline.

Not to mention ninjas, even the immortals were the same.

The stability of this thing is so strong, but too strong stability is not necessarily a good thing.

The establishment of the Ninja Sect itself was based on "bonds", or in today's words, will response.

Then through this method, more forces were gathered together to form a more powerful force, or even to establish an environment in the form of a "small world".

However, the solid heritage of the ninja clan has directly set a trap for this "will response", which is very difficult to achieve.

"But... in this regard, Shanks should have done it.

It's a pity that just the will response is not enough, but this guy is already strong enough. If he can go beyond the extreme route of the ninja clan, I won't have to live."

The Six Paths Sage said to himself again, Shanks's will is outrageous.

And the most outrageous thing is that Shanks's terrifying will can actually be responded to.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing will never happen, because the gap between the two sides is too big.

However, for abnormal people, the Six Paths Sage chose to understand. It looks abnormal, but if it is Shanks, it is normal.

It's a pity that Shanks no longer has the ability to use chakra. This guy not only opened up a new way out in the ninja world, but also directly cut off his own way back.

At present, the ninja devil fruit ability users in the ninja world still have "chakra" in their bodies, but they can't use it.

Because no one can condense chakra 100% and feed their own chakra back into the body.

Only ruthless people like Shanks who can directly give the world will a hole can do it.

What? You don’t allow me to do this? I did something wrong? Impossible, according to the logic of One Piece, I did nothing wrong.

Then it must not be me who is wrong!

As a result, after giving the world will that hole, Shanks also gave his own chakra.

But now Shanks can also walk on water.

The outrageous part of his Conqueror's Haki is here, which can cause physical damage.

Under that Conqueror's Haki, Shanks can directly squeeze the sea water into a more solid solid, and theoretically can also directly turn water into ice.

But Shanks didn't do it because it was too difficult.

This is also why Shanks is still suspected of eating the devil fruit. The immortals are too sensitive to chakra. Shanks has no chakra, which is not normal.

After all, he is a member of the Uzumaki clan. He was born with chakra. How could you not have it? Even if it is chakra reabsorption, it is impossible to achieve this degree.

The result is that a group of normal people met a psychopath, and the current Six Paths Sage is the same.

If these people knew the truth, they would probably collapse to some extent.

Fortunately, Shanks himself has a sense of dignity, and he will never say such things in his life.


The night passed slowly, and the Six Paths Sage looked at the rising sun and put away the things in his hands.

And the person next to the Six Paths Sage had recovered at this time.

This person was Santai Hijikata, who fell into the sea after being beaten half to death by Itachi and finally drifted here.

If he hadn't met the Six Paths Sage, he would have died without a doubt. No one except the Six Paths Sage and the Slug Sage could save him.

I don't know whether I should say that Santai Hijikata is lucky or unlucky. In the past few months, he was either beaten or healed. Before he recovered from his injuries, he was beaten half to death again...

However, as the life breath in his body gradually stabilized, Santai Hijikata also opened his eyes at this moment.

He stretched out his hands, and the almost broken arms had recovered.

"you're awake?"

Hearing the sound, Santai Hijikata moved his palm over, revealing a face.

The moment he saw the Sage of Six Paths.

Santai Hijikata closed his eyes silently, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

It's over. It seems that he is really dead. I am so unwilling...

Chapter 237 Chaos

After all, Santai Hijikata is also an orthodox sage, and he is very familiar with the sage of six paths.

As a result, when he opens his eyes now, the Immortal of Six Paths is right in front of him. Who wouldn't be confused?


" it true?"

Santai Hijikata stared at the old man in front of him. The appearance of the Six Paths Sage was completely different from that of ordinary people. The difference was too obvious.

To put it bluntly, the Otsutsuki clan looks different from the people in the ninja world, so the appearance of the Sage of Six Paths is also reasonable.

"It's fake, it's just a clone of me."

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