That person is Uzumaki Shanks?

Naruto's mood at this moment was extremely complicated, as if something in his heart was broken, and a ray of light seemed to appear in his originally dark heart.

In his memory, from the time he was born until now, he has always been alone, hated by the whole village.

Every time he stood alone outside the crowd, watching the children leave one by one and being taken back by their families, and he was always the last one to leave.

He obviously did nothing, but everyone blamed all the mistakes on him.

He wanted to be recognized by everyone, because the feeling of being hated by others was really uncomfortable.

That's why he wanted to become a Hokage so much. If he became a Hokage, even if he died, he would be recognized, accepted, and respected by everyone!

There was only darkness and loneliness left in Naruto's heart, and that's why he was so eager to be recognized.

And at this moment, a ray of light appeared in the darkness of Naruto's heart.

"Uzumaki Shanks... the youngest of the Four Emperors, the founder of the new world."

"Is he also called Uzumaki?"

Naruto came back to his senses, and it was almost dark.

He had been alone under the tree for a whole day, and Naruto's mind was in a mess. Now he only thought of one thing.

He wanted to confirm one thing.

Naruto left in a hurry.

After a while, he found Sakura.

"Sakura, do you know the Four Emperors?"

"What are the Four Emperors? What's wrong with you, Naruto?"

Sakura also saw that Naruto's state was not right, and it seemed that he had encountered something very happy.

"It's... Uzumaki Shanks."

"Uzumaki Shanks? I don't know."

"Sasuke... Sasuke should know."

Naruto immediately thought of Sasuke, who should still be training at this time. Sure enough, Naruto found Sasuke in a short while.

Sasuke saw Naruto and Sakura following behind Naruto, and didn't understand what happened.

"Uzumaki Shanks? The Four Emperors.

This kind of thing couldn't be made up by Naruto himself?"

Sasuke and Sakura looked at each other and felt that it was very likely.

"Naruto, Kakashi-sensei should know.

It's evening now, Kakashi-sensei will come over in a while, just ask him directly."

Sakura said, they also have a mission today.

But after the mission was completed, Kakashi did not come to announce the end, and he would take a long time to come.

Sure enough, at the moment when the sun went down, Kakashi appeared with sleepy eyes.

When Naruto saw Kakashi, it seemed as if he saw hope.

"Kakashi-sensei, have you heard of... the name Uzumaki Shanks?"


Kakashi replied casually, and he stopped before he finished speaking.

The sleepy eyes were instantly awakened, Uzumaki?

How could these two words appear here?

Seeing Kakashi's reaction, Sasuke and Sakura also understood, this name, is it really not made up by Naruto?

Kakashi came back to his senses.

"I haven't heard of it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he sensed three malicious eyes. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura stared at Kakashi, looking like they were going to fight Kakashi to death.

"Okay, Naruto, tell me what happened."

Now, Kakashi had no choice.

Chapter 32 The first mission, the Land of Waves!

Although Kakashi didn't know what happened, it was not ruled out that someone secretly revealed something.

Kakashi only played a trick on Naruto and the other two during the "interrogation", but the three of them also learned one thing from Kakashi, that Naruto's last name was indeed Uzumaki.

After knowing this, both Sasuke and Sakura were more or less happy for Naruto in their hearts.

But in order to find out the cause of the incident, they still had to go to the Land of Waves.

A few days later, Kakashi, who was well prepared, led the team and left Konoha.

"Hiruzen, let Kakashi take Naruto out?"

"What else? Naruto is already a Genin of Konoha. You know, Genin was already on the battlefield before."

The Third Hokage answered Danzo's question very straightforwardly. Danzo naturally wanted to keep Naruto under control, but in the eyes of the Third Hokage, this was a bit too cruel.

"But Naruto's identity is different. He is Konoha's Jinchūriki."

"Well, then he has to go out and gain some experience."

The Third Hokage nodded and said seriously.

Danzo had no choice but to pick up the information of this mission again.

A C-level mission that looks very ordinary.

But it's just a look. In fact, a discerning person can see the problem at a glance. This is not a simple escort and protection mission, but a battle.


Of course, fighting is dangerous, but after Danzo saw that the enemy above is a pirate from the Land of Waves, he no longer has any worries.

He then reacted and said that when it comes to worrying about Naruto, the Third Hokage must be more worried about Naruto than himself.

I want to control Naruto, while the third generation wants the whole Konoha. Although the starting points are different, there is one thing in common.

That is to ensure that Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki "Naruto" will not be in danger.

"Just a few pirates, even ordinary Genin can deal with them, not to mention Kakashi is leading the team.

Don't worry!"

The third generation Hokage said slowly.

Danzo was no longer entangled. The Third Hokage would not really let these things go.

And he also had things to do. The time for the next Sharingan transplant surgery arranged by Orochimaru was approaching, and he had to get another sum of money.

"Sarutobi, the funds for the Anbu should be paid."


Hearing this, the Third Hokage's health began to deteriorate again.


At the same time, Naruto and his group on the other side had already set off.

Dazna saw Naruto again, and the smile on his face disappeared.

I never thought that a group of little guys would come out to take this task. Could it be that the money I gave was too little, and other ninjas didn't look down on it?

Fortunately, the "teacher" of these little guys looked pretty strong.

"Mr. Dazna, tell us more about the situation in the Land of Waves on the way.

As a ninja, some information that should be known should still be known."

Kakashi also wanted to hear about the so-called "new world".

However, facing Kakashi, Dazna didn't talk nonsense like he did to Naruto.

Instead, he told the real situation of Wave Country.

Wave Country has always been under the control of Cardo, including the period after Cardo became a pirate.

It can even be said that after Cardo became a pirate, his control over Wave Country has deepened.

Not only did he control all the ships of Wave Country, but he also forced the technical staff to work in the dock.

As for why Dazna was not caught? Because he is not a shipbuilder, he is just a bridge builder.

So Dazna and his group are still active and can move freely in Wave Country.

Cardo does not have so much time to guard against them, and in Cardo's view, the civilians of Wave Country are not of much value.

Not to mention now, the pirates of the Bladeless Pirates now regard themselves as uncles and look down on ordinary people in Wave Country.

This is mainly due to Cardo. Cardo is an expert in observing words and expressions. Since he has surrendered to Zabuza, he must start from Zabuza's Kakuzu.

Therefore, there is one more rule in the Bladeless Pirates' system - they cannot attack civilians who have no ability to resist, and they cannot rob civilians of any property or items.

Others did not understand this rule before, but since Zabuza led them to rob the ship of the Hidden Mist Village, the members of the Bladeless Pirates all understood it.

What is the level of their boss? If they want to rob, they will rob the ship of a big shot, and if they want to fight, they will fight with a big shot.

Civilians? What level are those unruly people? Are they worthy of standing with the Bladeless Pirates?

In short, the Bladeless Pirates saw that their captain was so awesome, and they thought they could do it themselves.

People like them are the real strong ones.

"In other words, the captain and vice-captain of the Bladeless Pirates are likely not to intervene in this matter."

Kakashi understood.

Because Dazna's level was too low, the other party did not seem to intend to take action.

"In this way, the mission becomes much easier."

"Teacher Kakashi, how can we find out about Naruto if this is the case?"

Sakura was a little anxious. If the other captain did not show up, they would not know the Four Emperors who were related to Naruto.


"Collecting intelligence is also one of the compulsory courses for ninjas. This mission cannot be completed in a short time. You can just collect intelligence in the Land of Waves."

Kakashi scratched his head and gave his students the task.

From Dazna's point of view, the "captain" did not think of hiding the news about Shanks. Even ordinary pirates know that it should be possible to find out by just asking around.

Of course, Kakashi himself will also collect the corresponding information.

Along the way, the group did not encounter any obstacles, and even the ninjas who appeared in the original plot did not kill them halfway.

After arriving at the Land of Waves, Dazna also began to gather people and prepare to repair the bridge.

The next day, Kakashi escorted the construction team to the bridge alone. He didn't see those little devils, and Dazna was relieved.

"Master Ninja, did your three students go to gather intelligence?"

Dazna asked. Although the captain would not take action, Cardo and Cardo's men were not easy to mess with.


Kakashi nodded.

"Master, you should tell them to be careful. Although those pirates should not take action against children, two days ago, two ninjas pretended to be the clansmen of the Four Emperors Shanks and said that their surname was also Uzumaki."

"As a result, they are still hanging on the dock now."

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