A businessman also spoke with a pained face, mainly because his supplies were gone.

Of course, if the supplies were gone, they were gone. The next question was how to recover the loss.

As for how many people died? Sorry, no one really cares about this. Those who can survive in this place, including the navy, are not good people.

Do you really think that the World Government has a conscience? There is no conscience, but there is ambition.

Colonel Xiuhe is such a conscienceless navy, but the fact that he can be stationed here shows that he has ambitions and means.

"The White Zetsu incident has nothing to do with our navy. Our navy is a righteous navy responsible to the people. The White Zetsu is the World Government, and it was created by the immortals."

"Moreover, our navy has also suffered losses, and these losses must be reported to the World Government."

Colonel Xiuhe spread his hands and ignored the matter.

Let alone him, even if Cardo was here, Cardo would not care.

For such things, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck. Who will care about after-sales service? His navy has directly traded with pirates, and there is still a conscience?

"Besides, what we need to solve most right now is how to protect Cardo's safety."

"Colonel Xiuhe is right. Cardo is in the hands of the White Zetsu. If we make any move, Cardo is likely to die.

In short, in order to maintain the stability of the Wave Country and avoid affecting the underground economy of several surrounding major countries, Cardo cannot die."

A businessman also spoke up. This is the most important point. Cardo cannot die.

However, they really don't want to miss such a good opportunity.

"Shuichiro, don't tell us this. Cardo cannot die.

But now it seems that the White Zetsu are just threatening us with Cardo's life. Those guys are smart and want to go out. This is an opportunity for all of us."

"After all, the interests of several maritime markets centered on the Wave Country are not small.

And this place is not under the jurisdiction of the World Government. At least, before that man is defeated, the World Government will not take action against the Wave Country."

Everyone thought of one thing at the same time. Under the huge interests of the Wave Country, they had to expose their ambitions.

Cardo can't die, but... Cardo can't come back either. At least, before they get enough benefits, Cardo had better not come back.

"But, we can't save Cardo, at least we have to do a good job on the surface.

And after Cardo leaves, you merchants must ensure that the Wave Country can run stably."

A bounty hunter said that Cardo's existence is to maintain the stability of the Wave Country.

Merchants must ensure that they really do this, otherwise all other things are out of the question.

"It's not Cardo who really maintains the stability of the Wave Country.

All we need to do is not betray the will of that man. Under this big framework, maintaining the stability of the Wave Country is not a problem. We have many merchants like Cardo."

Shuichiro folded his arms, extremely confident.

Cardo is not good at business among their merchants. Of course, he is not bad, but what is even better is this guy's luck... Well, it may also be blood. No one can say for sure whether Cardo is from the Uzumaki clan.

Behind Shuichiro, other merchants are also extremely confident. They are really no worse than Cardo.

"However, you have to make sure that Kado goes far enough. We need time."

Shuichiro continued to add that Kado didn't go far enough, and they really didn't have that much time to re-plan their interests.

"In this regard, our navy can sacrifice a little and let those white Zetsu occupy our warships, so that they can leave the East China Sea safely."


Colonel Xiuhe tapped his finger lightly on the table. After paying these prices, he naturally wanted more things.

"I need the right to operate another offshore market."

Xiuhe said, and his request was within everyone's acceptable range.

After being in this place for a long time, everyone knows each other well.

Including Kado, Kado knows this group of people well.

If the white Zetsu really wants his life, the group of people will be able to break through the heavy siege of the white Zetsu tonight to save him.

But now...

If we want to blame someone, we can only blame the White Zetsu for being smart enough. If they were really like the White Zetsu of Crescent Moon Island, the uprising in Wave Country would have been suppressed long ago.

"That group of guys hasn't come yet. It seems that it's really over. There is no riot..."

At this time, Cardo's heart was cold.

As long as he was in the territory of Wave Country, all his requests for help were useless. If he really ran away, he might be sent back by the other party.

On the other hand, in the Fire Country not far from Wave Country, a small puddle reflected the scene of the discussion just now, and it was heard by two people without missing a word.

"It's really amazing, this place..."

"Merchants, pirates, and navy can actually sit together so calmly."

The Six Paths Sage said with some emotion. This scene made him quite relieved.

Especially those merchants, who obviously had no strength, were able to sit up straight in front of those people and communicate with them on an equal footing.

This scene was indeed a little different from other places.

"After all, this is Shanks' sphere of influence. Although it is Cardo's country on the surface, everyone tacitly abides by the agreement here and no fighting will occur in this place."

"Shanks's prestige... is very high. He is a man that even us immortals need to treat with caution."

Santai Hijikata said that he was not a sage from the World Government and had no psychological barriers to the navy's actions.

"Shanks, it's really different."

The Immortal of Six Paths nodded.

The reason why I came here in the first place was because of Shanks. Shanks appeared for the first time and was closely related to the Kingdom of Waves.

Although he didn't find much here, the Sage of Six Paths saw the respect that people in the ninja world have for Shanks.

Although that guy appears to be an extremely reckless person, that is just an appearance.

Shanks said there are four Yonko, so people chase that position.

If there is only one position for Shanks, then people will definitely defend Shanks to that only position. This is Shanks's prestige.

"But Bai Zetsu's riot may have a big impact on the world government. Now they don't have the energy to solve this matter."

Santai Hijikata is a little worried. Although he is not from the World Government, he is still worried.

"Keep reading, don't underestimate the power of ordinary people, junior."

The Immortal of Six Paths laughed and said.

It is normal for immortals to be arrogant, but the Six Paths Immortal is different. He does not have that kind of arrogance.

Because there is no difference between ordinary immortals and common people in the ninja world to him.

It was precisely because he stood high enough that he could see the limitations that ordinary people had on Bai Jue.

Bai Jue's uprising will definitely inspire the power of ordinary people again.

It's just that the scale of this kind of all-out war is somewhat outrageous.

But considering it was that reckless guy, it was reasonable.

Under the comments of Rokudo Sage and Santai Hijikata, as the sun appeared on the sea, the navy's warships started to move.

Colonel Xiuhe stood on the warship with a majestic look on his face.

The marines behind him were dressed so formally for the first time, and the gangsterism on their bodies had disappeared, as if they were really here to uphold justice.


The White Zetsu also reacted, and each White Zetsu woke up from their sleep.

The dew rolled down from their white skin, fell to the ground and exploded. The morning sun reflected in the dew was exploded, and there was a blush on the white skin.

The warm sun of the morning appeared with the navy.

"I'm sorry, Cardo!!"

"As a navy, I must uphold justice. If you die, I will bury you properly."

Colonel Xiuhe had a cold face and roared righteously.

It looked like Kado was going to die for his country.

"All troops, attack!!"

With Colonel Xiuhe's final order, Cardo's heart went cold.

Your fucking frontal attack. Do you really want to attack the country of Waves with a frontal defense?



The roar of cannons rang out on the sea, and the worry on Bai Jue's face, who was in charge of the defense, disappeared instantly.

Only the navy attacks, which is a good thing.

If the opponent really doesn't care about Cardo's life and death and everyone attacks, then all of them will die here.

Fortunately, Cardo still has some uses.

"Deal with the navy!! Prepare to evacuate the country of waves."

Various cannonballs were thrown randomly on the sea. In addition to ordinary cannonballs, there were also traces of chakra cannons that flashed from time to time.

The scene can be said to be extremely intense.

However, under the smoke, hundreds of strong men suddenly appeared on the navy's warships, knocking away all the cannonballs that hit the navy's warships.

There are many powerful people in the Country of Waves, and the forces in this place are complex, but at this moment, everyone is united.

Just to play this scene.

Did they save anyone? Save, I tried my best for Cardo, but I just don’t have the strength.

However, Bai Jue's side has not realized that something is wrong at this time. They are smart enough, but not as smart as these old bastards.

What does it mean to be like a raccoon dog? There is not much difference between the people here and Cardo.

Until this fierce battle lasted for half an hour, the navy's warships almost rushed to the shore, but the defense of the country of waves was too outrageous.

Almost all the navy were repulsed, leaving only the warships.

The warships were also in tatters, but what was a bit outrageous was that, on the whole, all the warships were not so damaged that they could not sail.


"Retreat quickly and wait for reinforcements!!"

Xiuhe looked confused, as if he could not accept such a failure, and spoke angrily.

This scene made Cardo, who knew the truth, jump out.

"This is their conspiracy, don't fall for it... they just want you to run away!!"

Seeing Kado's appearance, the Bai Jue were stunned for a moment.

"But...we were meant to run."

"Yes, and now that we have navy warships, it will be more convenient for us."

"Except for the Navy, no one else is willing to take action."

Kado's heart dropped when he heard the words of the White Zetsus.

It's over, it's all over, these guys.

Shameless, extremely shameless! !

Even the Sage of Six Paths and Hijikata Santai who saw this scene on the other side couldn't stand it anymore. Can anyone really be so shameless?

It completely broke through the lower limit of their cognition, looking at Cardo's miserable appearance...

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