After Longshe responded, he left directly.

At this time, Cardo had become a strong wind in the ninja world, blowing wherever he went, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

The Golden Lion became the second emperor, and many pirates appeared in the ninja world. The first person these newcomers noticed was Cardo, a big man.

And what about Cardo? Cardo was still shivering on the snowfield at this time. He really didn't know why his bounty was rising.

Obviously he did nothing, but the navy chasing him became more and more. Now Cardo was so afraid of death that he had to walk across the snowfield of the Snow Country.

And the White Zetsu around Cardo had been frozen at this time.

"Boss Cardo, let's stop and rest. Our bodies can't stand it."

Hearing the complaints of the White Zetsu behind him, the fat Cardo sat down with a look of despair and took out a newspaper.

"The Great Wave Country Pirates..."

"Members... 37,000 people..."

"Vice Captain, Hidekazu, former Navy Colonel... Adachi Arashi, Great Wave Country Pirates..."

Cado looked at the group of people above. Aren't these people the ones who are chasing him?

But thinking of the moral integrity of these people, they really would do this, putting all the charges on him, and Cardo could only helplessly cry out for injustice.

However, while shouting, Cardo suddenly found that a girl slowly walked out of the wind and snow in the distance.

Cardo's eyes stagnated. He knew this woman. He had seen her at the World Government Conference.

"The Lord of the Demon Country, the Witch Shion?"

Chapter 263 What Minotaur Plot

It was not unexpected that Shion appeared in this place.

As the Lord of the Demon Country, Shion was not a real noble, but a witch.

But no matter what, she also had the identity of a Lord, so she could also participate in the World Government Conference at that time.

It's just that the Demon Country is too poor and there is no way to pay protection fees. In addition, Shion herself doesn't want the Demon Country to be involved in such a big event.

Therefore, in the original World Government Conference, the Demon Country did not join the World Government.

However, Shion never expected that the Demon Country would be targeted by the World Government soon.

If it was Shion in the original plot, she might not understand what would happen, but under the background of this era, even a naive person like Shion has grown greatly.

The appearance of Shanks has caused chaos of varying sizes all over the world. Even in a remote place like the Demon Country, there are many bandits and pirates.

In order to quell the unrest, Shion has also changed from a "mascot" at the beginning to a mascot with a little combat power and a little brain.

Of course, there is still a big gap between mascots.

For example, "Kado", which is also a mascot, is the kind that is often hung on the mast, so that this guy's body is so strong that he can only walk through the snowfield of the Snow Country.

White Zetsu, a creature that looks like a human but is not exactly the same, can't stand it, but Cardo is still like a normal person.

As for Shion, even with the witch's power protecting her, her body was frozen into a state of suspended animation, and only the witch's power kept her body running stiffly.

At this time, with the voice of Cardo, Shion's power burst out, instantly pulling her back from the state of suspended animation.

"Mr. Cardo!"

A breath of cold air came out of Shion's mouth. She really didn't understand how this fat man in front of her could be so lively in such an environment.

But finally met each other, so it seems that the "future" she saw is very likely to be true.

"Please, you must help the Ghost Country."


Hearing Shion's words, the Cardo people were dumbfounded.

Don't I know what my Cardo is capable of? I'm still going to help?

And I'm being held hostage by this group of white Zetsu now.

Although after this period of experience, the white Zetsu no longer have any malice towards Cardo, but this does not mean that Cardo is really their boss.

In general, this group of white Zetsu from the Wave Country does not have much integrity, and there is no such hatred for Cardo.

But they would never help Wataru and do something thankless.

"I refuse."

Cardo spoke directly. Hearing Cardo's words, the other White Zetsu all breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, people from the same place have full self-protection ability.

"Lord Cardo, but..."

"No buts, Wave Country and Demon Country are not allies, and I am not the ruler of Wave Country now.

I will not interfere in the affairs of other countries."

"That's right, you should go back quickly. If there is anything, it is better to go to the World Government or the Navy than to us."

The White Zetsu next to Cardo also spoke up. They didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"It is the World Government that took action. It is the World Government that is preparing to take action against the Demon Country!"

Shion said loudly.

"As you are against the World Government, shouldn't you be the enemy of the World Government? Shouldn't you take action at this time?"

Shion looked at Cardo in front of him. Cardo has been wanted by the World Government. Since he has come to the opposite side of the World Government, aren't they friends?

However, after hearing what Shion said, Cardo and the other White Zetsu looked at Shion as if he was an idiot.

With this IQ, even the Bai Jue people can't stand it.

However, the World Government actually took action, and Cardo was still very interested in the reason.

"Why would the World Government take action against the Kingdom of Ghosts?"

Cardo asked curiously, of course, asking is asking, and it is impossible to help him.

But Ziyuan was obviously not clear about the moral bottom line of this group of people. When Cardo asked, Ziyuan told all the futures she had foreseen.

In fact, the World Government has not yet launched an action against the Kingdom of Ghosts at this time, but as a witch, Shion has the ability to predict things.

In the future she foresaw, she saw the scene of the World Government invading the Kingdom of Demons, and also saw the reasons why the World Government invaded the Kingdom of Demons.

The World Government will unlock the demon's seal and then take back all the demon's power, but the power of the demon is not only the demon itself, but also the power of the witch.

And through the scenes he saw, Shion also understood that the World Government was not to completely eliminate the "monsters". In the process of eliminating the "monsters", it would also solve the non-franchised country of the Demon Country.

The impact of "destroying the country" was very powerful for the little girl Ziyuan. She saw an extremely terrifying future, more terrifying than ever.

But for the size of the world government, they really look down on a small ghost country.

Rights, that's it.

In the past, how could the Five Shadows have such courage? Let alone destroying the country, even wars between villages need to be carefully considered.

Nowadays, if the country is destroyed, the country will be destroyed, and it doesn't matter at all. In the eyes of the five shadows, the so-called country is just like this.

Because the current "Five Shadows" are called "Five Old Stars", the level of power is completely different.

When Cardo heard the news, he was not surprised at all. Then, he looked at Ziyuan even more like an idiot.

The same goes for other White Zetsus.

Your country of ghosts has such a powerful power, but you don’t use it, and why do you seal it away?

"Spirit, do you really have the power to destroy the world?"


Hearing Kado's words, Ziyuan was stunned. I have said so much, and you just ask this?

"Sprites are ancient monsters. They are very scary. They are said to have the power to destroy the world."

"Then can he beat Shanks?"

Cardo asked a very real question, don't talk about destroying the world, just talk about whether you can beat Shanks.

However, this time, Ziyuan was sure. She shook her head. Even if she had no brains, she could understand how that kind of sealed monster could be the opponent of the founder of the new era.

"So, your prediction ability may not be correct, so don't worry."

Kaduo patted his belly and ignored it.

Anyway, you can find any reason, but this information needs to be disclosed to Shanks when the time comes.

"But, I not only saw that, I also saw that in this war, Naruto was defeated by Lord Cardo and fell in front of Lord Cardo."

Ziyuan said hesitantly, she didn't lie, she did see this scene.

And whether the Kingdom of Ghosts can withstand this war, the key figure she can think of is Kado.

Cardo's identity is here, and besides his identity, the power Cardo controls is also powerful enough.

As long as Kado joins the Kingdom of Ghosts, more pirates will enter the Kingdom of Ghosts.

There are no Four Emperors in the Ninja World, but there is Cardo, a subordinate of the Four Emperors, in the Ninja World. After the pirates know about Cardo's movements and what is hidden in the Kingdom of Demons, they will definitely flock to the Kingdom of Demons.

Ziyuan knew that her brain was not good enough and her strength was not enough, but it was precisely because of her self-awareness that she asked Kado like this.

And who is Kado? He is afraid of death.


"You said, Naruto will appear in the Kingdom of Ghosts?"

At this moment, veins appeared on Cardo's face, and his eyes became red behind his sunglasses.

Naruto! !

Naruto! ! !

Even if Zabuza was just collecting protection money from him back then, the Country of Waves was still his Kado territory.

But even so, Kado can fight Zabuza desperately.

But now, Naruto has become the leader of the Kingdom of Waves, and the entire world government is helping Naruto.

The country of Waves, which he had finally managed, fell into Naruto's hands because of this accident.

After working so hard for so many years, it’s all just for nothing? ?

"You said...Naruto will come too?"


"Okay, then kid..."

At this moment, Cardo was really angry and laughed. The cold air around Cardo's body disappeared directly because of Cardo's anger, and a layer of frost appeared on Cardo's body.

The anger completely shattered Cardo's fear of death. As the fear of death disappeared, the wisdom and ambition under greed completely burst out.

Cardo is not a fool, never has been.

This guy's mind was definitely smart at some point. When he faced Zabuza for the first time, he directly spent a lot of money to buy a large number of weapons from the underground black market.

Prepare to fight Zabu to the death.

Do you want to take action against our Country of Waves? Then ask me about Cardo first.

This is not the inheritance of just one person, this is the inheritance of several generations of our family.

It is true that I, Kaduo, am afraid of death, but whoever takes action against the Country of Waves, I will drag him to death with him.

Of course, this state is just a loss of reason after being angry. If you really beat Cardo, Cardo will definitely be a coward.

But it is obvious that Naruto is not qualified yet.

For Cardo, he worked so hard for the Land of Waves, but the yellow-haired man who came from nowhere took the Land of Waves away.

Cardo not only felt that he had lost his most precious property, but also felt that he was being tagged. The more he looked at Naruto, the more unhappy he became.

The other White Zetsu were all dumbfounded after seeing this scene.

"It's over!!"

Coming from the Land of Waves, how could they not know.

Even if the group of people deliberately let Cardo out, no one wanted to occupy the Land of Waves. At most, they would redistribute the maritime market.

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