Orochimaru didn't know Yuanyi's plan, but he keenly saw the kind of thing in Yuanyi.

Since it's a sacrifice? Then offering it to him, Orochimaru, is the same.

It seems that what Orochimaru did was to kill Yuanyi, but in fact, what Orochimaru really did was to kill the earthly fairy kingdom directly.

If it was the earthly fairy kingdom in the past, it would be easy to say. At that time, Yuanyi was not ready to combine will and reality, and he didn't even know how to do it.

It was only after the battle with Shanks that Yuanyi saw his future, a future without any hope.

Under the will of death, he touched the original will of the ninja world, but his strength was not enough. He could only sacrifice himself to draw out that original will, and then gather everyone to fix the true core of the earthly fairy kingdom and wait for the day when the fairy kingdom was broken.

Anyway, that thing was something that the Six Paths Sage didn't dare to touch, and it was also the true core of the will of the World Government.

Something that can press the will of the new era to the new world and open up a new world inside the ninja world.

What Orochimaru has to do is actually as simple as killing people, but the consequence of killing Yuanyi is that the original will may not be able to come to the world.

But this thing has actually begun to appear. When the World Government announced the establishment of the Holy Land, the will and beliefs of the world's nobles were extremely unified, and the original thing was brought out.

This process can no longer be stopped, even if Yuanyi wants to stop, it can't be stopped.

As for why Orochimaru feels that killing Yuanyi will allow the world to recognize him as one of the Four Emperors?

That's because what Orochimaru has to face is no weaker than what the Golden Lion has to face. If Yuanyi dies, who will the original will trouble?

But how to say it? In any case, Orochimaru has indeed found the right way, and he is the only one who is qualified at present.

It's just that Orochimaru doesn't know what he has to face.

"Wait for the opportunity. When the World Government takes action again, it's time for us to go out."

Chapter 266 Weak, helpless and pitiful

The opportunity Orochimaru wanted did not make him wait too long. Obito soon found Orochimaru.

In order to find Orochimaru, Obito crossed most of the ninja world. Fortunately, he could transfer space, so he could get to the South China Sea so quickly.

Orochimaru was also somewhat unexpected about Obito's arrival. From Nagato, Orochimaru already knew some of the identities of Obito and Black Zetsu. They were both world resistance forces, but Obito and Black Zetsu were real terrorists.

But Obito and Black Zetsu never thought that Orochimaru was a good person. Currently, there are only three people who are identified by the World Government as having the tendency to destroy the world: Orochimaru, Dark and Shanks.

Compared with these three people, it is really hard to say who is the terrorist who is taking revenge on the world.

But one thing can be confirmed, that is, they are not enemies.

What Orochimaru did was not human, and Obito and Black Zetsu never did human things. Both sides are the same.

And more importantly, Obito brought another news.

"Is the World Government going to take action against the Land of Demons?"

"It is said that the ruler of the Land of Demons is a witch who has the ability to predict the future and seems to be a person with strong observation Haki.

In addition to witches, the Land of Demons also has records of ancient demons and monsters. Now it seems that the World Government has realized that some ancient forces need to be controlled by them, so it made this decision."

Amado began to explain, and Hiruko on the side also began to look through the materials. There was no relevant record in the materials.

"It seems to be buried history. The records of the immortals will be clearer.

It's just that the World Government took action, and that was a decision made by the Five Elders. The Five Elders represent the five major ninja villages. It looks more like a..."

"Benefit distribution."

Amado nodded.

"The Five Elders, as the representatives of the world, actually represent the power of the Ninja Clan, but now the World Government needs to gather all the forces.

The Golden Lion of the Ancient Kingdom can become one of the Four Emperors, and the power of the Demon Kingdom can also be handed over to the major Ninja Villages. This is just the beginning."

"The World Government's determination can be seen by taking these things out."

Amado analyzed.

Under normal circumstances, how could the world's nobles release such things? If this happened in the past two years, it would be impossible.

But the appearance of Shanks forced everyone to do so. If you don't have enough courage and determination, then die quickly.

Who is playing village fighting with you? How can you compete with me when playing village fighting?

In two years, a group of people who play village fighting have been forced to fight against the times. As for those who have no strength, courage and luck?

Most of them have sunk into the sea.

"It's better to say that it's the determination of the one above the Five Elders than to say it's the determination of the World Government."

Orochimaru grinned.

The Five Elders are the representatives of the Ninja Village and the apparent leaders of the World Government, but above the Five Elders, the "Master Yuanyi" who never takes care of things but sets the tone for the World Government every time he appears is the real king.

"But since he has done this, the World Government has already started to act, which means that he doesn't have much time."

"But since you want to cooperate, what can you offer? Just Cardo may not be enough."

Orochimaru looked at Obito in front of him. If Cardo took action, he could indeed hold back the power of the World Government, but Orochimaru didn't want to do business with Cardo.

Because Cardo was just a chess piece, although this chess piece had its own ideas and was very valuable.

"The person behind you... Uchiha Madara, right?"

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Obito nodded.

"If you are afraid of Madara's power..."


Orochimaru's powerful eyes stared at Obito. Obito, who was still a ninja, and Orochimaru, who had become a pirate, were completely not on the same level.

"The pride of the Uchiha clan is really confusing. Uchiha Madara is just an ordinary genius in the old times.

He doesn't even have the strength to turn history around and let the sage come out. How can I be afraid of him?"

"It's just... your strength is not enough. It's enough to deal with the five major ninja villages, but I hope you can attract the attention of some sages.

As a deal, you can ask for anything you want."

Orochimaru's eyes were full of arrogance. In the past, he might have valued the power of Hashirama and Madara, but now it seems that it's just that.

Now he has the qualifications to look down on those "predecessors".

And Obito was slightly annoyed by Orochimaru's words.

"Really arrogant... Our plan is to get the chakra of all the tailed beasts and steal the power of the Six Paths Sage from them. What? Can you take it out?"

"Six Paths Sage?"


Hearing Obito's words, a touch of surprise appeared on the faces of Hiruko, Amado and others.

Ryu Hamura opened his mouth wide, and then silently covered his mouth.

Even Orochimaru showed a moment of shock on his face.

But he was not shocked by Obito's intention to use the tailed beast's chakra to steal the power of the Six Paths Sage, but that you just came to say that you want to use the tailed beast to take out the power of the Six Paths Sage.

Are you stealing? He is still alive and well, you are robbing him openly, what's the difference between this and seeking death.

And Obito could only sneer at everyone's reaction. Such a reaction was expected, after all, this plan was really too big.

Especially with the emergence of the World Government, the sages continued to emerge, and the identity and status of the Six Paths Sage have been rising.

"Is this reason enough?"

Obito's tone was cold. Ordinary Madara really couldn't make any achievements in this era, but the power of the Six Paths Sage was completely different.

"How sure are you?"

Orochimaru crossed his hands and looked like a torch.

"Ninety percent sure, just get the chakra of the tailed beast, no matter how much."

"Except for the chakra of the Nine-Tails, I have all of them here."

Orochimaru waved his hand, and Kidomaru walked to the cabin behind him very tactfully. After a while, several huge chakra storage devices were taken out.

These things are used to produce White Zetsu, which are not available on the market, but Orochimaru is the overlord of the South China Sea after all, so it is normal to have this thing.

And it is also the most normal thing for the ninja village to sell the chakra of the tailed beast.

"Is the chakra of the three-tailed beast also here?"

Obito was also a little surprised that the chakra of the three-tailed beast appeared here, after all, the three-tailed beast was dead.

"The three-tailed beast was resurrected not long ago, and the dragon vein burst greatly shortened the resurrection time of the tailed beast, and the same is true for the eight-tailed beast.

However, since only chakra is needed, there is no need to provide you with information about the tailed beast."

Orochimaru said coldly.

The resurrection of the three-tailed beast is not a big deal. The three-tailed beast originally belonged to the Hidden Mist Village. After the resurrection, it was directly sent to the Land of Water by the World Government and returned to the Hidden Mist Village.

As the weakest of the five great ninja villages, the world nobles allow the Hidden Mist Village to have some privileges.

As for the privileges of Konoha and Kumogakure? That's because these two villages are strong enough to have privileges.

The remaining Sand Village and Rock Village are in a difficult situation. Even the first and second Kazekage of the Sand Village can only hide their identities.

"As for the chakra of the Nine-Tails? If you can't even get the chakra of the Nine-Tails, there is no value in living, let alone stealing the power of the Six Paths Sage."

Orochimaru sneered.

Obito, wearing a mask, ignored Orochimaru's ridicule and stretched out his hand to directly absorb the chakra storage devices into the Kamui space.

"Space-time ninjutsu? Very good, but I'm afraid it's not enough to deal with the Sage."

"The First Hokage, the Second Hokage, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage will also follow.

I hope you can really do what you said."

Orochimaru said lightly.

This was unexpected for Obito.

"It seems that you have your own plans, and you want us to help you hold back the enemy."

"Not just the enemy, it's best to attract the guardians of the World Government."

Orochimaru smiled, and that's why he would work hard for this matter.

And it's not enough just to do this, it's best to let the guardians of the World Government summon the immortal kingdom on earth.

The moment the power of the immortal kingdom on earth fluctuates, it's the best time for Orochimaru to kill Master Yuanyi.

Of course, it's not that Orochimaru looks down on these people, just relying on these people is not enough for the immortals of the immortal kingdom on earth to work so hard.

What Orochimaru really wanted was to let Obito attract the Six Paths Sage, so that he could kill Yuanyi with a 90% chance.

In addition, Orochimaru had already prepared a large number of ninjas who had been reborn from the Impure World Reincarnation, waiting for the New World War, and then launched an attack on the Ninja World with the Revolutionary Army.

But now it seems that this war needs to be brought forward.

"Lord Orochimaru, let me go too."

Kimimaro, who had been silent all the time, spoke at this time. Under normal circumstances, he would not take the initiative to ask to do these things.

"Kimimaro, we have other things to do.

Let Kabuto go alone when he comes back."

Orochimaru refused.

Orochimaru could not send the main force to the Ninja World, after all, it was too dangerous.

Kabuto was fine. Kabuto's combat effectiveness was not good, but his survivability was definitely no problem.

"Lord Orochimaru..."

However, even though Orochimaru had made a clear statement, Kimimaro still made a somewhat stubborn request.

Orochimaru stared at Kimimaro with his eyes, and Kimimaro was still very determined. He was not trying to escape, but to grow.

"It's very dangerous."

"I know..."

Kimimaro nodded.

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