When Santai Hijikata boarded the warship, Fenghua Nutao and Longshe had already prepared their words, but as soon as Santai Hijikata opened his mouth, the two realized that things were simpler than they had imagined.

"Box of Paradise? There are signs of it being opened recently, and someone was swallowed?"

The first sentence was not a question, which was a good thing.

And when they heard Santai Hijikata's words, Fenghua Nutao and Longshe's eyes were instantly moist.

Then the two of them told the story of Fenghua Nutao's illegitimate son "Wu Gu".

Of course, if you want to deceive Santai Hijikata, you can't be too outrageous.

But Wu Gu's age is not much different from Fenghua Xiaoxue, and coupled with what Fenghua Nutao did in the Snow Country, a person without an heir, is it interesting to snatch the position of the lord?

It's not interesting.

But now, it makes sense.

Fenghua Nutao has ambition, and Fenghua Nutao also has motives.

After the two people explained and testified to each other, plus the timeline is completely consistent, and the logic of various things is also completely consistent.

Is there any reason to doubt this? No.

"Is the treasure hidden by the previous ruler of the Snow Country the Box of Bliss?"

At this time, Santai Hijikata also understood that everything was right.

Moreover, Fenghua Nutao's emotions were almost out of control when he talked about this matter. That kind of emotion could not deceive Santai Hijikata at all. The other party was telling the truth.

As for why it was like this? How could it not be true?

That useless brother took the entire Snow Country's finances and used it to build a geothermal device. It was fine to build it, but the reason for building that thing was that his daughter wanted to see the spring.

That was not something a normal person could do. Even if Fenghua Nutao told this matter, how many people would believe it?

No one believed it at all.

So he, Fenghua Nutao, rebelled just to fight for the Box of Bliss, and after getting the Box of Bliss, his son was accidentally sucked into the Box of Bliss.

That's right, that's it, you see, isn't it much more reasonable.

"Box of Bliss?"

Hearing Santai Hijikata's words, Fenghua Nutao and Longshe were a little confused.

At this time, Santai Hijikata also reacted. How could these ordinary people know about the things of the Six Paths Sage?

"This is the treasure of the Six Paths Sage. Even for us sages, it is difficult to use it, let alone ordinary ninjas.

Once you are sucked in, it is probably difficult to survive, but there is still hope."

Santai Hijikata did not explain too much.

"Lord Hijikata, that... that is my only child. If possible, you must rescue him."

"That guy Kado killed the Sandafu. Only the Sandafu knows how to rescue Muque. It is because of this that I have been chasing here."

Fenghua Nutao was crying. If it weren't for Longshe next to him who knew the truth, he would definitely think that it was Fenghua Nutao's son.

As for the Sandafu, in order to solve the hidden danger, the Sandafu had already been fed to the fish. Now there is only Fenghua Xiaoxue in the Snow Country. As for what will happen to the Snow Country next?

Sorry, it is no longer Fenghua Nutao's business.

His ambition is this era.

At this time, facing Fenghua Nutao with such an attitude, Santai Hijikata could only nod his head.

"I can try, but the Six Paths Sage's treasure must be handed over to the World Government for disposal. Of course, we will give you corresponding compensation."

After saying this, Hijikata Santai showed a hint of seriousness on his face.

"But you should also understand that the World Government will not take anything from the member states.

After doing these things, just pretend that nothing has happened."

Hearing Hijikata Santai's words, Fenghua Nutao and Longshe were startled. Sure enough, this is the style of the World Government.

But this is completely expected.

"Of course...as long as Lord Hijikata Santai can rescue my son."

"My young master is in your care."

Longshe also said.

With Fenghua Nutao and Longshe's words, Hijikata Santai is not under much pressure. As for what he said about handing it over to the World Government?

Don't even think about it. It's just a foolish dream to want to kill Fukuda Qingmeng with your own strength.

The gap between the top sages may be greater than he imagined.

After experiencing the baptism of the Red Hair Pirates, and being besieged by Ashura and Indra, he then encountered the clone of the Six Paths Sage.

Santai Hijikata has a more accurate understanding of the power of the top strongmen, and this "ultimate weapon" belongs to him.

"Six Paths. Unseal!"

With the injection of a huge amount of sage chakra, the seal of the Paradise Box was opened again, and in a yellowish glow, a figure slowly walked out of the Paradise Box.

Another rising star of this era has appeared.

At this time, in the Konoha team far away in the Swamp Country, Toneri looked up at the horizon. He felt a familiar power, but he couldn't tell.

"Toneri, catch up quickly, don't be distracted, pay more attention to the environment around you."

Shikamaru reminded.


Toneri came back to his senses, but his expression was obviously more cautious. This battlefield is not simple.

Chapter 272 "Kizaru" Appears

The people sent by Konoha are the largest among the five major ninja villages, and they are also the strongest in comprehensive strength.

Putting aside other things, Sasuke and Naruto alone are no longer ordinary strong people. Although these two people did not enter the new world and obtain the enhancement of dragon vein power, they reached extremely outrageous heights relying on their own talents.

And the enhancement of the power of the dragon vein, to be honest, unless it is Orochimaru who directly fuses the power of the dragon vein, the enhancement of the power of the dragon vein will not be able to enhance the power of the top powerhouse much.

The value was already high, but if I added a few more values, the result was that the enhancement was less than one-tenth.

It was obvious that Naruto and Sasuke had reached the level of top experts at this time, although there seemed to be a lot of experts at this level.

But this strength is real, so with two people here, Konoha is not worried about the safety of the group.

Moreover, the World Government arranged for immortals to keep an eye on the power of Konoha because the power sent by Konoha was strong enough. This was a sign of respect for Konoha.

Of course, it is also a respect for the "Uzumaki Clan".

"The strength of these stone puppets is very strange. They can induce natural energy, although they cannot use too powerful tricks."

A bolt of lightning flew back from a distance, and Sasuke immediately told the results of his investigation after appearing.

After the demon appeared in the world, it summoned a large number of stone puppets. These things were similar to pottery figurines, but their combat effectiveness was a bit outrageous.

"However, being able to use natural energy is a great threat to ordinary people. However, apart from these puppets, no trace of the sprites or other enemies was found."

After Sasuke ate the Devil Fruit, his perception became stronger and stronger, and because he could transform into elements, the task of exploring the path was naturally given to Sasuke.

"Didn't you find a strong enemy?"

Shikamaru nodded. The route he chose was the safest and also had the clearest purpose. In this way, he could draw the attention of the World Government.

But since they haven't found anything, it means they are still far away from the monsters, otherwise people from the World Government will definitely show up.

"Sprites are just a trivial matter. We should focus on Cardo, Shikamaru."

Inuzuka Kiba suggested, everyone knows who the real strong enemy is this time.

"Cado? Cardo is not what we need to worry about."

"Cardo is now a member of the Uzumaki clan recognized by the World Government. We can take action against Cardo, but Naruto cannot meet Cardo."

Shikamaru shook his head, he saw it most clearly.

The reason why Shikamaru was asked to lead the team this time was because he had the ability to see the situation clearly and he had enough courage.

Shikamaru was far inferior to his father Nara Shikaku in terms of experience, but Shikamaru kept his word. He said he could make sacrifices at the beginning, and he can do the same now.

No matter how difficult it was on the frontline battlefield, Shikamaru still persisted. The so-called family ties were not something he thought about at all.

This is Shikamaru's only chance, and only he understands this.

The young generation of geniuses in Konoha, including the future of each family, are here. This is his only chance to get these people out of the family's interest disputes.

Of course, Shikamaru understands that some of these people are closely connected to the family, so he must do whatever it takes when necessary.

Fortunately, it's not that time yet, and no one else knows what Shikamaru is going to do.


Others were stunned, including Naruto, who couldn't figure out why he couldn't meet Cardo.

"If you meet, there will definitely be a battle. It would be okay if there is a disparity in strength, but to be honest, Naruto, do you have the confidence to directly defeat Cardo?"

Shikamaru spoke.

Naruto thought for a while, he knew very well what Cardo was like, and it was precisely because of this that he understood how difficult the other party was.

"If it were a separate battle, Mr. Cardo would not be my opponent, but Mr. Cardo would not do this, and this battle cannot end in a short time."

"This is the biggest reason. You all belong to the Uzumaki clan. If you keep entangled, you will lead the direction of this war to the Uzumaki clan.

This would be detrimental to the Uzumaki clan. "

After Shikamaru said what he said, everyone understood something in their hearts. Once the war turned into a civil strife within the Uzumaki clan, the situation would be completely different.

"That's true, so Naruto should try not to come into contact with Cardo."

Inuzuka Kiba nodded, and Neji on the side also nodded silently. Although he was no longer working hard for the Hyuga clan, he understood this truth as he was born in the family.

There is no problem with Shikamaru's decision-making. As a member of the Nara clan, he will still consider the direction of his family.

But in fact, Shikamaru was thinking more. He was not thinking about the Ninja clan. The Ninja clan and the Uzumaki clan were completely different.

The more he could think about it from a family perspective, the more Shikamaru understood the difference between the Uzumaki clan and ordinary ninja clan.

The Uzumaki clan is able to fight against the World Government simply by relying on their reputation.

Therefore, in order to ensure certain characteristics of this clan, Shikamaru did not want Naruto to take risks.

"In this case, Naruto and Toneri stay in the back, while Sasuke and us go to the front to avoid unexpected situations."

Ino said, this gathering does not really allow a group of people like them to move. As long as the movement range is not too far and they can support each other, it will be fine.

"Well, Naruto should be at the very back!"

Everyone also nodded, being at the very back is definitely the safest.

The others were in groups of three, and Naruto and Toneri were in groups of two at the end, but they were at the end and the safest, so it didn't matter if there were fewer people.

In this regard, Sheren is not qualified to express an opinion.

"Let's go, Toneri."

Naruto shrugged his head, always feeling that he was disliked by others.

The navy soldiers behind the two of them didn't care about Naruto's feelings at all, and they were relieved to be at the back.

"Finally, we are not walking in front."

"Otherwise, every time Naruto goes out, he will be beaten up, and we will also be beaten by pirates."

"This time it's finally easier."


Hearing the complaints of his subordinates, Naruto's face became more embarrassed.

This time, each of them came with only two hundred elite navy, and Naruto's subordinates were all elite.

With the treatment of Naruto and Sasuke in the East China Sea, they had to become elites. Now it feels good to deal with these stone puppets with no strength.

On the other side, next to a small river in the forest, Minato sat quietly on a stone, and next to Minato was Kabuto's clone.

"It's left.

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