
Both fists hit the ground, and the gold dust on the ground was smashed down several points, and a deafening sound came from the ground.

The ground formed by the gold dust was shaking, as if a big bell was ringing.

Blood was flowing from Gaara's hands, and countless ashes were floating in the air beside him.

Under the roar, Luosha's body disappeared layer by layer.

Gaara's hair stood upside down, and the expression on his face was like a hungry wolf for revenge.

He was not excited at all, but just crazy, suppressed madness, as if suppressing his remaining sanity.

He couldn't forgive his father. It would be best for that kind of person to die cleanly.

"Shameful... waste!"

Gaara snorted coldly, then looked up and looked into the distance. A team led by the devil fruit ability user of the Hidden Mist Village appeared.

"Has it started?"

Chapter 275 Shanks City

After seeing the people from other ninja villages appear, Gaara also realized the arrival of war.

The war had already begun before the main culprit had even been seen. No one cared about the destroyed Swamp Country, and no one cared about the hidden monsters.

Gaara looked at the other team. Even though he was injured, he still had no fear or worry.

There was no so-called trust between ninja villages.

"Are you injured?"

"The scale of the battle just now was not small, but after all, it was the Jinchuriki of Sand Village. The foundation of the five major ninja villages is really terrible."


These people with special abilities in Kirigakure were recruited. Although they worked for Kirigakure, they were not ninjas.

However, being able to join Kirigakure, one of the five major ninja villages, was actually a good way out for them.

Mei Terumi had the awareness she should have. She would not give less to join Kirigakure, and after joining Kirigakure, their status and position also rose sharply.

Mei Terumi's methods are definitely not bad. She can take advantage of the overall situation of the ninja world and get support from the world government with the status of the weakest village. This allows the people with special abilities and some ninjas who joined the Hidden Mist Village to see greater opportunities.

After the establishment of the World Government, the strength of the Hidden Mist Village ushered in a surge.

Although it doesn't seem so obvious, it is completely different from the previous Hidden Mist Village.

And these devil fruit ability users are not so weak.

"It's just a one-tailed Jinchuriki. Even if it's a nine-tailed Jinchuriki on the battlefield, it's just that.

In this level of battle, we can also do it by exerting our fruit abilities."

"I'm afraid... it's not the same."

The sturdy man walking in front spoke silently. He had already found something wrong. The hairs on the sturdy man stood up one by one, sensing everything in the outside world.

"There is no chakra."

The sturdy man's expression suddenly became serious, and he stopped.

No, not just serious, there was also a hint of solemnity in this expression.

The young man not far away...

"It's just that there is no chakra fluctuation. Is it necessary to be so vigilant?"

"It's not that there is no chakra fluctuation, it's that there is no chakra in his body."

When the strong man said this, several companions behind him also stopped, and even began to sweat on their foreheads.

The pride of being a devil fruit ability user disappeared at this moment.

They are all strong. They don't take a mere one tail seriously, not to mention that there is only Gaara alone.

They said they came to find the coalition forces of Sand Village, but in fact they came to "win over" Sand Village.

After all, there are only three people sent by Sand Village, plus soldiers, less than 500 people.

This kind of person is obviously a slacker. Even if other ability users are not sent, even if the journey is far, it is not a reason to play like this.

So the Kirigakure naturally wants to directly incorporate the power of Sand Village. More power is also good for them.

But now...

"No... no chakra at all?"

"No, I can sense the chakra of the tailed beast. The chakra of the tailed beast is in the gourd behind him. There is not a trace of chakra on him."

"The last person who did this..."

"In the entire ninja world, only that man did this, and he recycled all his chakra."

"The Sand Village is here to demonstrate!"

"The second strong man in the ninja world who recycled all his chakra."

Several people did not move, but Gaara walked towards them.

Obviously he was just a teenager, and he obviously did not have any aura, and even his steps were just ordinary.

But at this moment, the whole forest seemed to be quiet.

The sound of leaves being crushed and broken was so clear that every step of Gaara made their hearts tremble.

In that boy, they saw the shadow of the man who created this era, Red-haired Shanks, the man who was more majestic and terrifying than a lion.

"Are you from the Kirigakure Village? Has the war started?"

Gaara had walked in front of everyone, and he looked up at the strong man in front of him.

The shadow of the sturdy man enveloped Gaara. The sun shone from behind the team of the Hidden Mist Village. Under the scorching air, a drop of sweat dripped from the sturdy man's chin.

That was not caused by the heat, but by fear.

As a new-age ability user, Shanks' status in their hearts was extremely high, and it was a different kind of high.

Don’t forget where the battlefield of the pirates brought by Shanks and Dark was. In addition to the pirates taken away by Dark, some survivors are still on that sea.

The geographical advantages of the Water Country are not much, but the battle between Dark and Shanks left many strong men in the Water Country.

They are pirates not recognized by Shanks. They are not the "heroes" who went to Konoha with Dark, but for the Hidden Mist Village, they are hope.

The hope of the new era, the hope of the Hidden Mist Village in the new era.

For these people, Mei Terumi not only needs to show her own means, but also her own courage. They are not losers.

But the battle left a shadow on them. Shanks's strength and Shanks's courage have become the mountains that they can't get rid of in their hearts.

Even if they become devil fruit ability users, they can't stand in front of Shanks like those "pirates".

"I am Colonel Xu from the Hidden Mist Village. The war has begun.

The main force of the navy has encountered the pirate forces of the Wave Country. The war has begun. Now we urgently need reinforcements from the five major ninja villages. We are here to ask for help."

The strong man named "Xu" spoke. Although he was still under pressure, the person in front of him was not Shanks.

"What should we do with the monsters?"

Gaara asked.

"The demons have already hidden. The top priority is to drive the pirates out. The Ghost Country cannot fall into the hands of the pirates."

"I understand."

Gaara nodded.

The two seniors in the village have already told him that he only needs to protect his own safety, and he doesn't need to intervene in other things.

In this war, the Swamp Country and the Ghost Country will directly become victims, and nothing else matters. As for how long the war will last, it is not clear.

It will last for at least a few months.

So Gaara didn't ask much, because he didn't want to intervene too much. The Hidden Sand Village has its own plan.

Not long after, Kankuro and Temari returned with their men, and the three of them led the team and the team of the Hidden Mist Village to the battlefield in the Land of Demons.

After the troops of the Hidden Mist Village and the Hidden Sand Village left, Minato appeared on the battlefield of Rasa and Gaara.

It takes time to recover from the Impure World Reincarnation.

"Such a strong physical skill, is this the legendary Six Styles of Pirates? It is a physical skill that gathers the Uzumaki clan's research on the essence of life."

Minato is a genius, and the world's completeness often needs these geniuses to fill it.

Life return is the core of the Six Styles of Pirates, which is the control of vitality and body.

And Minato's wife Kuyukina is a member of the Uzumaki clan. He doesn't know the Uzumaki clan, but he knows Kuyukina very well.

"As a genius of the Uzumaki clan, Shanks can create such a powerful physical skill. He is indeed worthy of being a strong man who suppressed the era.


Minato looked at Rasa, who had just condensed half of his body, and he sat next to Rasa.

Compared with Rasa, Minato felt that his injury was nothing.

"Did you come here to laugh at me?"

"You underestimated the young people, and you underestimated this man too much."

Minato took out the bounty of Shanks.

"That kid is good. Although he doesn't seem to be a match for Kimimaro at the moment, he will definitely be able to stand at the top of this world in time."

Hearing Minato's praise for his son, Rasa felt even more humiliated that his son was actually recognized and praised by others.

Rasa had no love for Gaara, and Gaara only hated Rasa.

Family affection disappeared the moment Gaara's mother died.

"This is our Sand Village's business. It's not your turn, the Fourth Hokage of Konoha, to intervene."

"It's indeed not my turn to intervene, but on the way, I met a senior from the Sand Village."

Minato said.

Minato was not controlled by Kabuto. To be precise, Kabuto knew himself well. If he controlled Minato, it would be pure trouble.

Only when there are some special orders, Kabuto will come forward to control.

As the fourth generation Hokage, Minato's real role is not only to fight on the front battlefield. There are many things worth learning from Minato.

Even Orochimaru admits that Minato is an extremely outstanding person, a person who is more suitable to be a Hokage than the third generation.

On the side of Orochimaru, there is no such leader-like talent.

Orochimaru himself knows his shortcomings, and his path may not be suitable for Kimimaro.

For Kimimaro, Orochimaru is not stingy at all, and he completely trains Kimimaro as the only heir.

So if Kimimaro wants to participate in this war, then Orochimaru asked Kimimaro to come, not only asked him to come, but also found Minato to make a deal.

Although Orochimaru is a sinister and cunning person, in addition to being sinister and cunning, all the promises made by Orochimaru will be fulfilled.

Before meeting Naruto, Minato had seen Kimimaro, and he was very happy to see that the younger generation of this era could achieve such achievements.

Of course, the praise for Gaara is also sincere.

"Someone from Sand Village?"

At this moment, Luo Sha's attention was attracted by the person who appeared from the forest.

The person was tall and burly, with a samurai sword on his waist, and his angular face showed a sense of determination and hard work.

"Lord Reto!"

The person who came was Retsuto, and it was Retsuto's real body.

As for the one in Sand Village, it was naturally a fake.

Retsuto didn't trust anyone in the village. It didn't mean that he didn't trust their loyalty, but sometimes, loyalty alone was not enough.

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