After all, Zabuza was also a former high-level official of Kirigakure Village, and he knew the horror of Konoha.

Konoha may not seem that strong, but in fact, Konoha will never lose in every war, because Konoha has the confidence to lose. With so many ninjas in Konoha, even if they lose, they can win again.

This is the foundation of Konoha.

Konoha's strength does not rely on one or two heroes.

But now that Konoha's ninja appears in the Land of Waves, there are only two possibilities.

One is because of the matter in the Kingdom of Water, Kirigakure Village commissioned Konoha to investigate.

The other thing is about Shanks. Did Konoha receive any news and came here to investigate.

As for investigating him Zabuza? To be honest, Zabuza didn't think he had the qualifications.

As for Kakashi, it was even more troublesome.

The first thing is about Shanks. Shanks is related to the Uzumaki clan. The whole thing almost started because of Shanks, but that big shot never appeared from beginning to end.

This makes the whole thing look like some kind of conspiracy, like Shanks deliberately lured them here, or does Shanks know Naruto's identity?

Secondly, not to mention, the clues found here indicate that Jiraiya also knew the existence of Shanks, but Jiraiya did not show up. Kakashi didn't understand what it meant.

There are a lot of clues and information, but the more he knows, the more complicated the things behind him are, and Kakashi has to be more careful.

The same goes for Zabuza.

There are too many involved in this. I can only say that everyone who understands understands, and those who don’t understand should hang outside the door and sleep under the moon.

"It's all because of that guy Shanks."

This was the only voice in Zabuza and Kakashi's hearts at this time.

The four emperors of the new world have already laid out a terrible plan before they even go to sea.

"It's not easy to solve."

Zabuza and Kakashi, who were in different places, once again said in unison in their hearts. Then, the two of them felt an inexplicable embarrassment.

Finally, there was no more unison.

Instead, he started his own plan.

Chapter 38: Awakening to the Great Era

On the other side, Shanks didn't fall asleep either.

Climbing up from the bed, he felt something in the dark, seemed to be fate?

"Is it because the plot timeline has arrived and it's time for me to go to sea?"

"Probably not. It seems to be someone who has some connection with me."

Shanks walked out of the room. Not far away, Madara was sitting by the lake. His cracked katana was stuck next to him, and they looked at the calm lake with him.

"Did you sense something?"

Madara's voice came, and as his life force was flowing out uncontrollably, Madara's sleep time became less and less.

And his mental state is getting better and better.

It seemed that the return to light had begun, but Madara's strong willpower extended the time of this return to light.

"It should be something that happened to someone who is in contact with me, but I haven't seen the specific person, and I can't see what will happen in the future with my knowledge."

Shanks sat next to Madara. Madara looked lonely, as if he was waiting for something by the lake.

“When I was young, my brother and I often went out at night and just looked at the lake. The calm water always calmed his mind.

That guy has a completely different personality from ours. I know that his pride and arrogance are all because I don’t want to embarrass my brother or my family. "

"After all, the person who can enjoy this tranquility is completely different from me. He is obviously a very gentle person who has made such a big sacrifice for everyone."

Madara threw a stone casually and made a few splashes on the lake. This was something he often played when he was a child.

With his younger brother, and Hashirama.

"Peace is like a calm lake, and the lake cannot always be so calm. War fell from the sky. I don't know why or when it started.

Later, my brother died. "

"Not long after his death, the war ended, but he could never see that peace again."

Hashirama and Madara are best friends, there's no doubt about it.

And what Hashirama said, Madara has deep feelings for his brother Izuna, is naturally true.

The most important person to Madara is Izuna, the younger brother who has been chasing his back since childhood.

Uchiha Madara never cared about those clan members, the only thing he cared about was his younger brother.

But he didn't know when the figure that had been chasing him disappeared, leaving him alone.

"I don't have much time. I'm afraid I can't wait until the day when the truth comes. Therefore, this is my last request. If possible, find the truth about my brother's death."

"As for the sacred tree I promised you before, I have already sent it to your friend.

He appeared near the Water Capital not long ago. I believe that by the time you go to sea, your ship will have been built. "

Madara continued.

He didn't hide anything from Shanks, including the information he could learn about the outside world.

"The captain of the Bladeless Pirates?"

Shanks asked.

The spot next to him nodded.

"It seems that he must be that guy. I sensed something with my Haki. Is that guy going to be caught?"

What Shanks sensed was not a good thing. If the other party was really caught, then he, the crew member on the Pirate King's ship, would probably not have an easy time either. There would be no hope of peace in the future.

Sure enough, is this how the protagonist is treated? Obviously he just wanted to practice quietly for a while, but he ended up getting involved in these things inexplicably.

"You are worrying too much. That guy is a big pirate who is in the limelight right now. He has done something terrible."

"But the authorities sealed what that guy did. If my people hadn't happened to know about it, I would have been kept in the dark."

Madara sighed, he was not lamenting Zabuza, that kind of small character could not catch his eye.

What he lamented was Shanks beside him.

Sure enough, it's not that this guy's brain isn't working well, it's just that he doesn't use it in such subtle ways.

Even if he didn't deliberately hide his identity, Madara could be sure that Shanks didn't know his true identity.

This guy's brain is used to lay out the entire ninja world, not to pay attention to people like him.

Because for people like Shanks, one person is not that important.

Just like Zabuza, even if that person is not Zabuza, with Shanks's methods, anyone can do it.

Madara has such confidence.

And he was certain that Shanks was also targeting Black Zetsu.

The Fourth Mizukage was controlled by Obito a long time ago, and the mastermind behind all this was Uchiha Madara, but in fact, the real mastermind was Black Zetsu.

And the timing of Zabuza's appearance was too coincidental.

When Terumi Mei was preparing for a coup, Zabuza appeared and disrupted all plans.

This move is called removing the firepower from under the cauldron.

I don't know what your purpose is, but I just need to stop you.

In fact, the Mizukage is useless now. Terumi Mei appears and only controls the water temperature. Zabuza's actions will directly make things out of control.

Now the Akatsuki organization has to take action, and the more times it takes action, the greater the chance of Black Zetsu being exposed.

This is what makes Madara admire the most, the resourcefulness of Shanks, the Four Emperors of the New World.

"It's normal for the officials to block this kind of thing."

Shanks nodded, he knew the World Government's work style very well.

If something really big happens in a place like the Water Capital, the news must be blocked as much as possible, otherwise the sea will be in chaos?

At this point in time, the world government must be blocking all information as much as possible.

Otherwise, how can you explain that for such a long time, you haven’t seen a single news bird?

Although what the two people said was a bull's-eye versus a horse's mouth, Madara and Shanks had already developed a tacit understanding during this time, and there was nothing inappropriate about such a conversation.

Both can be compatible, and both parties understand what the other means.

"So you don't have to worry too much about that guy."

"Instead of worrying about him, it's better to care about me, this old guy."

As the sun rises.

The sound of cracking coffee was heard.

The katana next to Madara finally couldn't hold on any longer.

The katana, which was already full of cracks, was only left with fragments on the ground when the morning sun hit his position.

Shanks stood next to Madara. The old man had no breath, his dry white hair was flying in the wind, and his clothes were also shabby samurai shirts.

As the sun rose, Shanks felt a sense of loneliness as the old era came to an end.

Perhaps, he should indeed go to sea.

The end of the old era does not end, and the beginning of the new era does not begin with Roger's execution.

But starting with him, Shanks, the youngest Yonko.

The left hand of the Four Emperors will usher in a new era in the Windmill Town in the East China Sea. Shanks will use his left hand to personally put on the crown of the Pirate King of the new era.

At this moment, Shanks finally had the consciousness to go to sea and become... the Four Emperors.

"Let me see if I, Shanks, can cut off my left hand at the beginning of a new era!"

Chapter 39: Just say it, right?

Madara's death seemed like the end of the old era.

From that day on, Shanks would wear his straw hat and wait at the beach every day.

Shanks's aura of knowledge and color that he has cultivated to the extreme covers the sea. Once a ship appears, Shanks will leave this place.

"After practicing for so long, I should be almost done. After all, I am also the youngest of the four emperors. I can't stay here forever."

"With the current overlord color Haki and armed color Haki, as long as you are careful, there won't be any big problems."

Shanks pulled out his katana, and the next moment, the katana turned pitch black.

"Is this Armed Color Haki? This kind of power seems to be used entirely for fighting, and it is different from Overlord Color and Knowledge Color Haki."

Shanks can only achieve this level at present, there is no way, his talent is too poor, and the training of armed domineering can only be described as difficult.

"But it doesn't matter, my starting point is already much higher than Luffy's.

Besides, it's not Luffy's version yet. No matter how you look at it, I, the youngest Yonko, is the protagonist of this version. "

Shanks' expression was extremely determined. Even if something happened in the future that required him to risk his arm, that would be in the future.

And since he, the Four Emperors, has the courage to usher in a new era, he will naturally not back down.

To become one of the Four Emperors, you only need to hold the weapon tightly. As for the other hand, what if you treat it as a chip on the gambling table?

One hand is a chip, and the other hand is ready to flip the table at any time. This is right.

Although he doesn't know what the situation is outside, Shanks also understands that no matter how things change, the world government of the pirate world will not change, the navy will not change, and the status of the high-ranking Celestial Dragons will not change.

Using one of his hands to exchange for the change of the entire pirate world is worth it no matter how you look at it.

After all, at this gambling table, the price paid by others is much greater than that of Shanks.

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