And Fukuda Qingmeng, who inherited the legacy, also understood the situation in the ninja world at this time, and knew where Orochimaru was.

Orochimaru was not dead yet, and it would take time to kill him. He could also take advantage of this time to get rid of Orochimaru to prevent future troubles.

But he had no chance. He was not sure whether Shanks would take action at this time.

He could only wait, waiting for the will of the earthly fairy country to be completely stable.

Through a war with Orochimaru, many unstable factors appeared within the world government. The sacrifices were too great, and the price was too high. Many people simply could not react.

This takes time, but they don't have much time.

"Marshal Di Lu, are you ready?"

Fukuda Qingmeng asked. For the grand strategy, his vision was far inferior to Yuan Yi, but Di Lu beside him was definitely a good player.

"The navy is fully prepared, and we can now advance to the center of the Red Earth Continent at any time.

Although the will of the world government is not stable enough, it is enough to maintain it from being suppressed by the Red Earth Continent. There is no problem with this."

Di Lu replied very straightforwardly. He was able to contact this kind of great will.

Although there are few opportunities to attack, Di Lu is really strong and his military talent is outrageous.

It can be said that in the current ninja world, no one can compare with Di Lu in military talent, not even Shanks.

Di Lu is a genius with a lot of practical experience and a brain that is much more useful than normal people.

A genius, hard-working, and not good at talking on paper, what can he compare with.

So when Di Lu opened his mouth, he really had plans to march into the depths of the Red Earth Continent. He also knew that he had the ability to lead the navy to attack the depths of the Red Earth Continent.

As for the results later, Di Lu was not sure.

He was confident that he could suppress Shanks militarily, but he was even more confident that the guy would never play this kind of trick with them.

The smarter the person, the more he could see the horror of Shanks. That kind of person can no longer be called a human being.

He took the route of the overall situation. All strategies and plans did not require much skills at all, just the situation crushed him.

Di Lu was confident that he could command the navy to attack, but it was hard to say how many people would turn against him at that time.

Di Lu's back-up plan was prepared for the Revolutionary Army, not for Shanks, but he was sure that if Shanks just said a few words, a lot of people, whether from the Navy or the Revolutionary Army, would definitely turn against him.

The routes of the pirates and the Revolutionary Army are different after all. What Shanks has been doing all along is to break the rules of the ninja world, while Di Lu is doing how to build a more perfect world after these rules are broken and the world government collapses.

The two can be said to be on the same path, but they cannot be said to be friends.

"Wait for a while, and talk about it after it stabilizes.

The major ninja villages and nobles need time to adapt. If you want to build a new holy land in the Red Earth Continent, you don't need to rush."

Futian Qingmeng did not let Di Lu send troops. Di Lu also understood and nodded. He could do anything, and he could also guess some things.

"It's not that easy to make them all stabilize."

"I will take action."

Futian Qingmeng did not have so many plans and means. What he was best at was using violent means, although he might pay a great price for doing so now.

But it was obvious that this price had been paid by Yuan Yi for him.

Yuanyi's death is enough for Futian Qingmeng to go on a killing spree, but now is not the time.

Di Lu also understood Futian Qingmeng's words, and guessed it.

"Okay, seven days, seven days later, we must attack.

Many pirates have gathered around Shanks. The Orochimaru Pirates are powerful. Those pirates who stay with Shanks will only be stronger."

"The ninja villages and nobles can't bear too many sacrifices, and our navy can't bear too many sacrifices.

The navy... is not for the nobles, ninja villages and you."

Di Lu said, he didn't regard Futian Qingmeng as his own, everyone has their own plans.

Di Lu also knows what he needs to do. He belongs to the navy, not to the nobles, nor to the immortals and ninja villages.

Now that Yuanyi is dead, Di Lu also needs to express his dissatisfaction with the world government appropriately.


Futian Qingmeng nodded, then turned and left.

Seven days is enough for those people to make a decision. If those people can't make a decision, then he will make the decision for them.

On the other side, outside the Red Earth Continent, as the battle reports of Orochimaru and the four major ninja villages and the situation in Konoha were published in the newspapers, the entire ninja world fell into silence.

Even the battle in the Land of Demons stopped.

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the shocking number in the newspaper. Even though he was old and had experienced a lot, his hands couldn't help shaking.

"30,000 casualties, just an encounter, the four major ninja villages directly lost more than 30,000 troops? How is it possible, how can there be so many."

The third generation was a little unbelievable.

30,000 troops, this is equivalent to all the troops of a village being directly gone.

Although after the new era, each ninja village has expanded its army, the distribution of troops also needs to be arranged. 30,000 is already a large number.

You know, in the plot, the fourth ninja world war only had 100,000 white Zetsu.

This encounter directly killed 30,000 people.

Looking at the recast body and soul of Orochimaru in the newspaper, the Third Hokage felt a sense of majesty and oppression from his disciple.

Today's Orochimaru, like a king, has the demeanor of looking down on all living beings, and has completely gotten rid of his former image.

"Fourth Hokage, do you have any clues?"

The First Kazekage asked. Among these people, he was most optimistic about the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze. Although the other party was young, he was very wise, completely different from his own embarrassing Fourth Kazekage.

"There are some. The scale of wars in this era is completely different. In the previous ninja wars, even in the Warring States period, which lasted for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, there has probably never been such a war."

"Compared with this era, those so-called wars are at most riots. If there are people like Shanks, those so-called wars will never break out."

"Not to mention people like Shanks, even if you, Lord Reito,... you can quell that kind of riot with some time."

Minato said. No matter how much he adapts to the world today, he still feels that it is outrageous.


Reito didn't know what to say after hearing Minato's description. Although he was praising himself in his words, what did "even if" mean? It turned out to be a junior who didn't know manners.

"There is another thing, that is... these people's fighting will is beyond the scope of normal people. Even the ninjas in the past could not do this. They were able to retreat so steadily and even continue to fight the enemy after suffering nearly one-third of the casualties in the encounter."

"That's right. This is also different in this era."

Redou nodded. The strength of the fighting will is completely different.

It can be seen from the battlefield of the Demon Country that even the fighting will of ordinary navy is outrageous.

And the pirates? Others are easy to say, but the pirates holding the flag of the "Red Hair Pirates" are really a bit too much. God knows why those pirates are so strong.

I heard that some time ago, the pirates encountered the "Wangliang" who had become a demon. The completely demonized Wangliang also brought his own army, but the pirates directly dismantled the army. The demonized Wangliang also left an arm and ran away.

"What's different? Isn't the Uchiha clan always like this?"

The Fourth Kazekage Rasa, who was left out, rolled his eyes. When he spoke, the Third Hokage, who was already reincarnated by the Impure World Reincarnation, became even more angry.

Seeing the news about the encounter in Konoha in the corner of the newspaper, the losses were not too serious, but the two sides of the battle were different.

"The Uchiha clan... was used by others, and they were all reincarnated by the Impure World Reincarnation."

The Third Hokage could only hold back this sentence in the end.

But at this time, someone else appeared. They were the Kages who were reincarnated by the Impure World Reincarnation from other villages. Everyone was holding newspapers in their hands, and their faces were also frowning.

But when they saw the Third Hokage, the sorrow on their faces disappeared.

"So this is the Third Hokage!"

"Not bad, not bad, Tobirama didn't make a mistake."

"Well, I think so too... Konoha is really amazing."

Listening to the ridicule of other Kages, let alone the Third Hokage, even Minato could only lower his head silently.

This is no longer just a simple embarrassment. Minato, he has to save face.

As for the third generation...

"You, you guys..."

The third generation almost couldn't catch his breath. He was obviously resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation, but he was so angry that he almost died.

"Okay, let's put aside the grudges between you for now.

The latest news, the ninja world... the White Zetsu riots, all the White Zetsu have developed self-awareness, get rid of control, and the whole ninja world is in chaos."

Kabuto and Kimimaro both came over, and Kabuto took out the latest intelligence.

With the war situation in the Red Earth Continent, the White Zetsu of the entire ninja world rebelled. This time, the ninja world was completely out of control.

"This is the latest accusation against Cardo, launching the Ninja World War, secretly commanding the White Zetsu rebellion, and intending to subvert the World Government."

"This kind of thing, only Cardo can do it, but we must also seize this opportunity, so let's contact Cardo first and figure out the current situation in the ninja world."

Kabuto looked at everyone, especially at Retsu, who was a new member and was considered their ally. The power of this ally was still very trustworthy.

Retsu held his forehead, what was coming finally came.

However, it is not the first time, and it is okay to happen again.

"Has the Fourth Ninja World War broken out? This counts as it."

Chapter 291 What Ninja World Monster Room

Unlike Reito's ease, when others heard the "Fourth Ninja World War", their faces were gloomy. They had experienced the wars in the past. They knew how many people died and how much hatred would grow in a war.

Not to mention, the scale of the current "Fourth Ninja World War" has far exceeded any previous Ninja World War, and it is even more intense than the previous Ninja World Wars combined.

"Alas, I don't know how many seeds of hatred will be planted in the world after this war!"

The Third Hokage sighed, just lamenting that the war today is completely different.

"I don't know, but Shanks has never started a war because of hatred, he has never moved."

Kabuto didn't dismiss the third generation's emotion. He was an orphan of the war, so he naturally understood the consequences of the war.

"This is the power of Shanks, he doesn't have to do anything, the world will follow him.

The people with the greatest courage and the greatest wisdom in the world and history are no joke. "

Lie Dou's face still had that relaxed look, and he didn't take this kind of big war seriously at all.

Even in his opinion, this was Shanks controlling the intensity. The guy looked carefree on the surface, but he was extremely decisive in serious matters. However, because of the kindness in his heart, he could never do anything extremely evil.

Of course, maybe he wasn't kind, and the man looked too far ahead.

Compared with Shanks' strength, his ancient wisdom and courage are the real top.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Next, we need your help. Once the ninja war breaks out, it will not only be a matter for the Kingdom of Demons."

Kabuto waved his hand, he was still the person in charge here, although this status was just an status.

Lie Dou's joining was not something Kabuto agreed to casually. The most important thing was that Lie Dou was a very strong person.

Not in terms of strength, but in the qualities of a leader.

Long-term vision, courage and determination that are different from ordinary people, and wisdom beyond ordinary people.

The ordinary people here do not refer to ordinary people, but these powerful people reincarnated from Douhui soil.

Among these strong men, the only one with brains was Namikaze Minato, and the others' brains were not even as good as Kabuto's.

And Lie Dou's wisdom also made Minato look at him with suspicion.

So now that the situation in the ninja world has changed, Kabuto has to gather everyone together. Although he is not so wise, he can use people.

Apart from anything else, Kabuto can be sure that the identity of Lieto's ally is definitely trustworthy, and Minato has made a deal with Orochimaru, so he is also trustworthy.

"Let's talk about the Red Earth Continent first. I'm afraid you can also see the difference in this war. The world has been completely different from the moment Shanks appeared."

"The war in the new era is completely different from the wars we have experienced before. Starting from the pirate era, it was to break the long-standing class solidification. The power of the suppressed bottom class completely exploded with the outbreak of the pirate era. ”

Lie Dou holds a pile of newspapers and the information collected by Kabuto. As an ally, some values ​​need to be reflected.

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