

Jin grinned at Amado's words.

As layers of waves washed away, Fish-Man Island slowly emerged. Near the sacred tree in the center of Fish-Man Island, the air area diffused by the sacred tree also shattered at this time, and the sea breeze blew in.

The fishmen walked out of the waves, and tall, strange-looking fishmen gathered together.

During the time that Jin was on Fish-Man Island, the only thing he did was to train the fish-people into "warriors" who could fight.

On the other side of the naval fleet, the Vice Admiral leading the team was already feeling a little numb when he looked at the huge island emerging from the seabed in the distance.

"Lieutenant General, we...should we block it?"

The adjutant next to him looked at the island in the distance and the golden tree that was growing crazily. Even under the dark clouds, the tree was still shining.

"Block it, no matter what it is, you must block it!"

The vice-admiral standing at the bow of the ship has a firm gaze, but he is not stupid either.

"Ask for reinforcements immediately. Find as many reinforcements as you can find."

Although the lieutenant general didn't know what was coming from the other side, he had already vaguely sensed that something was wrong. This kind of pressure was definitely not that of an ordinary enemy.

Even though he had been in the new world for a long time, he felt tremendous pressure.

However, as the commander, he cannot be messy at this time.

As the island got closer and closer to the fleet, everything on the island became clearer and clearer.

Those tall, extremely dangerous-looking "monsters" numbered in the thousands, no, this number already exceeded 10,000.

This is what they can see, how many monsters there are on that island.

As the sight continued to narrow, the Vice Admiral standing at the bow of the ship focused his gaze.

"Kin from the Bladeless Pirates, and... the Red-haired Pirates, Amado who died in battle? Damn it!"

At this time, the Vice Admiral was so angry that he wanted to curse.

Forget about gold, there is also Amado, a member of the red-haired pirate group. That guy was killed by Fukuda Kiyome himself. Why did he come back to life?

This kind of enemy is simply not something he can deal with.

But there is no way now. As a navy, I can't escape at this time.

"The power of the red-haired pirates? Let me try the red-haired courage."

The vice-admiral gave an order, and more than a dozen radiant cannonballs flew towards the Fish-Man Island. A group of ability users among the fishmen rushed out and blocked all the cannonballs.

That's right, they are a group of capable people.

Cixuan left a lot of devil fruits in his "headquarters" and had a lifespan of thousands of years. Even if Cixuan didn't study it deliberately, he was exposed to a lot of ninjutsu.

Therefore, the Golden Lion Pirates really had no shortage of ability users before, and even now, they are not in short supply.


The next moment, as the flames and smoke of the cannonballs dissipated, the fishmen rushed towards the naval fleet.

The navy did not flinch at all. Although they knew that they would definitely lose, since the war started, there were only two choices left: life and death.

The first encounter between the Four Great Ninja Villages and Orochimaru's Beast Pirates resulted in nearly one-third casualties.

Later, the world government's most noble immortal, "Master Yuan Yi," died on the battlefield.

In addition to Master Yuanyi, the total number of other immortals who died in the battle exceeded thirty...

Such noble immortals are not afraid of death, but they can also die.

The navy also rushed to the island without hesitation, and the battle between the two sides entered the craziest state in an instant.

Even if there are no immortals, even if there is no will of the fairy kingdom on earth, the power emerging from the navy is still formidable.

Their navy also has its own justice that belongs to this new era.

The navy has never belonged to the world government or the fairy kingdom on earth. In fact, whether it is the world government or the fairy kingdom on earth, they need to use their own "disguise" to maintain the justice of the navy.

And after paying the sacrifices of many upper-class people, it no longer matters whether this disguise is a disguise or not.

What the pirates can do, the navy can do.

The pirates have their own pursuit of freedom, strength, and ambition... and the navy also has its own justice.

This kind of battle didn't just happen in one place. At this moment, fierce battles were taking place in the entire outer circle of the Red Earth Continent. It was at this moment that the flames of war were truly ignited.

Even Shanks, who was in the center of the Red Earth Continent, was a little surprised by this situation, but looking at the information in his hand, Shanks had no choice but to accept it.

"With Yuan Yiyi's death, it is no longer the world government that has to give an explanation to the four great ninja villages, but the four great ninja villages that have to give an account to the world government.

The person above the Five Old Stars is dead, so everyone has to unite, and even the navy below will become even more different because of this incident. "

"World government, there won't be any problems for at least twenty years."

"But this... isn't this all your plan, Shanks?"

Jiraiya looked at the information sent over, and what happened in the Kingdom of Ghosts had already spread.

And they also obtained the information in advance through special means.

No matter how you look at it, this matter was arranged by Shanks.

Even Jiraiya was so suspicious.

"Of course not, I didn't do anything.

However, in fact, it doesn't matter whether you do it or not, the impact will not be big. What is happening in the Kingdom of Ghosts now can be regarded as a kind of reckoning. "

"As for me..."

Shanks looked at the condensed red will in the sky, which was already sinking. This sinking began to cause the central area of ​​​​the Red Earth Continent to collapse.

"time to go."

Shanks smiled. Before, he retreated from the edge to the center just to guard the central area. But now, with a large number of pirates rushing in, there is no need to continue guarding this place.

"Let's go!"

Jiraiya also nodded.

Shanks stretched and stood up.

In the center of the Red Earth Continent, the sun is just right.

As Shanks stood up, everyone else who was resting around also stood up one by one.

When some people stood up, they naturally put their hands on their weapons.

Under the sun, the laziness of these people's figures instantly faded away. Their eyes looked resolutely in the direction of Shanks, and their own aura and will were also exposed.

At this moment, the red will suppression in the depths of the entire Red Earth Continent disappeared. Even the will of the new era could not cover up the beliefs of this group of people.

Just looking at their appearance, these people are terrifyingly strong.

"Everyone, go and see the guests of the new world!"

Shanks smiled and spoke, and at this moment, everyone had smiles on their faces.

This time, Shanks is no longer the only one to welcome the "heroes" of the new era.

They were once commoners, once nobles, once businessmen or ninjas.

On the road Shanks walked, more and more people followed him, and there were more and more people.

The shadow grew longer and longer, and everything that was once was hidden under the shadow.

Chapter 303: All the Six Paths Immortals are strengthened

As everyone left, the central area of ​​the Red Earth Continent began to shake, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Then, the originally hard red earth became soft, and the whole earth began to shake. Layers of waves spread outward, and the red color began to gradually decrease.

Eventually, the red in the center area turned into blue, and this piece of blue fell directly downwards.

The sound of the sea came from under the abyss, and the power of the dragon veins deep in the world was also released at this moment. All the hidden dragon vein powers disappeared at this moment.

Everyone in the ninja world sensed some kind of power, as if something was broken at this moment.

Cheng Jiraiya, who was beside Shanks, looked up at the sky with feeling, and then withdrew his gaze.

Jiraiya's identity has always been very strange, or in other words, he has always been an extremely determined dreamer and has been working hard for this world.

He does not belong to the ninja world, nor does he belong to the new world.

He has been traveling around the world for a better future for this world.

Jiraiya's heart was so far away that he kept chasing, even if he couldn't see the direction, he never stopped.

It is precisely because of this that Jiraiya has gone very far, so far that he has become one of the top immortals in the world.

"Six Paths Immortal?"

Jiraiya faced the sky and smiled.

The Sage of Six Paths came from Mt. Miaomu with him, but he has no resemblance to the Sage of Six Paths. This is what makes Jiraiya so powerful.

"The shackles of ancient times have been completely broken, and everything that the Immortal of Six Paths once established...is over."

"The power of the dragon veins buried in the ninja world, the power of the six reincarnations...all the savings accumulated over thousands of years."

Feeling the energy fluctuations coming from behind, the terrifying and majestic life force spread out as the gap appeared in the center of the Red Earth Continent.

Thousands of years of accumulation in the ninja world all exploded.

The power of dragon veins that had been suppressed for thousands of years, the world that was supposed to grow crazily, started its growth this time.

The moment this power swept across, Jiraiya felt that his body was full of power, not only the life power, but also the spiritual power.

And this is even more true for others. The moment this force swept through the crowd, countless life forces were abruptly stopped by this group of people, and their physical and mental strength instantly surged to a terrifying level.

This is not surprising, because the will of this group of people is too strong, and the strong will has been squeezing their bodies and spirits, allowing them to become stronger with the help of limited resources.

At this moment, the resources they possess have skyrocketed again, and the change that will follow is that these powerful people will become stronger and stronger.

As for Shanks at the front...

"Is this the courage of the previous generation of overlords? It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that they suppressed thousands of generations."

Shanks also felt refreshed and refreshed. This feeling was really rare.

However, he also understood that this power was actually accumulated by the Six Paths Sage for thousands of years, with the help of the power accumulated in the original ninja world.

At this moment, all the power of the world is devoted to this new era.

"However, there are only two of us, which is still too few."

Shanks smiled, he didn't have any contempt for the Sage of Six Paths.

That person, regardless of his courage, means or strength, was able to suppress the ninja world for thousands of years, so he was well deserved.

The only regret is that he doesn't know the opponent's strength, but there is a strong enemy outside, and Shanks has no intention of fighting against the Sage of Six Paths.

He touched his katana, and a dragon-shaped phantom emerged from it. The weapon that carried his will also locked the vitality of the new era to himself at this moment, becoming more powerful.

Shanks could even sense that his weapon was no longer just a weapon that carried his will, and some of his own characteristics had already appeared faintly.

"The Sage without any weaknesses, the most almighty strong man in the ninja world, so that's it."

Shanks sighed, this change in weapons is actually normal. Long before this era, the Six Paths Sage had been able to create many magical treasures.

Some of the treasures have their own characteristic consciousness, and that person is truly at the forefront of the times.

However, it is a bit lonely for one person.

Shanks' eyes were burning, and the Six Paths Sage's thousands of years of work and everything he had done for this era were only revealed at this moment.

He, who was at the highest point, could finally look back and see the scenery at the foot of the mountain.

Shanks's breath change was very unusual. He was obviously very relaxed, but he could feel that kind of pride.

This is the feeling of climbing to a high place, looking down on all the mountains, and finally seeing the scenery behind you.

Shanks's pride never surpasses that of anyone else.

But it is precisely because of this that Shanks's pride surpasses that of everyone else.

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