Raikage Ai looked at the pirates with a serious expression.

"Are these guys really just ordinary pirates? Even if they have been seriously injured, they can still have this kind of momentum."

"What a terrible group of guys, they look no different from ordinary people, but their momentum is even stronger than many ninjas."

"Compared with this group of pirates, the previous pirates are just like minions."

Many strong men were also extremely shocked. The stronger they are, the more they can see the huge difference.

They will never feel wrong about the aura under this strong belief.


Dark threw the Kayu in his hand over, and Killerby, who was next to Raikage Ai, caught Kayu and took a look.

He was just punched in the face and was knocked unconscious.

"What a terrifying power, is that guy a devil fruit ability user?"

Killerby exclaimed.

"He started it first."

Dark explained, his voice was not loud, and he could even hear his weakness.

But at this moment, no one dared to look down on this group of people, dared to look down on Dark.

"It seems that you guys were beaten hard by Shanks, Dark, what's the matter with the wound on your body?"

Zabuza mocked.

Dark was not angry, looking down at Zabuza.

"You guys should practice your swordsmanship when you have time."

"We are going to Konoha next, do you want to go together? Everyone!"

Dark looked at everyone and said.

The huge figure did not bring any pressure to everyone, but a heroic spirit, because even if they did not go together, this group of people did not care.

Mei Terumi and Raikage hesitated.

Dark did not continue to ask, but took people away directly.

"In this case, let's go first."

"Why go to Konoha, for the devil fruit?"

Mei Terumi asked, why go when it is so dangerous? This group of people are not stupid.

"For the new world!"

Dark replied.

"To be able to stand in front of that guy again."

"Why not? I am recognized by Shanks as a hero of the sea."


Everyone had different opinions, but no one hesitated. This time, they were determined to go.

The Raikage, who had been waiting for his secretary to make a decision, looked at the pirates. He seemed to understand, but he also seemed not to understand. As a shadow of a village, he should not understand these pirates.


As long as they are human beings, as long as they have feelings, they will never make rational decisions, so...

"Pirates, let us, the Hidden Cloud Village, take the lead. The new world should not reject us old things from the old times!"

Ai put on his forehead protector and spoke to all the pirates. There was no reason or reason for his action this time, but he just wanted to take these people to Konoha.

As... a ninja!!

Chapter 66 A moment of peace

Kirabi, who was next to the Raikage, also put on a forehead protector. He had a clearer perception of these people.

The reason why these so-called "pirates" came here was different from their purpose.

As the Jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails, Killer Bee is also careless, but his intuition is more sensitive than everyone else.

The faith of this group of pirates is so strong that only the purest faith is left in their hearts, the kind of faith that sees hope and goes all out.

"Ai, how can you be the only one to take the limelight? I'll come too!"

Seeing that Raikage Ai and Killer Bee both stood up, Mabui had no choice. Although Raikage usually doesn't make any decisions, at this time, she has to support any decision made by Raikage.

"I'll ask others to prepare for the response. Yurui, treat everyone's injuries and get ready. We'll set off today."

Since the decision has been made, Mabui no longer hesitates. As the secretary of the Kage, all the remaining decisions will be left to her.

As for Mei Terumi, who was standing aside, she looked at Zabuza next to her with some confusion.

"This is the pirate of the New World. You will understand when you meet that man in the future."

"Even if he is an enemy, that man is still a person who is admired and respected. This is the spirit of being a Four Emperor."

"He does not need to seek recognition from others, nor does he need support from others."

Zabuza thought of Shanks at the time. That man had such charm and the spirit of being a Four Emperor.

"Because he knows that as long as he walks out a path, countless people will follow him. This is the spirit of the Four Emperors."

Zabuza's eyes were full of memories, and a lonely breath emanated from his body. In this world, he is the only one who can understand Shanks so well.

No one understands Shanks better than him. This feeling of loneliness and loneliness is really sighing.

"But Captain, weren't you worried about Shanks before?"

Kin next to him said.


"You don't even know what Shanks' strength is, right?"

Mei Terumi looked sarcastic. If she didn't care about her image, she would even want to give Zabuza a middle finger directly.

With your strength, why are you showing off here? People who don’t know you would think you are invincible.

"Huh? Don't say that. If I attack with all my strength, I can make Shanks use the sword."

Zabuza said proudly, and the younger brothers behind him also looked proud. These people had no concept of this "honor" at all.

Are you proud that you tried your best to get the opponent to use your sword? It's very embarrassing. After all, you are also an elite jounin. The top strong man in the ninja world. You can make the opponent use the sword. Are you proud?

Of course, although Terumi Mei and others felt that Zabuza's style of painting was strange, they also felt that it was outrageous.

Because Zabuza's actual strength is very strong, Kirabi has the most intuitive feeling about this. Although Zabuza's swordsmanship does not follow the technical style, but such a broad swordsmanship style, it is Able to suppress him technically.

As for strength, let alone it.

"What kind of monster is Shanks? Does such a person really exist? Even Zabuza doesn't know how strong Shanks is."

"Zabuza is totally unreliable. Shanks' swordsmanship is far superior to Zabuza's, but my swordsmanship is not as good as Zabuza's."

Kirabi was also complaining in his mind.

Although he also plays with swords, his faith is not enough to treat his weapons as his closest friends like Zabuza, and he is not yet able to communicate with his weapons.

"Bi, you still have me. As long as I'm here, you won't be too weak."

The Eight-Tails, who was sealed in Kirabi's body, said, as one of the most powerful tailed beasts, the Eight-Tails still has this confidence.

The power of tailed beasts in this era is the same as nuclear weapons.

But thinking of this, a golden figure appeared in Eight-Tails' mind.

The former Yondaime Hokage could only be described as terrifying.

To be fair, the Eight-Tails is also a tailed beast, and its physical strength is very strong. When Kirabi and Ai faced Namikaze Minato, Kirabi used the power of the Eight-Tails and directly transformed into the Eight-Tails' tentacles to attack.

As a result, Minato took a kunai and cut off the tentacle directly, kunai! ! That thing was only as long as the palm of your hand, and its tentacles were cut off directly.

"Does the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato have anything to do with Shanks?"

Yatsuo muttered.

"How can the Yondaime Hokage be related to Shanks?"

Kirabi replied.

Others were used to Kirabi talking to himself from time to time, and Zabuza was stunned when he heard Kirabi's words.

"How do you know that the Yondaime Hokage is related to Shanks."

As soon as Zabuza said these words, both Raikage Ai and Kirabi were stunned, and the Eight-Tails was also stunned.

On the other side, in Konoha.

The first stage of the Chunin Exams has passed.

The most eye-catching people in this chunin exam are undoubtedly Kaoru and Gaara. Gaara is very strong, but Kaoru... Kaoru is not that strong. At least the ninjas who are facing Kaoru are... It won't hurt much.

However, everyone knows not to make the red-haired girl angry, otherwise she will really fight for her life.

"Ah!! Lustful Immortal, you must help me, my strength is no match for those two guys."

Naruto had a mournful face. Ebisu was originally teaching him ninjutsu, but the two of them happened to see Jiraiya peeking into the women's bath.

Then, Ebisu took action, and then, Ebisu fell asleep.

So the responsibility of teaching Naruto came to Jiraiya.

"Haven't you already learned Shanks's six moves? As long as you work harder, you will be able to defeat those two guys soon."

"I learned it, but I didn't learn it."

Naruto replied confidently that he had really worked hard, but he had not made much progress.

"By the way, Erotic Immortal, have you really never seen Shanks?"

"never seen it."

Jiraiya pouted, thinking of Shanks' complicated identity, he didn't want to see him.

Of course, Jiraiya will still appear when absolutely necessary.

He is a person who believes in fate, but he is also a person who does not believe in fate, because Jiraiya has been fighting fate all his life.

If he really believed in fate, he would just do nothing and leave everything to fate.

However, in reality, Jiraiya has been doing his best to fight against fate and find a turning point in these so-called "destinies".

The appearance of Shanks, apart from destiny, is a man who truly has the ability to change all destiny. The appearance of Shanks also allows Jiraiya to see new hope for himself.

"You brat, you are also a person with the word "whirlpool", why are you so bad? Look at that red-haired girl and see if she can learn more from others."

"I have already asked Xianglin for advice."

Naruto answered very seriously that he had indeed looked for Xiang Lin.

"Xiang Lin told me that as long as you protect your life and work hard to survive, that's the most important thing. This is her belief in becoming stronger."

Hearing Naruto's answer, Jiraiya nodded.

Yes, he is worthy of being the child of Minato and Kushina. He is very perceptive and has learned the true core directly.

Coupled with Jiraiya's observation of Naruto during this period, Jiraiya also saw the firm belief in Naruto's heart. With such belief, even if the Kyuubi's seal is destroyed, nothing will happen. .

"Okay, it seems that I can only leave my secret trick to you."

Jiraiya stood up, and the chakra in his hands began to condense. It was time to release the power in Naruto's body.

"Five Elements Interpretation Seal!"

The next moment, Jiraiya's hand hit Naruto's abdomen. The chakra in his hand filled Naruto's body in an instant, and the seal on Naruto's body was also released at this moment.

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