If you want to know, now is almost the time. "

Jiraiya said to everyone. Others were surprised when they heard Jiraiya's words. Jiraiya actually knew about Shanks a long time ago.

Kakashi was not surprised at all by this matter. He knew about it when he was in the Land of Waves. However, Kakashi didn't know anything about the future that the Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku saw.

"The Toad Sento of Mt. Myoboku saw part of the future of the ninja world?"

However, these things seem to be beyond everyone's understanding.

But then, Terumi Mei immediately thought of something.

It's not unbelievable, it's just that they didn't accept this setting before. For example, Shanks's knowledge-color Haki, Zabuza also said that Shanks' knowledge-color Haki can predict the future to a certain extent.

But none of them took it seriously. Anything about Shanks that was told by the pirates would always be exaggerated.

"Ukiki, does the Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain really have this ability?"

If Kirabi doesn't understand anything, he just asks the Eight-Tails directly. The Eight-Tails have lived a long time and still know a lot of things.

"It seems that he does have this ability. Toad Immortal can see part of his destiny while dreaming."

At this time, Terumi Mei on the side also spoke.

"Is it a power similar to Shanks' Haki?"

After hearing Terumi Mei's words, everyone focused their attention on Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei then explained to everyone.

"This is what Zabuza mentioned. The three types of Haki mastered by Shanks, the Overlord Color Haki, can form a powerful suppression on the enemy, and can even affect the surrounding environment. Ordinary people face Shanks' Overlord Color He is so domineering that he is not even qualified to draw a sword."

"The Haki of Sensing and Information is similar to the Sensing Ninjutsu, but it is stronger than the Sensing Ninjutsu we know. Sometimes it can even predict the opponent's next move.

Seeing and hearing the color haqi has been cultivated to such a high level that one can even see certain fragments of the future. "

"Armed Haki is the greatest weapon against those with natural fruit abilities, and can cause substantial harm to those with natural fruit abilities."

Terumi Mei briefly introduced Shanks' Haki. Among all the people here, except for Kakashi, Terumi Mei knew Shanks the best, and all this information was revealed by Zabuza.

Of course, in fact, even Zabuza himself only knew a rough idea, and he didn't know Shanks' specific strength.

"Yes, but Shanks may be far more powerful than you know."

Jiraiya sighed, Shanks, who even the immortals of the three holy places couldn't see through, was not that simple.

"Everyone, it's better to prepare early. Since Shanks is already on the way, let's discuss how to deal with the next thing."

Jiraiya's words brought everyone's thoughts back, and then he turned and walked in the direction of Konoha.

Even if we want to discuss the next thing, we don't want to discuss it in a place like this. We must at least clean up Konoha.

Behind Jiraiya, the ninjas of Konoha also followed.

Danzo was naturally among them, but for Danzo's safety, the surrounding ninjas deliberately sealed chakra for several elders of Konoha.

After all, Konoha has suffered such a heavy blow. If the elders cannot bear it, chakra will go berserk, which will be in trouble.

Seeing everyone in Konoha leaving, others also looked at each other.

Jiraiya's intention was self-evident, that is to let all of them stand on the same front, but facing the current Konoha, everyone felt a little strange.

The current Konoha is not qualified to lead such cooperation matters.

"Everyone, do you think your appearance here is accidental?"

Lu Jiu looked at everyone with a gentle smile on his face. Regardless of whether this group of people wanted to or not, the only thing they could do next was to cooperate or... face Shanks alone.

"The arrival of a new era means that the age of pirates will confront the age of ninjas. You don't really think that Shanks will only stand behind those pirates, right?"

"Devil Fruit will make countless pirates pursue power, and Shanks, as the founder of a new era, will prove to everyone in the world that pirates have the power to fight against the old era."


Hearing Shikaku's words, Raikage's secretary Mabuyi reacted immediately.

"You mean, Shanks gathered all of us together to prove to the world that he has the power to fight against the five great ninja villages?"

"I didn't say that, but do you think it would be better to cooperate, or return to your own village now and wait for Shanks to find them one by one?"

After Shikaku finished speaking, he also followed Konoha's large army.

If Shanks is really heading towards the Fire Country, then there's only one thing he can do.

Prove to the whole world the power of pirates!

Let all pirates and all ninjas see the power of the new era.

Only by letting the world see the true power can the ambitions of the new era be truly inspired.

This is just like during World War II. Who would have thought that a "little boy" or a "big fat man" would directly end the war.

If you can't see this, who will believe it?

No one present is stupid.

"A mere Yonko can handle ordinary ninjas or ordinary people. Does that guy think that we, the top experts in the ninja world, are just losers?"

The Raikage is not angry with this. He is a dignified Raikage. How can he be afraid of Shanks?

"Lord Raikage's strength is obvious to all, but I am quite interested in the prophecy of Mt. Myoboku Sage."

Terumi Mei on the side spoke in a gentle tone. Since the Raikage wanted to find a way to get off the stairs, there was no harm in giving the Raikage some face.

"What you said Mizukage does make sense. I'll also go and see the prophecy of Mt. Myoboku Sage."

"Ai, what's so interesting about the immortal's prophecy? Isn't it Shanks? Let me..."

Before Kirabi on the side could finish speaking, he was forcefully pulled over by Raikage Ai.

Onoki and Chiyo saw this and followed them.

"Ohnoki, what do you think Shanks's strength is?"

Chiyo is also an old guy, having come from the Warring States Period, and has seen a lot of strong people. Compared to Raikage and Mizukage, Chiyo and Ohnoki have a more specific reference to Shanks' "strength".

"I hope...it won't be someone like Hashirama or Uchiha Madara? If that guy has that kind of strength and wisdom that we can't match, then what can we use to fight against him?"

"I'm afraid your hopes will be dashed. Even the immortals in the Holy Land have made prophecies about Shanks. Shanks' strength is likely to have surpassed Madara Uchiha and Hashirama back then.

That guy... Even if we all go together, we may not be the opponent's opponent. "

"There's nothing you can do about it, facing an opponent like that monster."

Just thinking about it, Onoki started to sweat on his forehead.

Thinking back to when I faced Madara Uchiha, a look from him could give me nightmares for several days. That kind of monster was really not something ordinary people could deal with.

After a while, representatives from each village gathered at the Hokage Building.

The remaining people have already begun to deal with the aftermath, including ninjas from other ninja villages.

At this time, I should at least express my apology and help Konoha clean up the house, even though it has nothing to do with them.

But considering that we may become partners in the future, it is more important to establish a good relationship early.

In the Hokage Building, Jiraiya directly opened the scroll on his body, which recorded many fragmented information. This is the information that Toad Sage saw with the help of Shanks's power about the future that Shanks saw. .

"Jiraiya, let's talk now. The most important thing at the moment is what Shanks' strength is.

Whether they have reached the strength of the first generation Hokage and Uchiha Madara. "

Ohnoki is most concerned about Shanks' strength.

"This is unclear, but Shanks has not mastered Sage Mode. This is certain."

Jiraiya told everyone a good news, well, this is the only good news, because the rest is bad news.

"Have you not mastered Sage Mode? Then you should be inferior to the First Hokage."

Onoki breathed a sigh of relief.

“But Shanks has mastered another power comparable to the Sage Mode, which is the power of Overlord Color Haki.

The essence of Overlord's Haki power is a kind of power against life forms. Sage mode is a combination of natural energy, spiritual energy and physical energy. This is the highest combination of power belonging to the life form of the ninja world. "

Jiraiya explained the concept of Sage Mode to everyone clearly. Of course, this concept is very simple, but if a normal person wants to learn it, it is no different from seeking death.

"And Shanks did not rely on the inheritance of any holy land, but practiced the immortal mode on his own, but when faced with the ultimate sublimation of this life form.

Shanks cut off his immortal power abruptly, and from that moment on, he was born with overlord-colored domineering and anti-life power. "

“This kind of power will suppress all living things and affect everything with physical energy, natural energy and spiritual energy.

Likewise, this is Shanks' unique power. "

After hearing Jiraiya's explanation, Onoki nodded.

"Oh, it's okay... As long as it's not in immortal mode, it's okay, hehehe."

"Ohnoki, it's so hot."

Chiyo's forehead was also covered with beads of sweat, and the two old men had awkward smiles on their faces.

At this time, I just want to ask, is there still room next to the third generation? If it can't be done, dig a hole for these two old guys.

There would be no need to go to the trouble of transporting the body back.

"One good news, one bad news, and there should be good news next, right?"

Onoki continued to ask.

"Um...no, it's all bad news."

Jiraiya pointed at the scroll.

"This is a prophecy about the power of Devil Fruit, and now it has been proven that Devil Fruit is real."

"And the piece of information here is that even the Five Old Stars, the highest power center in the world, want to give Shanks a face."

"As for what the Five Old Stars are, I think it should be a matter of the future."

After hearing this, everyone instantly understood that this was what would happen in the future.

"The highest center in the world, the Five Old Stars."

"Aren't these our five major countries?"

Everyone immediately reacted. If all the countries in the world really united, wouldn't they, as the five major countries, become the center of power of the "world government"?

And the Five Elders are probably the representatives of the people in power in each ninja village.

"I'm afraid so. If we want to cope with the next great wave of the times, if we still fight independently, we may not be able to bear it."

"You know, we need to deal with not only the enemies from the sea, but also countless ordinary people who are seeking power."

Mei Terumi said that no matter from what angle, it is the best way to let all countries in the world cooperate.

But it is not so easy to cooperate. The trust problem between countries is an insurmountable difficulty.

"Huh, let all countries unite? How can this be done?"

"With the power of Shanks alone, but the power of the new era, it may not be impossible."

As Konoha's think tank, Shikaku naturally appeared in this place.

He didn't need to think about this matter in detail. It was only a matter of time for all countries in the world to unite. Even earlier, they could protect their own countries earlier.

At this time, Shikaku couldn't help but sigh at the outrageousness of Shanks. If this person appeared in the Warring States Period, I'm afraid that even the brilliance of Hashirama and Madara would be covered up.

Chapter 76 So, what about the navy?

Although Shikaku's words were very disrespectful to others, everyone knew that once the new era truly began, the most correct choice would be for all countries in the world to unite.

Of course, the premise of all this is that all countries in the world cannot stop the invasion of pirates and the chaos caused by pirates.

But since it has come to this, Shikaku still has to continue to add one more sentence.

"The courage of Shanks is not just to overthrow the old era.

Having lost his people and his country, what he carries is not hatred, but the ambition to cut off history."

"Let the union between countries become closer, let the alliances become inseparable, promote the advancement of the times, let civilians have the same power as ninjas, and let ninjas continue to research and create new ninjutsu."

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