"Famous things are all in vain. As a film director, I never value fame. My whole life is devoted to the film industry."

Director Gangcun's face burst into laughter. His reputation was finally established, and his years of dedication to the film industry were not in vain.

"By the way, Shanks, we will arrive at the port in two hours. Aren't you coming with us?"

The third wife spoke.

"No, no, I'm afraid it will cause you some unnecessary trouble."

Shanks waved his hand, it was enough to send him here.

"Okay, the boat you want is ready for you."

The third wife didn't bother either, and when we got here, it was time to say goodbye.

"Shanks, you must come to see my movie."

Director Okamura shouted as he watched Shanks rowing away.

"Shanks, goodbye."

Yukie also rushed out, waving her arms towards Shanks. Everyone was used to Shanks being on the ship, but they were a little reluctant to leave when Shanks left.

"Okay, everyone, bye!"

Shanks bared his teeth and responded happily.

His life as a pirate is about to begin.

"Let me see the strong men in the pirate world!"

Shanks rowed the boat excitedly. Finally, he no longer had to train hard and could finally explore the pirate world freely.

Looking at the horizon that had appeared in his sight, Shanks looked towards the port with shining eyes.

The next moment, a huge barrier appeared around the port.

On the sea, the huge Eight-Tails appeared in Shanks' sight, and next to the Eight-Tails, an equally huge toad appeared from the smoke. On top of the toad's head, stood a white-haired man.

Shanks's horrifying domineering power locked onto the people in the distance in an instant. His perspective kept getting closer and closer, and all the surrounding scenery quickly retreated. In the end, Shanks was stunned.

"Something's wrong!"

"Did I eat poisonous mushrooms today?"

Shanks lay directly on the boat, closed his eyes, and stood up again after ten seconds.

"There must be something wrong with the opening method."

After another ten seconds, Shanks stood up again and took a look. Well, the group of people was closer to him.

Haha, the person waiting for him at the port is really not the navy, it is indeed not the navy.

"So...what about the Navy?"

Chapter 77: It may not be unstoppable

At this moment, Shanks' mind almost shut down.

The brain that had been dormant for a long time began to activate quickly. Shanks was not a fool, nor was he naturally stupid. On the contrary, his brain worked very well.

In just a moment, various useful clues appeared in Shanks' mind, from the first time he appeared in this world, to meeting Zhan, and then meeting the man named Madara.

What do you think of Zabuza and Madara's recognizability? These two guys are so recognisable. It would have been better if Madara had dressed like he did when he was young. The Madara Shanks met was already a gray-haired old man, wearing ordinary underwear and holding an ordinary Samurai sword.

As for Zabuza, let alone Zabuza. Zabuza's appearance was even more unrecognizable. He took off his forehead protector and took off his ninja vest. Who could recognize who this was?

And when Shanks saw Zabuza, the guy was almost covered in blood, it would be weird if he could recognize him.

"People don't have any problems, and I don't have any problems..."

“I have also cultivated the Haki of the Wisdom Color, and I have also cultivated the Haki of the Overlord Color, and the same is true of the Haki of the Armed Color.

And my swordsmanship is also so strong, so I can match it. "

Shanks instantly went over what happened during this period, and yes, everything was correct.

"Besieged by pirates, and those people also know my name, and the Devil Fruit user...that's right."

I also think about Dark’s Devil Fruit ability, as well as Kidomaru’s half-human, half-spider form. Do you think that’s not a Devil Fruit user?

And Dak is indeed a Devil Fruit user. Yes, it is indeed the pirate world or the Gintama world. After all, it is normal for any strange things to happen in the Gintama.

But no matter what, it can never be the world of Naruto.

Looking at Jiraiya in the distance, the Eight-Tails rushing toward him, as well as the Raikage, Mizukage, and Tsuchikage, Shanks' heart tightened.

"I must have traveled through time. It's normal. Those people don't recognize me, so there's no need to be so nervous."

That's right, he was just a passerby. It must be an accident to appear in this place. Besides, the group of people opposite didn't recognize him.

However, the next moment, Raikage's roar came over.

"Shanks, since you want to use our five great ninja villages as the cornerstone of the new era, let us see if your strength can match the name of the four emperors!!"

The speed of several Kages increased a lot. Jiraiya and Kirabi attacked from the front, while the others broke through from the side.


Jiraiya stood on Gamabunta's head with his hands clasped together. The clear sound of palm strikes reached Shanks's ears from a distance. In the sense of Haki, a powerful force appeared in Jiraiya. The brilliance was so bright that Shanks had to pay attention.

It was at this moment that Jiraiya entered Sage Mode, and Shanks' consciousness returned instantly.

"Just now... Raikage called my name?"

He had just deduced that this group of people didn't know him, but the next moment the Raikage called out his name, and said that he used the five great ninja villages as the cornerstone of the new world?

But at this moment, Shanks had no time to think about what was going on.

The light in the distance began to disappear, and a dark tailed beast jade began to condense in the eight-tailed mouth. The terrifying power caused the surrounding space to distort, and several other shadows had also begun to form seals.

Shanks himself did not expect that he had been practicing on the island for so long, staying for almost a year, and even thought about meeting the three navy generals when he showed up. As a result, the first battle was to face the strong men of the five major ninja villages. By.

What else can Shanks do? The tailed beast jade was almost smacked in the face, so I couldn't remain stunned.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, the entire sea began to shake, and the originally calm sea surface became turbulent at this moment. In just a moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and rolling thunder lingered on the black clouds.

Circles of black and red overlord-colored domineering energy spread out from Shanks' body, and the ultimate overlord-colored domineering energy raged unbridled on the sea.


Jiraiya, who entered the sage mode, reminded that at this time, several shadows who were forming seals were stunned. At the moment when they were affected by Shanks' overlord-colored domineering energy, all of them seemed to have suffered a heavy blow mentally. The chakra in the body instantly stagnated.

"Is this the Overlord's Haki? The restriction on chakra is so great."

"It's not just chakra, it's a natural suppression of all life."

Everyone stopped immediately. Except for Raikage, everyone looked pale, and the feeling of Chakra disorder was not that good.

"Hurry up and adapt to the suppression of domineering, time is running out."

Raikage looked at the sky with a solemn expression, outrageous. Is this kind of power really something that normal people can possess?

The guy hadn't even taken action yet, but at this moment the sky seemed to burst, and the calm sea was also affected by the guy's domineering aura.

Ordinary ninjas might not even be able to stand on the water when faced with such a terrifying existence.


"I am coming."

Kirabi was affected by the overlord's haki, and the condensation of the tailed beast jade was slowed down for a few breaths. At this moment, the condensation of the tailed beast jade was completed.


The dark tailed beast jade flew out from the mouth of the eight tails, gathering the most powerful power of the tailed beast in a blow. The tailed beast jade directly blasted a concave trajectory on the sea surface. The seawater was evaporated, and scorching air and water vapor appeared. On the sea surface, you can even see the flames emerging from the concave tracks.

The moment the tailed beast jade was blasted out, Kirabi, who had transformed into the eight-tailed beast, also rushed forward. This time, he was the real main attacker in the battle plan.

With the Eight-Tails here, Kirabi's own life safety is guaranteed. No one among them dares to underestimate Shanks.

"A mere tailed beast jade!!"

In Shanks's eyes, the black-red Overlord-colored Haki erupted again, and black-red lightning appeared on his body. The ultimate Overlord-colored Haki was fully activated, coupled with the ultimate Sight-Hearing Haki.

Facing many strong men in the ninja world, Shanks fully unleashed his strength.佺


The katana in his hand was slowly unsheathed, accompanied by the lightning lingering around him. At the moment when the katana was unsheathed, the light on the sword dissipated, leaving only a layer of darkness.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and a thick thunderbolt hit the sea. The sky was reflected on the sea, and the sky was flashing with thunder and lightning.

The waves overturned Shanks' boat. There was no one on the boat, and Shanks' figure appeared several hundred meters away.

The tailed beast jade was already in front of him. Shanks' small figure formed a sharp contrast with the huge tailed beast jade. This scene looked like a mantis using its arms as a cart.

"That guy... didn't hide away!!"

"That's the tailed beast jade."


At this moment, the air seemed to be stagnant and time seemed to have stopped.

Shanks frowned, his eyes narrowed, and the dark blade in his hand slashed towards the tailed beast jade that was right in front of him.

A black-red sword light appeared from the blade, and then everything around became quiet. A huge black-red sword light struck the tailed beast jade.


The Eight-Tailed Tailed Beast Jade was abruptly stopped in its progress by this sword, and a huge shock wave and black-red lightning erupted from the center of the collision.

With just one strike, Shanks suppressed the eight-tailed beast jade.

But before everyone could react, the second sword light appeared.

Still just like the previous slash, the black and red sword light slashed directly towards the Tailed Beast Jade.

"Armed color. Cross diversion!!"

Shanks' armed color sword skills and his strength are always improving.


This knife directly suppressed the rough sea surface nearby, and the entire sea surface was like a mirror.

Then, a huge crack appeared in the center of the mirror, and above, the eight-tailed beast jade was cut off and divided into four.


A huge shock wave came, and the eight tailed beast jade was cut off by Shanks with two swords, and disappeared directly on the sea.

But the shock wave generated was still terrifying. The straw hat hanging around Shanks' neck was flying in the hot air. The thin rope could no longer support it and finally broke.

The straw hat floated to the sea along with the shock wave.

And Shanks had already rushed out of the shock wave range. Behind the Tailed Beast Ball was Killer Bee in the Eight-Tails form, who was rushing straight to the front.

"Bi! Run!"

At this time, the Eight-Tails in Killer Bee's body saw Shanks, who was surrounded by black and red domineering and lightning. The terrifying suppression on Shanks really made the Eight-Tails feel fear.


Definitely will die. This kind of terrifying suppression power, even if it is a tailed beast, will definitely die facing this man.

"Bi, get out of the way!"

The chakra on the Eight-Tails has completely erupted. Killer Bee even feels that his body can no longer support it and has reached his limit.

At the same time, layers of red chakra coats appeared on the surface of Killer Bee in the Eight-Tails state, and the chakra of the Eight-Tails covered it again. This is the limit of the Eight-Tails and Killer Bee.

"I can't get out of the way."

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