This doesn't look like a failure at all. Sage Mode is a failure.

Looking at the Toad Sage who has completely fallen asleep, Jiraiya sighed.

"Oh, forget it.

Since the Toad Sage said that Shanks is fine, then forget it."

If it weren't for this accident, Jiraiya wouldn't have come to Myoboku Mountain on purpose.

After all, even Jiraiya understood how outrageous it was for a person to practice Sage Mode independently. Naturally, he had to come to the Toad Sage for consultation.

Fortunately, the Toad Sage said that it was nothing serious.

However, as soon as Jiraiya left, the Toad Sage, who was still asleep just now, woke up directly.

It's nothing serious, it's a big deal.

"Someone outside of destiny has appeared, no wonder, I didn't foresee it before."

Cold sweat dripped down the Toad Sage's big toad head.

Sure enough, old guys like them have lived for a long time and can see everything. The saying "live long and see" is indeed true.

The Toad Sage knows his own problems. Sometimes he can predict the future, which is actually a kind of perception ninjutsu, or in other words, perception ninjutsu is a simple deduction of his ability to predict the future.

However, the outrageous thing about Shanks is that this guy uses perception ninjutsu to reverse the chakra source, and has the ability of reverse perception, which can cut off the future prediction of the Toad Sage.

As an old man who has lived for thousands of years, the Toad Sage immediately figured out the reason.

The fate he predicted did not include Shanks because Shanks's reverse perception ninjutsu was too outrageous and isolated his perception.

At this time, it was because Shanks had an accident in practicing the Sage Mode that he was able to sense Shanks.

"The other party may also have the ability to predict the future."

Thinking of this, the Toad Sage took the time to enter the dream again. While Shanks had not recovered yet, the Toad Sage directly brought Shanks in this time.

This kind of prediction is the fastest and most real. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages, that is, there are very few things that can be predicted.

However, with some clues, the Toad Sage was able to restore the truth of the facts and restore a true destiny future with Shanks.

One month later...

The Toad Sage finally woke up again.

"Shanks, the youngest of the Four Emperors...

Devil Fruit... Age of Discovery... End of the World... New World..."

"Is this the future of the Ninja World?"

Chapter 11 As Shanks, it is normal to see, hear and kill

The prophecy used by the Toad Sage is the strongest. Directly substituting Shanks himself to predict, this method will make the Toad Sage's prediction reach 100% authenticity.

In addition to the limitation that there will be very little to know, this method has another limitation, that is, the length of the "future" seen is not determined by the strength of the Toad Sage, but by the strength of the opponent.

However, when the Toad Sage saw the "future", it was certain.

Shanks also has the ability to peek into the future and see destiny.

The Toad Sage knows what this ability means, which means that the future can be changed, which means huge uncertainty.

For such a major event, the Toad Sage must let the other two Sages know.

"Shanks, is there anyone who can practice Sage Mode on his own?"

The voice of the White Snake Sage came from the Toad Sage's mind. The Slug Sage did not speak. In fact, she did not care about this matter.

Among the three holy places, the Wet Bone Forest interfered the least in the Ninja World. The Slug Sage's personality was also easy-going and did not want to interfere in the affairs of the Ninja World.

On the contrary, the Toads of Myoboku Mountain were very enthusiastic about the affairs of the Ninja World.

"In the future, he will be called the youngest Four Emperors? If he can practice Sage Mode on his own, it means that Shanks can develop his own Sage Mode."

"Four Emperors, could it be the Holy Land?"

The Snake Sage thought of this and explained.

The Toad Sage saw too little information, but these were all extremely important information. The Snake Sage of Ryuchi Cave was also very curious about what was going on.

"I think so too."

The gentle voice of the Slug Sage came.

"The development of the Sage Mode means that he is qualified to establish a holy land. If he can really do it, it will be the youngest holy land. Will there be four holy lands in the future and be called the Four Emperors?"

The White Snake Sage continued to speak.

Reasonable, very reasonable.

If it develops in the current direction, I am afraid that the fourth holy land will appear in a few years.

"If the fourth holy land can appear, it will be a good thing for the ninja world.

But what is the end of the new world? In addition, there is another thing."

The Toad Sage showed the other two sages a blurry image, which was a strange fruit covered with various twisted patterns.

"As long as you eat this fruit, you can directly get a special ability, similar to the blood limit, and the ability of each fruit is unique. Everyone can only eat one fruit at most. This is a very magical thing."

Hearing the words of the Toad Sage, the White Snake Sage and the Slug Sage also thought for a long time. Well, the Slug Sage was not thinking at all, she was just in a daze.

After a long time, the White Snake Sage's eyes lit up.

"I understand, Orochimaru."

"Is this Orochimaru?"

"Huh? Big Toad, are you confused after sleeping? How can old things like us know what these things are?"

"But from the future you have seen, our three holy places will enter the ninja world again. If that's the case, why don't we let people from the ninja world do these things now?"

"Besides, Orochimaru is very interested in this aspect. If we can let Orochimaru come, we don't have to think so much."

The White Snake Sage said.

Although Orochimaru is very unpleasant and ambitious, Orochimaru's brain is also solid, and his talent is also top-notch in the entire ninja world.

Even the sages of the three holy places need to admit this.

And it is best to let Orochimaru do this kind of thing.

Of course, asking Orochimaru to help will definitely cost a price, but this price is nothing to Ryuchidong.

As for the Slug Sage? I don't know when the Slug Sage has slipped away directly, she doesn't care about this kind of thing.

And with Tsunade's current situation, she will not interfere too much in the affairs of the ninja world.

Slug Sage has only one word - lie down.

On the other side, Shanks, who was still "training" with Zabuza, frowned. After a month, his observation Haki finally recovered.

At the moment of recovery, his observation Haki sensed some kind of spying, and Shanks' mind moved and directly cut off the vague power.

"Did someone see me when he used the observation Haki to spy on the future?"

In the past few months, Shanks has become more and more proficient in the mastery of Haki. This time, he found that he was spied on, and he seemed more calm.

Or after so long, no one has found this place, which means that this place is still very safe.

"And now I have the ability of observation and killing. In addition to the armed Haki, I am now very close to my original body, so there is no need to worry too much."

Shanks is just cautious, and he has a self-awareness of his own strength.

Whether it is the entanglement of the domineering Haki or the observation and killing, he has mastered it.

With the armed Haki, he is basically invincible when he goes out to sea.

You know, Shanks' strongest ability is still Conqueror's Haki, and Observation and Killing is also Shanks' most difficult ability.

I can see your future through Observation and Killing, but the future you see can be cut off by my Observation and Killing, so that you can't directly spy on it.

This is the strength of the youngest Four Emperors on the Grand Line.

"Shanks, don't be distracted when fighting."

Zabuza's roar came, and the next moment, a flash of knife light flashed, and a crack was torn on the ground where Shanks was.

Shanks grinned and jumped into the air.

"Haha, Zhan, your speed is still too slow."

Buzz! !

A circle of black and red ripples vibrated.

The light above Zabuza's head seemed to be crushed at this moment, and the next moment, Shanks' fist wrapped with Conqueror's Haki slammed down.

"Iron block!"

Zabuza crossed his hands, and the upper part of his body turned into a black iron block.

Clang! !

Caught it, but not completely.

At the moment of collision, Zabuza flew backwards, cracking the ground.

In the distance, dust was flying. Zabuza stood up from the pit and waved his hand. The dust around him was blown aside by the wind.

He was sweating on his head and blood was flowing from his nostrils.

"I have already practiced the iron block, why can't I block it?"

Zabuza gritted his teeth, thinking of his rapid progress in this period of time, and then looking at Shanks in the distance, his progress was the same as no progress.

"I didn't faint directly."

"Damn it, Shanks, don't underestimate me, I will also improve, your domineering color is no longer effective against me."

"Watch this."

The chakra in Zabuza's body was running wildly, and the whole body was abruptly expanded by three points at this moment, and the twisted muscles burst out with powerful strength.

With a step of his feet, his figure disappeared again.

"The secret of the swordless flow!"

"Broken blade!"

The next moment, Zabuza appeared above Shanks, clasping his hands together, and a terrifying momentum condensed.

At this moment, the sky seemed to dim in an instant, and the only light was the sword light in Zabuza's palm.

Using his palm as a sword, the nearly ten-meter-long sword light tore through the air in the next moment and chopped straight towards Shanks.

Shanks felt a slight sting before the sword light approached Shanks.

At this moment, Shanks held his samurai sword, and the next moment, a black light suddenly appeared.

A smoking black shadow was ejected from mid-air and fell straight into the lake.

Chapter 12 Zabuza's sudden change in style

Under the influence of Shanks, Zabuza's training direction also shifted, and he has gradually shifted from a normal ninja to a physical ninja.

And in just over a month, Zabuza's progress can be said to be rapid.

Through some "theories" said by Shanks, Zabuza has successfully deviated from his style.

"As expected of an elite marine, he has mastered Moon Steps and Iron Block in such a short time."

The Six Styles of the Marines were no secret to Shanks, so during this period of time, Zabuza, who was unable to learn Haki, could only study the Six Styles of the Marines first.

And Shanks was impressed by Zabuza's progress. He was indeed a ruthless man who could escape from Akainu's pursuit. Although it was Akainu who let him go, it also fully demonstrated Zabuza's strength.

"Alas, my vision is too high. It's still a beta version. When Luffy met Smoker, Smoker was directly in an invincible form. After the update, he will become a passerby character."

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