"Haven't you left yet? Great."

"That guy has always been acting alone, how could he appear at the port?"

One of the ninjas said vigilantly, the previous group of people was wiped out, this time they must be more careful.

"Let those people continue to watch and see what's going on."

"Be careful, otherwise you may die."

"I'll let them continue to watch at the port. If other enemies appear around the target, we need to make plans."


After discussing it, several people decided on the plan.

It was not until the afternoon that the people watching at the port received another message.

"The target is now acting alone, and it seems to be heading towards the tavern."

"Acting alone?"

"Quickly notify the boss, hurry up."

Hearing this news, the group of ninjas immediately took action.

Not far from the group of ninjas, Shisui came out from the corner.

"Could it be Shanks? Why did he come to the Tea Kingdom?"

Shisui returned to the Tea Kingdom to deal with the previous ninja pursuers. The meticulous Shisui was different from Ross's group of carefree pirates.

If we don't help Ross's group get rid of the pursuers, these ninjas will catch up with Ross and his group in ten days at most.

It is precisely because of this that Shisui returned to the Land of Tea.

Shisui didn't understand why Shanks appeared in this place, but since the adult who changed the times came, he naturally had to take a look.

At the same time, in the tavern on the other side.

"Hahaha, it turns out that the dark circles on your eyes were caused by you, Shanks."

"I said that no one in the ninja world can leave a mark on the face of a strong man like you."

"Damn it, the World Government actually used a photo like this of mine as a bounty."

Shanks had only been in for half an hour, and he had already mixed with this group of drunkards in the tavern.

Looking at the bounty taken out by the drunkard next to him, the photo on it still had dark circles, and Shanks felt ashamed.

Shanks, the Four Emperors, was actually laughed at by this group of drunkards.

"By the way, a big man like you, Shanks, suddenly appeared in this place, he must be here for something, right?"

The bartender said with a smile while wiping the wine glass.

Although Shanks is one of the Four Emperors, the strongest man in the world does not make the people around him feel the slightest fear. Instead, they can feel a kind of intimacy from Shanks.

It is also for this reason that Shanks got familiar with this group of people in just half an hour.

"Ah, Shanks, you are not here for the red-haired little girl who appeared here some time ago, right?"

An old man next to him suddenly thought of Karin some time ago.

"If it is that little girl, Shanks, you may be late."

"Red-haired little girl? Are you talking about Karin?"

Shanks suddenly thought of something. Speaking of the people of the Uzumaki clan, it seems that it is only Nagato and Karin.

"Ah, is that little girl called Karin?"

Hearing Shanks' words, everyone reacted and Shanks knew the other party, so it seemed that he was here for that little girl.

"But Shanks, you are late. The little girl was taken away by the pirates some time ago."

"Ah, it is said that there was a big battle, and the pirates killed all the ninjas who chased them."

Hearing the discussion of the crowd, Shanks was not surprised. With the advent of the new era, the conflict between ninjas and pirates will intensify.

What people see now is just a little bit.

But just as everyone was discussing, two ninjas wearing vests and forehead protectors with the word "reward" walked in from the door of the tavern. There was also an ordinary-looking man beside them, who looked like a supporting role.

"My lords, is that the red-haired man you are looking for?"

Hearing this man's words, the whole tavern instantly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on the two bounty ninjas at the door.

Shanks, who was sitting at the bar, turned around, his white shirt was wrinkled, and one of his trouser legs was rolled up, and the other was not.

The flip-flops on his feet were replaced with sandals, but the whole person looked no different from the other drunks around him.

Shanks held a wine glass in one hand, his face still flushed, and under the dim light of the tavern, Shanks slowly stood up.

The samurai sword on his waist made a crisp sound.



"Ahh!! Shank... Shanks!!!"

The two ninjas ran out in a hurry.

The leader of the bounty ninjas outside saw this scene and his eyes turned cold.

"As expected of a member of the Uzumaki clan, is your strength so strong?"

"In that case, I, Sanmu Long, will not hold back."

"Get out of the way, don't do it, let me do it."

Sanmu Long went straight up, and stretched out his hands and began to make seals respectively. Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Sanmu Long's signature, one-handed seal, can release two ninjutsu at the same time. The two ninjutsu assist each other and can burst out even greater destructive power.

Just as Sanmu Long passed by his two younger brothers, the twisted expressions on the faces of the two younger brothers and the tears squeezed out made Sanmu Long stunned for a moment.

At the same time, Sanmu Long heard the voices of the two younger brothers.


"Run away!"


Sanmu Long was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, a figure walked out of the tavern.

Boom! !

At this moment, Sanmu Long's brain seemed to explode. The expression on his face changed from the initial confidence to a distorted one, and tears and snot were squeezed out.

He tried his best to look back, and his brothers had disappeared at the end of the street. Looking at the sunset in the distance, Sanmu Long's tears flowed, as if he was commemorating his youth.

He saw his life in this sunset.

"I heard that you were looking for me?" The man's voice came from behind, his tone was calm, but it was like thunder filling the ears.

Chapter 89 A fateful encounter


Sanmu Long was stunned. How could he dare to do that? This was the Four Emperors Shanks.

But at this time, another voice sounded.

"I just want to see with my own eyes what a man who changes the times looks like."

Shisui walked out from a distance. Shanks's observation Haki had covered the entire town. In this town, the only person worthy of Shanks' attention was the young man who had lost his eyes.

Hearing Shisui's words, Shanks grinned.

"What's so good about a pirate? If you want to see it, why not go to the sea and see the heroes of this era."

"That's what I meant."

Shisui's words made Shanks silent for a moment, and he understood what Shisui meant.

"It will be very dangerous to be with me."

"People can't just run away when they see danger, right?"

Shisui didn't answer Shanks directly, but this sentence also revealed Shisui's own pride.

He never took the so-called danger seriously. He should have died long ago, but the reason why he chose to return to the ninja world again was not to be able to see the scenery of this new era with his own eyes?

And now, it's time.


"If you don't mind me being a drunkard, come with me to the New World. Follow me and see this new era that belongs to the ninja world."

Shanks stretched out his fist, and Shisui also smiled, and the two fists collided.

"I, a blind man, will leave everything to the captain from now on."

"It's not like a blind man can't see. By the way, what's your name?"

"Shisui, Uchiha Shisui."

Hearing this name, Shanks was stunned for a moment.

"I thought you were dead."

"Jumping off a cliff is jumping off a cliff, and dying is dying. They are not the same thing, Captain Shanks."

The two chatted like this and disappeared at the end of the street.

Although it was the first time they met, the two seemed like companions who had not seen each other for a long time. Shisui was an idealist ninja, and the will of fire inherited from Tobirama's generation had always influenced Shisui.

And after "suicide", Shisui was truly enlightened.

Whether it is will or wisdom, Shisui has completely broken through the former Shisui. It is precisely because of this that Shisui saw the dead end of Konoha.

It can even be said that he saw the dead end of the ninja world.

Konoha has never lacked geniuses, just like Nara Shikaku. Shikaku's wisdom is definitely above Shisui, but Shikaku's belief is not as good as Shisui. One is a person who has completely abandoned and given up everything.

The other person, Shikaku, is a wise man who shoulders the survival of three families.

Because of the situation of the three families of Ino, Shikaku and Chou, Shikaku's vision can only focus on Konoha. He can't give up everything of the three families for those illusory ideals.

This is the difference between Shisui and Shikaku.

After Shisui "enlightened", what he saw was the dead end of the entire ninja world, and even saw the hidden figure behind the ninja world.

Faced with this dead end, Shisui is also powerless.

In many cases, people often fall into this paradox. The smarter the person, the more things they know, but the more things they don't know.

A fool who doesn't even know what one plus one equals, then this fool is not qualified to see the question of what two plus two equals.

On the contrary, the smarter the person, the more he can understand his own ignorance.

So after jumping off the cliff, Shisui "died".

The wisdom inherited from generations allowed him to see the entire ninja world clearly, and it was simply nonsense to want to change the ninja world.

However, at this time, a group of pirates broke into Shisui's life, and it was at this time that Shisui heard the news of Shanks from Ross and others.

Changing the ninja world is indeed nonsense.

But what Shanks did made Shisui dumbfounded, because what this guy did was to directly overturn the table.

OK? Isn't it a dead end? Then everyone should stop playing, and everyone should restart.

Shanks' "restart" is completely different from Shisui's way of "restarting".

To use an analogy, before Shanks appeared, Ninja World had been reopened before. The way to reopen Ninja World was that if the file could no longer be played, the file would be deleted and reopened.

Shanks's way of reopening was that I would directly update the current version. The previously unplayable files could still be played, but with the version update, some of the previous files would definitely be destroyed.

From the perspective of gamers, there are two directions.

One is a ninja from the old times. The ninja from the old times was already the top existence in the ninja world. Just think about how much effort we spent and finally became the boss of the server.

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