So now the whole of Konoha is preparing for the next changes in the ninja world.

"Where's the daimyo?"

Yamanaka Haiichi asked.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire is also a troublesome point. With the current situation, Konoha also needs to give some explanations to the Daimyo.

"Don't worry, since we are the ones training the soldiers, the daimyo cannot influence us.

What we have to do is to follow Shanks and become the pioneers of the path they will take in the future. "

"Build a new will of fire. Since the roots of Konoha are already rotten, then rebuild the roots of Konoha and let the roots of Konoha spread throughout the Land of Fire."

Shikaku said that this was his own decision. Konoha was broken from the "roots". Now that he has stood up, Konoha must be revitalized again.

Kakashi is the future Hokage, the top leaf of the big tree Konoha, and where are the roots of Konoha?

Shikaku didn't know, and didn't need to know.

In the current situation, what he needs to do is to make the roots of Konoha grow so strong that they cannot be controlled by one person.

It is so strong that even if the leaves are gone, new leaves can still grow on these huge roots.

This is his Shikaku's courage. In this new era, if he still maintains his previous vision and courage, he will definitely be eliminated by this era.

This is Shanks' revelation to everyone. The reason why there are so many followers in the path that man takes is because that man never thought about controlling anything in the past, but handed over all power to the people of the new era. people.

This is an era of freedom, and it will also be an era of violence.

And what Shikaku did was the same, handing over the decision-making power to more people.

Outside Konoha Village, at the newly built training ground, Konoha's instructor genin looked at the assembled "soldiers".

"You are the future of the new era. This new era needs to be protected by everyone here."

"The leaves are the leaves of the Fire Country, and you are the roots of the Fire Country. The leaves will eventually fall with the autumn wind, but every fallen leaf will eventually turn into nutrients, nourishing the Fire Country. root."

"If Konoha falls one day, I hope that you, as the roots of the Fire Nation, can sprout new shoots and continue to fight against this era."

"The will of fire is like this."

"Sir, if you all fall, what will be the roots of us who became Konoha?"

A soldier stood up.

"They are the people of the Fire Nation, they are your family."

"The lushness of the leaves is due to the growth of the roots. When one day you are strong enough to become the top leaves of the big tree of the Land of Fire, don't forget the roots that have been silently nourishing you."


The sounds from the training ground spread outside.

Shanks, who was completely disguised by wearing a chef's hat, looked at Shisui.

"Is this Konoha's Will of Fire?"

Shisui hesitated.

"...Now it is."

Chapter 91 Justice can also change

Shisui answered bravely, although he didn't know what was going on, but now it seems that Konoha's direction undoubtedly corresponds to the current situation in the ninja world.

"I think it was Nara Shikaku who made the decision. After all the top leaders of Konoha were replaced, only the Nara clan can stand up and take charge of the overall situation."

Then, Shisui spoke again.

"But doing so also means danger to Konoha."

Huge roots are naturally beneficial to big trees, but as the root system becomes stronger and stronger, other tree trunks will grow on top of these root systems.

The same roots will not grow just one tree.

"That's wrong, Shisui."

"As an outsider, you only see the crises faced by Konoha, but in fact, there are greater crises in the ninja world, so Konoha takes risks.

To be precise, this is not even an adventure. Among the five great ninja villages, Nara Shikaku may be the only one who can do such a thing. "

Shanks said with a smile while looking at the "new recruits" in the training camp.

His mind can't be said to be good, but his vision is much higher than that of these people in the ninja world. Many things can be traced from history.

What Nara Shikaku is doing now has broken the habit of the ninja world, which is to fight for the so-called "village".

"Crisis? Captain, are you talking about yourself?"

“It’s not me, it’s the era that started from me.

When I give up revenge, the personal will I represent will be eliminated. When I become one of the four emperors, leaving three vacant positions in the ninja world. "

"I'm telling the world that if I, Shanks, can do it, they can do the same."

"The men who create this new era are just the leaders of the new era, not the shackles of this era."

Shanks smiled and explained that with his current strength, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he could suppress the current generation.

But what is the point of suppressing the present generation? Being a Senju Hashirama? Become a Uchiha Madara?

Don't be ridiculous, from the beginning, Shanks didn't want to be the so-called "strongest".

When he thought he was in the pirate world, what Shanks thought about most was to see the sea and see the heroes of this era.

Do you know what it means to count the famous people, but also look at the present day!

Even if we now know that this world is a ninja world, after seeing so many heroes, does it still matter whether it is a ninja world or a pirate world?

Since it is me, Shanks, who has opened a new era for the ninja world, let me see what you can achieve.

After the era I created, where can you go?

Feeling the aura of Shanks, Shisui was stunned for a moment. Although he couldn't feel it clearly, he understood that the carefree-looking captain in front of him had a great courage that was unparalleled in the entire ninja world.

This is a powerful man who has transcended the constraints of the times. Even I can't see a single thing about the man in front of me.


“If they want to survive in this era, these villages and countries must make changes, and they, who are themselves shackles, have to break the shackles.

Otherwise, the pirates of the new era will destroy the entire ninja world. "

"Of course, this actually has nothing to do with me. After all, there is no grudge between me and the Ninja Village."

Shanks spread his hands. He really couldn't take the blame. In short, he, Shanks, would not take the blame for any issues related to the Ninja Village.

Others thought that he had a grudge against Konoha as a member of the Uzumaki clan. Even the death of the third generation and the settlement of Danzo were partly due to the Uzumaki clan.

But Shanks said that he was really not familiar with the Uzumaki clan, and even the abilities of the Uzumaki clan were now destroyed by him.

But no one would believe this kind of thing, so Shanks could only admit that he was wrong. Okay, you can do whatever you want.

"With your courage, captain, you naturally won't care about such personal grudges, but that may not be the case for others."

Shisui on the side sighed, what Shanks said must be worthy of belief, but others would not think so.

"It is said that Danzo has defected, and some of the Gen ninjas are following him."

Shisui reminded that Shanks might not think so, but Danzo might not.

To be honest, normal people would put half of the blame on Shanks for Konoha becoming what it is now.

And Danzo would put all the responsibility on Shanks, saying that Danzo would not retaliate, but Shisui didn't believe it.

His words were also meant to remind Shanks.

With Shanks' courage, he would definitely not behave like a villain, but the ninja world cannot be full of people like Shanks, and more people like Danzo.

"Duanzo? If that guy is not eliminated by this era, he will stand upright in front of me one day."

"If you don't even have the qualifications to stand in front of me, then forget it."

Shanks answered indifferently, his eyes focused more on the training ground.

"The flame of justice is about to burn in the ninja world. No matter how you look at it, you can't call it a ninja world, right?"

This is what makes Shanks feel very outrageous. It is obviously the ninja world, but under the influence of this factor, the current ninja world has become more and more like the pirate world.

Look, now even the prototype of the navy has emerged.

Before, the ninja world was still a war between villages, and it was about bonding friendships and the like.

Judging from the current situation, the huge concept of "justice" will replace some of the concepts that the ninja world once had.

When the concept of "justice" is large enough, the boundaries between villages will be broken down.

What this broke was no longer the barrier between the ninja clan and ordinary ninjas, but it actually broke the shackles of the entire ninja era invisibly.

"Is this justice?"

Although Shisui couldn't see it, he heard the voices of the "soldiers" coming from the training ground, and a hearty smile appeared on his face.

This kind of "fire" is the real will of fire, not for the village, but for "justice" to protect more people.

"Yes, this is justice!"

Shanks was in a good mood, with a hearty smile on his face.

Even though he is a pirate, he knows very well that the so-called "justice" is used to deal with pirates like them.

But at this moment, the two of them seemed to have seen the birth of the most beautiful thing, and in fact, this was indeed the case.

Both Shanks and Shisui know that many things will change, and Shisui knows this firsthand.

"Will justice also change? Captain."

“Yes, but now, what we see is the purest justice.

The scenery of the new era is pretty good, right? "

Chapter 92 Long time no see, Jiraiya

Nothing will not change, Konoha's will of fire will change, and justice will naturally change.

What won't change is the world, because the world is never black and white.

"How should we sneak into the Uchiha clan's territory next?"

"No need to infiltrate, just enter directly."

Shisui said directly, there are not many people in the Uchiha clan now. As a member of the Uchiha clan, isn't it just like going home?

"Anyway, the Uchiha clan's clan is not in the same place as other families' clans, and there shouldn't be any families in Konoha who are willing to have anything to do with the Uchiha clan.

Just walk in. "

As far as the Uchiha clan is concerned, no one wants to go there. They are the real lone star of the evil.

Completely undefended.

"That's why the experimental base of the Second Hokage was built under the clan land of the Uchiha clan.

But Senior Kagami thinks the biggest reason is that the First Hokage will not check the situation of the Uchiha clan."

Shisui thought of what the Second Hokage did and felt that the second possibility was more likely.

If the First Hokage found out about these human experiments, he would beat the Second Hokage to death.

But what distinguishes Tobirama from Orochimaru and Danzo is that Tobirama is an extremely talented theorist. All forbidden techniques are human experiments conducted after a strong accumulation of basic theories.

And Tobirama will not use civilians from his own village and other villages as experimental subjects, because civilians are not qualified at all.

But Tobirama will not be soft-hearted with ninjas from hostile villages or some rebellious ninjas.

"The Second Hokage is really a ninjutsu genius."

"If he could live to this day, I'm afraid there would be more forbidden techniques in the ninja world."

Thinking of this, Shanks himself felt terrible.

This is the most outrageous thing about the ninja world. After several decades of development, the strength of the ninjas has not improved at all compared to before.

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