"However, Shanks, you have already lost the moment you appeared because of Cardo's life and death. The more things you can't give up, the more weaknesses you will have, hahaha!"

Danzo was full of heroic spirit. His strength was indeed not as good as Shanks, but his wisdom and mind were the best in the ninja world.

He had no weaknesses at all. He, Danzo, could give up too many things, so he had no weaknesses.

This is the qualification that a true hero in the ninja world should have.

And Shanks was too young. Young people would always be tied up by many things. Even if they failed countless times, they could not learn lessons from them.

At this time, Danzo did not notice that two "civilians" near the port also looked at the sea.

"The greatest ship in the New World, the ship of the Red Hair Pirates."

Just seeing the ship, Sasuke felt a throbbing feeling in his heart. Even a ship could bring him such oppression.

Sasuke was also present in the battle between Shanks and the strong men in the ninja world, and he also felt how strong Shanks's domineering aura was.

If it were him back then, he probably wouldn't even be able to stand in front of Shanks, but now he's not facing Shanks, but Shanks' ship.

Just a ship can make him feel this kind of "throbbing" in his heart.

"It feels like even that ship is suppressed by Shanks."

Naruto sighed, he also felt the malice coming from the ship, but his feelings were completely different from Sasuke's.

He could more clearly sense that the "malice" on the ship was suppressed by Shanks, and only the strongest man in the ninja world could become the captain of that ship.

Compared to Sasuke, Naruto's perception would be deeper, not only for others, but also for himself.

At least at the moment he saw the ship, Naruto could clearly sense that the "malice" hidden deep in his body had completely disappeared.

Shanks not only suppressed the malice on the ship, but even the malice in his body was suppressed by Shanks.

It was as if it had never existed.

"As the strongest man in the world, don't you care about this kind of malice? The spirit of a man who can influence the entire ninja world also has the spirit to accommodate the existence of these malice."

Hearing Naruto's inner voice, the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body was more or less a little crazy.

"Does this kid know what that guy named Shanks did!!"

"Using the trunk of the sacred tree to build a ship, is that kind of thing used to build a ship? Just ordinary ninjas will naturally lose their chakra when they get close to that kind of thing."

"And such a large piece of the trunk of the sacred tree must have part of the consciousness of the Ten-Tails on it. What's in that guy's mind to use this thing to build a ship?"

It's really hard for the Nine-Tails to understand the brain circuit of this "strong man". He originally thought that Hashirama was already a dragon and phoenix among men, but he didn't expect that there would be an even better phoenix chick appearing now decades later.

"And this brat, how can Shanks suppress me? Even if you can sense me, can you please use some brains?

If I don't take the initiative to gather my strength, Shanks still wants to suppress me? I'm not a weakling like the Eight-Tails."

The Nine-Tails, hiding in the corner, complained.

So, he was there the last time the Eight-Tails was killed, and he was also there this time when Shanks appeared.

So he has faced Shanks twice and escaped unscathed.

If you think about it carefully, the Eight-Tails has been completely left behind.

The Nine-Tails, who had cut off all contact with the outside world, finally felt a little comfortable when he thought of this. Although he was also imprisoned, he thought that the Eight-Tails guy was directly chopped to death.

Seeing that there were good brothers who lived a worse life than himself, the Nine-Tails instantly felt that he was still quite happy.

"Naruto, get ready."

Seeing that the barrier on the Naruto Bridge disappeared, Sasuke quickly reminded him.

"Teacher Kakashi is coming, let's save Kado in the chaos."


Naruto nodded. Their mission goal is to ensure Kado's safety.

At this moment, Naruto looked at Kado on the execution platform.

Although Kado looked half dead, Naruto and Sasuke both knew that the guy was probably pretending.

I heard from the group of people in the Bladeless Pirates that even if Kado was hung on the mast in the sun and didn't eat or drink for three or four days, it would be fine. At most, he would lose two pounds.

It is said that the guy is the best at returning life. Even Naruto has consulted Kado.

And Kado's guidance to Naruto is that if you are beaten often and hung like this often, you will naturally practice it.

So at this time, Naruto and Sasuke don't care about Kado's life or death at all. That guy can't be in trouble.

Besides, it's not time for them to take action yet.

At this time, Naruto and Sasuke's attention is all around Kado.

"Here it comes!"

Sasuke was the first to notice the space distortion in the air, and Naruto was also the first to react, and the two rushed to the execution platform at the same time.

At the same time, Danzo and the ninjas around him also discovered the abnormality.

A cold voice came from the distorted space.

"White Fang Sword Technique. Flash Funeral!"

The next moment, countless white sword lights in the distortion directly bombarded the place where Danzo and his group were in the form of a whirlwind.

Kakashi rushed out from the center of the white sword light, pointing the short sword directly at Danzo.

"Earth escape. Earth flow wall!!"

"Earth Release. Stone Wall!!"


The ninjas around Danzo are not vegetarians. These people are considered to be the elite ninjas in Konoha.

Various earth escape ninjutsu were used to block Kakashi's attack.

At the same time, the other ninjas were ready to use their ninjutsu.

But Kakashi's speed is too fast, and Kakashi's target has been aimed at Danzo from the beginning.


The short sword in Kakashi's hand reached Danzo in an instant.

"Wind Escape. Vacuum Jade!"

Danzo didn't give in at all. It was just Kakashi, but he was Danzo.

If he hadn't been injured by the Mizukage and Raikage in the first place, how could Kakashi and Inorika Die's family dare to put him under house arrest?

The next moment, the surrounding air was compressed directly into Danzo's mouth, and a huge air cannon appeared in front of Kakashi.


The two sides fought without any unnecessary movements. A huge explosion erupted from the two people. There were layers of impact on the surrounding ground. The fierce storm formed a huge vacuum zone directly behind Kakashi.

However, Kakashi's sword also reached Danzo.


Two swords blocked Kakashi's attack, and two ninjas appeared in front of Danzo.

"Ninja Technique. Ninja Soldier Chain!"

Black twisted runes appeared on the two knives, following Kakashi's knife to fix Kakashi's body in place.

Danzo looked at the unedited short sword in front of him with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"What a pity, White Fang died before you could sharpen your knife."

"Hahaha, Kakashi, it is really one of the joys of life to see a genius like you become so corrupted.

Are you Hatake clan mentally so fragile? "

"At the beginning, I just wanted to suppress Hatake Sakumo so that he would not threaten the Hokage. Unexpectedly, the guy actually committed suicide directly."

Danzo took two steps back and formed another seal on his hand.

"I didn't expect that his son was not that strong, and he became like that just because of the sacrifice of his teammates.

How sad! "

"The talents of the Hatake clan and your minds are really not matched at all."

"Kakashi, don't you still know your weaknesses?"

"Illusion. Nightmare of Reincarnation!"

Danzo untied his arm, the Sharingan on it began to rotate, and the power of the Uchiha clan was completely released.

Although Danzo is not proficient in genjutsu, the genjutsu he masters is completely different from that mastered by the Uchiha clan, but he has the power of the Sharingan.

When facing ordinary people, the power of illusion is crushing.

What? You said Kakashi also has the Sharingan.

Yes, so Kakashi can use genjutsu on Zabuza.

But Kakashi only has one eyeball, and I Danzo have a bunch of eyeballs, which is equivalent to Kakashi not having the Sharingan.

Danzo is all about a powerful flying brick. No matter how weak my genjutsu is, it will become stronger with the blessing of Sharingan.

Coupled with the fragile minds of the Hatake clan, how could they possibly face genjutsu.

The next moment, Kakashi was directly pulled into the illusion. Danzo was indeed right. Under this absolute illusion power, Kakashi had no power to resist.

If you want to describe it, it's like someone who is not fast enough can't dodge bullets.

Kakashi is the one who isn't fast enough.

However, just because you can't dodge the bullet doesn't mean you can't take the bullet hard.

Kakashi was once again pulled back into his most painful memories.

His father committed suicide because he was wronged by the village's higher-ups. The Hatake clan was infamous, and the former great hero was nailed to the highest pillar of shame by Konoha.

Obito died in front of him again, and Lin also bumped into his ninjutsu "Chidori" again, and was pierced through the chest by his own hands.

Even his teacher, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, who had always cared about him, died in Konoha.

People around him left one by one, death seemed to envelope him, and Kakashi became an unknown person. Anyone who came close to him would encounter misfortune.

The nightmare that had tortured Kakashi countless times was now repeated like reincarnation, impacting Kakashi's sanity.

However, this time Kakashi did not fall into the self-blame he once had.

“It’s almost the same as what I’ve seen before.

Is this illusion? "

"It seems that I have been trapped in my own illusion a long time ago.

I have been reincarnating in the so-called nightmare of reincarnation for more than ten years, and besides, I understand it better than anyone else. "

"This... is not a dream, but reality, the real fact that happened, Danzo!"

Kakashi sighed softly in his dream.

The next moment, pure white power tore apart the illusion.

In reality, a pure white power emerged from Kakashi, endless loneliness, endless indifference, like an abyss of loneliness.

The restraints on Kakashi's body were shattered by the power that emerged from him at this moment.

"Pah!! Pah, pah, pah!"

Under the crumbling spell, Kakashi's figure had disappeared from the spot, leaving only the remnants of the spell in the air.

A white mark was left in the air.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

Kakashi appeared behind Danzo, and from his left eye, which had been covered by an eye patch, pure white substantial energy swirled out like smoke.


A huge blood flower exploded from Danzo's chest, and Danzo's entire body was split in two.

Chapter 102 Here It Comes

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