"Subvert the political power of countries and secretly control those countries."

"When you join our organization, except for some specific tasks that need to be done, you can do whatever you want at other times."

Itachi added from the side.

“Overall, there’s no downside to joining our organization.”

Kisame continued to add.

"What if I want to quit?"

"He will be hunted down by the organization."


"There was no such rule before, but after Orochimaru defected last time, he took away all the organization's money from Kakuzu, and the research our organization asked him to do was actually used by him to use it as his own ninja. technical research.

So now our organization has such a rule. "

Kisame said this matter expressionlessly, and even Itachi next to him couldn't hold himself tight and looked a little embarrassed.

Most of the Akatsuki organization's funds are managed by Kakuzu, and Orochimaru and Kakuzu were in the same team before. In addition, Orochimaru was also responsible for some ninjutsu research in the organization.

The result was that Orochimaru spent all that money on himself.

And this matter is not just a year or two ago.

It can be said that Orochimaru's brain is hundreds of years ahead of people of this era. This guy can do experiments. He can start a project first and then start to cheat money.

Who are the people in the Akatsuki organization? They are all engaged in combat effectiveness. Do they know what scientific research is? Don't know at all.

Especially Xiaonan, who is one of the leaders. How many billion detonating talismans are there? How can someone who doesn’t understand how to explode them still want to check the accounts? impossible.

Moreover, Orochimaru defrauded more than just the funds of the Akatsuki organization. Although he had left Konoha, Orochimaru still had contact with Danzo.

Danzo went to defraud the Sandaime out of his money, and Orochimaru came back to defraud Danzo out of his money. The Uchiha clan has been exterminated for several years, and now Danzo's transplant surgery has not been completed, and Orochimaru is dragging him, forcefully.

People who do research are so tough.

However, Orochimaru ignored one thing, and that was Itachi.

After falling into one of Itachi's illusions, Orochimaru felt that he was no longer safe in the Akatsuki organization, so he simply did something big and defrauded the entire Akatsuki organization.

"Huh? This kind of organization still wants me to join, so forget it.

I'd better just be my pirate. "

Zabuza refused directly. He would not enter such a shameful organization.

"However, if you take action against Kirigakure, I can help you. Just come to me directly."

After saying that, Zabuza left directly.

Itachi and Kisame didn't stop him. After Zabuza left, Kisame looked at Itachi beside him.

"The man in the forest is very strong. Even if we two fight together, we won't be a match for each other."

Hearing Itachi's words, Kisame nodded.

Two people also left.

Chapter 14 Revolutionary Army?

Kisame's sudden appearance made Zabuza a little uneasy. After all, he was one of the seven people in the past, but since he left Kirigakure Village, he found that the world seemed different from what he thought.

"Oh, you're back?"

Seeing Zabuza return, Shanks waved to Zabuza.

But when Zabuza saw the unsheathed katana that Shanks had put aside, he frowned slightly.

I didn't expect that a member of the Uchiha clan would dare to fight Shanks, but this seemed normal. After all, the Uchiha clan was famously arrogant.

"It seems that you have also been tempted."

Zabuza sat down on the ground. There was nothing wrong with him, let alone Shanks.

"Well, a strange ability user, it should be some kind of fantasy beast type fruit ability user."

Shanks explained.

Shanks did not come into direct contact with Itachi, and when Itachi's crow spied on him, he took action.

Although the crow was killed, there was no corpse left. Judging from Shanks' experience, the opponent should be some kind of relatively strong fruit ability user, and that would only be of the fantasy beast type.

"Is it a fantasy beast type?"

Zabuza didn't know anything about devil fruits, but judging from the name, the fantasy beast system should be related to genjutsu. The genjutsu of the Uchiha clan is indeed very strong, huh.


Zabuza nodded, yes, the Uchiha clan are those with phantom beast abilities.

"What did you encounter there?"

Shanks asked curiously. He thought it was the navy who was chasing him, but from the look of Zabuza, it wasn't the navy.

"One of my former colleagues wanted to invite me to join their organization, but I am not interested in that organization. I am more suitable as a free pirate."

"What organization?"

Shanks asked curiously, if he could come here to find Zabuza, could he be from CP0?

"I don't know either, but they said that they have secretly subverted some countries, and the purpose of the organization is to overthrow the current world and build a better and peaceful world.

But I don't believe this at all. "

Zabuza smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was once brainwashed like this by Kirigakure Village. What was the result? It just became a weapon for the village.

Kisame and Itachi did not lie to Zabuza. The goal and creed of the Akatsuki organization is to establish a more peaceful era.

Whether in the past or now, the creed of the Akatsuki organization has never changed.

It's just that before Yahiko died, Akatsuki had always been relatively gentle. Of course, the so-called "gentleness" is also compared with the current Akatsuki. In fact, when Yahiko brought Akatsuki, there was no difference between Akatsuki and the Revolutionary Army.

And the current Akatsuki, to put it bluntly, although the creed and purpose have not changed, the methods are completely different.

Okay, when we were in revolution before, the means were too gentle, so now we will directly become a terrorist organization. As long as the threat we bring to the world is big enough, then everyone in this world will have to unite.

Either unite to fight us, or die.

This kind of thing is what the current Akatsuki does.

"Have you overthrown some countries?"

"Well, although the relationship between that guy and me is not good, he never lies, and these intelligence should be true."

Zabuza nodded.

"Shanks, do you know what this organization is about?"

"If there is any organization in this world that can do this, it is only the Revolutionary Army."

Shanks spoke the information of the Revolutionary Army without hesitation. According to Shanks's calculations, the Revolutionary Army should have just been established at this time, and it was indeed short of people.

However, the speed of "Dragon" is really fast enough, and it has found a foothold so quickly.

"The program and creed of the Revolutionary Army are indeed to build a more peaceful and beautiful world. Most of them have been deceived by false justice, so they formed the Revolutionary Army.

As for more information, I don't know."

Shanks continued to add.

Hearing Shanks' words, Zabuza sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, Shanks knows more about some secrets of the Ninja World than him. It seems that there are still many things in the Ninja World that he needs to explore.

Thinking about it this way, it should be a good experience for a pirate to explore the Ninja World.

"Shanks, I'm ready to go to sea."

After hesitating for a while, Zabuza spoke.

He has been hesitating about this matter for a long time, and the appearance of Kisame made Zabuza determined.

Hearing Zabuza's words, Shanks seemed to have expected it.

After realizing that Zabuza's strength had not improved, Shanks was ready.

"How long will it take to leave?"


"Any plans?"

"Well, let's find a boatman first. I think our boat may not be able to go out to sea."

Zabuza pointed to the boat by the lake, which he and Shanks assembled in the past month.

In general, it looks like a boat, but the hull is completely leaking and can't sail on the sea at all.

The next morning, a raft set off from the coast.

A skull was printed on the sail of the raft, and the skull was supported by four cross-handles. The Bladeless Pirates were officially established.

"Shanks, when you go out to sea, you will definitely hear my name on the sea, hahaha."

Zabuza's hearty laughter came with the waves.

These two months have given them, the "dead man", a new life.

Pirate? The freest pirate on the sea.

Is this the taste of freedom?

Zabuza faced the sea breeze and enjoyed it all.

What a shitty ninja? What a shitty village?

From now on, I will be a great pirate who dominates the ninja world.

"Oh, I hope you can take over my Conqueror Haki by then, Zan."

Shanks on the shore replied, and Zabuza in the distance turned his back to Shanks and waved his hand in response.

As the waves washed the coast again and again, the footprints left by Zabuza disappeared, and Shanks walked towards the wooden house by the lake.

"It's great to be a free pirate."

"Unfortunately, I can't do it yet. I have too many things on my shoulders. If I want to become the freest pirate on the sea, I need to have stronger strength."

The red and black Conqueror Haki burst out from Shanks.

This terrifying momentum that can suppress all creatures, substantial power.

Even the sky was affected by Shanks' Conqueror Haki at this moment. In the ninja world, the only person who cut off the power of the immortal, the power suppressed by the whole world, and at the same time, the power that can suppress everything in the whole world.

"Two more years, no hurry."

Chapter 15 Cardo: I'm in a hurry

The Land of Waves

It is called a country, but in fact it is just a small island plus a town and a few villages.

So the Land of Waves is not a real country, and this is why Zabuza was able to set foot in the Land of Waves.

"No matter what organization it is, funds are necessary. Even as a pirate, you need to have your own source of income."

"And as a pirate, a good ship is necessary. From the intelligence, the shipbuilding technology of the Land of Waves can be said to be the best in the world. This is why we want to go to the Land of Waves."

On a piece of floating ice, Zabuza explained to Bai beside him.

Not long after Zabuza went out to sea, the ship sank.

It was also by chance that Zabuza met Bai, and then Bai became the vice captain of the Bladeless Pirates, although there are only two people in this pirate group now.

"I understand, Captain, so we have to control the Land of Waves and then build another ship."

Bai nodded. It was his first time as a pirate, and he still needed to consult his captain on many things.

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