And Sabei and Kotaro didn't tell Ichiraku about this until Shanks left.

How should I put it? As a Chunin of Konoha, he was beaten up by a chef. The other party must be very strong.

Anyway, Sabei and Kotaro were convinced.

And Ichiraku couldn't forget it for a long time after knowing this.

He said, why did that guy come to eat his ramen every day, and tasted the ramen in the store several times.

Now it seems that this is a contest between chefs, and in the end, the other party didn't even show his cooking skills.

"Boss Ichiraku."

Jiraiya's words pulled Ichiraku back to his thoughts. Ichiraku came back to his senses and looked at the sky outside the door.

"Jiraiya, so early.

Do you want to try the new products in our store?"

"Oh? There are new products, let me try them."

Hearing that there are new products, Jiraiya's appetite instantly opened up and picked up the chopsticks next to him.

"Master Jiraiya, I want to travel around and practice my cooking skills. Do you know which country has the best chefs?"

"Well, I don't know much, but when it comes to food, the Tea Country should be the most famous."

"The Tea Country?"

Ichiraku thought about it. The Tea Country is right next to the Fire Country, so it's not too far away.

By then, I will be out for a month.

After all, I am a chef, but my cooking skills have not improved for several years. If it weren't for those two guys, Sabei and Kotaro, I might not have realized this.

As for Sabei and Kotaro on the other side, they have been guarding the bridge for a day, and the two guys are really squatting in the bushes.

But there is another one sitting at the bridge.

A monk who looks weird.

"Sabei, get up quickly."

Kotaro hurriedly woke up Sabei, it was his turn to sleep.

"Ah? What's wrong... Is that monk still watching there?"

Sabei got up and saw that the strange monk was still sitting on a stone not far away, looking at the distant Wave Country.

"Still watching, how strange, he didn't move all night."

Kotaro returned to Sabei's place and lay down.

He continued to sleep.

And on a stone not far away, the strange monk also stood up.

"Shanks... is really a scary man, but only such a strong man is qualified to stand with me in this world."

The monk looked up at the sky.

Even as a strong man who has lived for thousands of years, he had to sigh at the horror of Shanks.

"Even I would be threatened by the power of that man. Such a strong man can never be caught up with time."

Jigen is the name of this monk. If there is another name, it is "Otsutsuki Isshiki".

He once arrived in the Ninja World with Kaguya, but after arriving in the Ninja World, he was attacked by Kaguya, forcing him to parasitize in Jigen's body.

So, Otsutsuki Isshiki became Jigen.

He has been in the Ninja World for thousands of years, watching the changes in this Ninja World as an ordinary person.

From the beginning to the end, Jigen has never taken other people seriously.

However, not long ago, the battle between Shanks and the strong men in the Ninja World threatened Jigen.

So, Shanks entered Jigen's field of vision.

"It's almost time, I don't know if this is my chance or my disaster?"

Jigen retracted his gaze.

"I'm afraid even the Otsutsuki clan doesn't know that the sacred tree actually has such a function, and can use the sacred tree to form devil fruits.

However, this is normal. Normal trees will not only bear one fruit. Only idiots like the Otsutsuki clan will plant the sacred tree as a chakra fruit."

Jigen is very disdainful of the Otsutsuki clan.

Anyway, everyone looks down on everyone, and now, he Jigen has the qualifications to look down on other people in the Otsutsuki clan.

Is this how you use the sacred tree? Please take a look at how Shanks uses it. I can only say that the Otsutsuki clan is all idiots except me, Jigen.

Including Kaguya Otsutsuki, who ate the Chakra Fruit after all, but was sealed by his two sons.

Of course, Jigen felt that it was normal for him to be attacked by Kaguya. He was attacked not because he was weak, but because Kaguya was good at calculating.

Although he was not strong, he was good at calculating. He was very pleased that he was attacked by such a person. At least in his opinion, not all the people in the Otsutsuki clan were useless.

"The courage of this guy Shanks should not be underestimated.

Although he is already a strong man who suppresses the ninja world, he has no pride as the strongest. Instead, he has created a way for others to become strong."

"But, Shanks!!"

"You must not have thought that there are strong men like me in the ninja world.

Since there are still three positions for the Four Emperors, I won't be polite."

A proud look appeared on his kind face. After a thousand years of silence, he finally saw a strong man who caught his eye.

A man like Shanks, such a strong man, is worthy of Jigen to really stand up and face.

Only when you stand in the position of a strong person, you will know the loneliness of being invincible.

So he understands Shanks and his approach.

But in Ci Xian's view, no one in the ninja world can be Shanks' opponent except him.

"But there are four Yonko."

"Doesn't that mean that besides me and Shanks, there are others?"

Thinking of this, Ci Xian shook his head.

"Then it's better not to be the Four Emperors. Otherwise, let me be the Pirate King, hahahaha!!!"

Ci Xian laughed. Now that he had truly seen Shanks, even a distant glance made him determined.

He was determined to be this pirate.

Not only to be, but to be stronger than Shanks! !

"Don't laugh too loud."

Zuobei's voice came.

The twisted smile on Ci Xian's face instantly turned cold. He was embarrassed in front of these two idiots. Damn it!

"Hey, are you two interested in becoming pirates?"

Ci Xian turned around and asked.

"Which pirate group are you from?"

Zuobei was a little curious.

Hearing this question, Ci Xian thought for a moment and realized that his pirate group had not been formed yet.

But I am different from others. I am a strong man from outside the sky. The pirate group must not be the same as the normal pirate group.

"Sky Pirates!"

Chapter 108 Circle

Zuobei and Kotaro were completely uninterested in a pirate group with no reputation. After all, they were now Chuunin of Konoha, so their status and status were completely different.

Zuobei and Kotaro's rejection did not make Ji Xian angry, but he also knew that it was time for him to form his own pirate group.

At least, he must be qualified to face Shanks face to face.

Nowadays, the situation in the ninja world is getting more and more complicated, and Ci Xian himself can't understand it. If there were only a few ninjas worth paying attention to in the past, then Shanks has opened this new era and will cultivate countless strong ones.

These strong men are still in the growth stage, but Ci Xian doesn't mind waiting for these "strong men" to grow up.

If he wants to face Shanks openly, Ci Xian also needs to be recognized by other pirates.

On the other side, Kakashi in the Land of Waves also left with Naruto and Sasuke, and Orochimaru and Kabuto also boarded Shanks' pirate ship. Next, both parties have their own matters to deal with. In the future For a period of time, there won’t be much intersection.

As for Cardo, Cardo was holding the flag of the Red-Haired Pirates in his hand. Although his manor was destroyed and almost the entire port was destroyed, when he saw the flag in his hand, Cardo still felt that this It's all worth it.

"The Kingdom of the Sea is a country without ninjas. Because it is relatively close to the Kingdom of Water, we used to hire ninjas from the Kingdom of Water to protect ourselves.

However, after Zabuza's incident, in order to increase its defense power, the Kingdom of Water stopped sending ninjas to the Kingdom of the Sea. "

"I have also established a secret base of my own in the Kingdom of the Sea, which is generally not used.

But the most important thing is that I have a friend in the Kingdom of the Sea. "

Orochimaru said, this is one of the reasons why they are going to the Kingdom of the Sea next. If they want to figure out some issues about this strength, it should be impossible not to go to that guy.


Shanks didn't remember if Orochimaru had any other friends. How many people could Orochimaru call his friends?

"Although Amado is just an ordinary person, his wisdom is far better than mine in some aspects.

Many of my experimental equipment were obtained through him, so I will also share some experimental data with him. "

Orochimaru continued to add.

Amado, the strongest scientist in the ninja world.

Perhaps for Orochimaru and Beilihu, Amado can only be said to be a smart scientist, because Amado's research direction is completely different from Orochimaru and Beilihu.

In the final analysis, the direction of Orochimaru and Beiruhu still focuses on ninjutsu, but the direction of Amado's research is completely on the technological side.

It can be said that in today's ninja world, in addition to the scientific research results of Yunyin Village in the Kingdom of Thunder, some unreasonable scientific research results in other countries are closely related to Amado.

Of course, now is far from Amado's limit. In the future, after Naruto's son is born and grows up, Amado will truly become the strongest scientist in the ninja world, and can even create clones. Others , such as body modification and other technologies, not to mention.

So although Amado is not that strong now, he is enough to win Orochimaru's eyes and even become a "friend".

"So next, are you going to find Amado to study these things?"

Shanks looked at the seastone crystal on the table. Orochimaru didn't know what this thing was about. He only knew that the effect was the same as that of seastone.

Moreover, some secrets in the ninja world do require a scientific approach.

"If we can confirm that the ocean is the birthplace of life in the ninja world, or even the concentration of that thing, it will be of certain benefit to us."

Orochimaru spoke.

Although he and Shanks are not the same person, for now, he and Shanks have the same goals.

As for Shanks himself, it would be best if Orochimaru could find someone to help him.

The Ninja World has its own spiritual power and life force. It is not an exaggeration to call this thing the world will.

However, Shanks also understood that the so-called world will is actually more like the instinct of the world.

"Captain, is that thing you are talking about really that dangerous?"

Shisui also didn't understand why Orochimaru and Shanks were so cautious.

"It is very dangerous. If it were you, you would not be able to withstand the impact of that thing. Even if it was me, I could only use part of the power of that thing. Once it exceeds the upper limit of what I can bear, I will be backfired."

Shanks nodded carefully. The power of the world is not so easy to bear.

In fact, normal people cannot reach the level of contacting the power of the world. Only people like Shanks who are so outrageous that they can open up an era by themselves can attract the power of the world.

Under normal circumstances, the power of the world will not be attracted by a certain individual.

Often the world power is offset because of some problems in the world itself, which causes the "instinct" of the world to be offset.

Just like the last time the world will of the Ninja World began to concentrate, it was concentrated on the Six Paths Sage.

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