Dak looked down on him. Didn't the old man care about his status at all?

"Tell me what's going on."

"Well, listen carefully."

The old man naturally put on a proud attitude when he got here.

"Look at the scale of our caravan. Don't think that our caravan is just an ordinary caravan. A long time ago, our ancestors established a powerful country."

"In our country, there is a magical ore called Grayer Stone. By refining the power of Grayer Stone, we can even make food mature overnight, make well water never dry up, and even greatly extend people's life span."

"The same is true for the snow ferret. When I was a child, the snow ferret was this big, and today, decades later, it has not aged at all.

This is the power of Grayer Stone, and it is also the most powerful force that our ancestors can use to build a country."

Hearing the old man's introduction, Dak also felt a little curious and said so.

"So, the power of the Gray Stone should be very strong, and its effects should be more than these."

Dark looked at the boy not far away. Excluding the possibility that the pirates showed mercy, the boy was able to survive, not by his luck, but by his own strength.

"Of course, ordinary people can indeed gain a certain amount of power after absorbing the Gray Stone.

But not everyone can absorb the power of the Gray Stone. Only the blood of the royal family can perfectly absorb the Gray Stone. Ordinary people cannot do this."

Hearing the old man's words, Captain Dark nodded. It was true, otherwise the old man would not tell this secret.

The Gray Stone has limited improvement for ordinary people, so ordinary people are not qualified to touch the Gray Stone.

From this point of view, the effect of the Gray Stone is far less than that of the Devil Fruit. At least the Devil Fruit does not have any special requirements for the human body. As long as it is a person, he can gain power through the Devil Fruit.

"So, that boy is a member of your royal family?"

Dake is not a fool. He guessed it in an instant, and he also understood the whole story, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

The reason why the old man found him was definitely not because they knew each other before, but because of what the old man was going to do next.

"Yes, he is indeed the royal family of our family."

"Then what is his role?"

Dake asked.

"Our country was destroyed because of the Grayer Stone. The Grayer Stone not only made our country strong, but also gave rise to countless ambitions."

When the old man said this, there was a hint of loneliness in his words.

With the demise of the country, their former subjects were scattered all over the ninja world. Some people formed caravans, while others went overseas.

"Our country eventually disappeared in history because of the ambitions fostered by the Grayer Stone.

So only by finding the blood of the royal family can the Grayer Stone vein be completely sealed."

This is the role of the boy, to completely seal the Grayer Stone.

"Old man, if you want our captain to help, it's better to tell the truth."

"No matter how chaotic a country is, only the royal family can perfectly control the power of the Gray Stone, so the so-called ambition is only the ambition of the royal family.

The ruler cannot destroy his own country."

A tall and thin swordsman next to Dark spoke up. He was the vice captain of the Dark Pirates.

"Ryu, don't make a hasty conclusion about history you don't know."

Dark crossed his hands in front of his chest and scolded.

"Not every ruler has a brain. When we were in Konoha, you also heard about the third generation of Konoha Hokage.

So it's normal that there are idiots in the ruling class."

The old man thought Dark was scolding his men, but when he heard Dark's supplement, the old man was also stunned.

You pirates like to pull out the third generation of Hokage and whip his corpse, right?

But you really have to say that after the pirates promoted the political wisdom of the Third Hokage of Konoha, the Kages of the five major ninja villages are now much more cautious about the implementation of village policies.

After all, they know their own affairs, and as ninjas, they really don’t have much political acumen.

If I get too excited, it will be a shame to be nailed to the pillar of shame by the pirates one day.

"Okay, Captain, but there are only a handful of people like the Third Hokage in the entire ninja world. It is impossible for so many people to be so stupid."

Ryu replied. After all, he is a pirate who rose from humble beginnings. Ryu's strength is not very strong, but he is also smart and will not look down on anyone.

"It is said that the previous lord of the Snow Country spent a huge amount of money to build a geothermal device so that his daughter could see the spring in the Snow Country."

As soon as Ryu finished speaking, another pirate in the team spoke up.

Hearing what these pirates said, the old man couldn't hold it back. Well, the brains of these rulers are really outrageous.

"This doesn't happen in our country.

But what do you think the role of that ferret is?"

The old man pointed to the ferret in the distance.

"Doesn't that snow ferret only get close to royal blood?"

Ryu replied, but then he immediately reacted.

Only getting close to royal blood means that the snow ferret is used to screen royal blood, and only royal blood can perfectly carry the power of the Grayer Stone?

In other words...

"Yes, the role of the snow ferret is to screen royal blood, and also to track royal blood."

When the old man said this, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

If the old man hadn't said it, they would have thought that this caravan was loyal to the country they once were.

But when the old man said this, this is not a loyal minister, the role of the snow ferret is to track the royal family. From this point of view, the old man's identity is obviously the person who destroyed the country built with the Grayer Stone.

"I also said that only the royal family can truly and perfectly inherit the power of the Grayl Stone, but this does not mean that ordinary people cannot obtain the power of the Grayl Stone."

"Although it costs half of one's lifespan and there is a high mortality rate.

But after hundreds of years of dark rule, the subjects of the country are willing to make these sacrifices."

"And my ancestor was the leader of the rebels at the time. The mission of our caravan is to prevent anyone from using the Grayl Stone to rebuild the country they once were."

"But his appearance means that someone has set their sights on the Grayl Stone and can control the power of the Grayl Stone."

The old man pointed to the young man not far away. Their mission was just to prevent someone from using the Grayl Stone to rebuild the country they once were.

As for the young man? For the old man, there was no hatred between them, and there was no need to get rid of the young man.

And a young man who was used as a tool by others, since he could be used as a tool by others, could he not be his tool?

He would not think that the young man had his own ideas and deliberately ran back from overseas just to obtain more power from the Grayl Stone and then rebuild the country.

Even Shanks, the strongest man in the ninja world, probably didn't have such ambition at this age.

If the young man not far away really had such ambition and corresponding wisdom, then the old man could only consider himself unlucky and met a genius that had never appeared in the ninja world.

If it was really so outrageous, then he would just take Dark and defect immediately on the spot.

Besides, why did the ancestors of their caravan form a resistance army? Wasn't it because of various struggles among the royal family members, and in the end, it was the ordinary people who suffered.

If the dynasty could develop stably, who would be willing to fight for it?

"So you found us because we have experienced the same thing as you did?"

Ryu said. As pirates, most of them are at the bottom of this era, and they have to bear all the suffering.

Although they can communicate with the old man face to face now, in the past, such big businessmen were not at the same level as them.

"More than that."

"The technology of the Gray Stone was lost in the war. If you want to reproduce the technology of the Gray Stone, someone needs to keep experimenting.

And from the information I know, these people are returning from overseas."

The old man's eyes fell on Dark.

At this moment, a murderous intent emerged from Dark.

"You mean, my former village is likely to be destroyed by this group of people?"

"Ninety percent sure.

Dark, you also understand that overseas is almost all islands, and the distance between the islands is not close. Most people don't even know about ninjas, and there are no big forces."

"The biggest force I can find... is the organization he belongs to."

When the old man said this, everyone in the Dark Pirates understood.

These businessmen are indeed not brainless people. In this way, their pirate group has to become the enemy of the other party.

After all, Captain Dark's family died at the hands of that group of people.

"It seems that I still need to go to the Kingdom of Wind, Elder."

Dark lowered his head and stood up. The pressure of a strong man also emanated from his body. With a height of nearly four meters, this powerful body alone can make people feel endless oppression.

This is the third strongest man in the pirate world, the sea hero who once led tens of thousands of pirates to attack the sea overlord Shanks-Captain Dark!

Chapter 110 This is the Devil Fruit Ability User

Dark's growth to this point is beyond everyone's expectations, even the old man.

"Shanks, he is really an amazing person."

As a descendant of the former country's rebels, the old man understands the significance of everything Shanks has done.

Without Shanks, there would be no Captain Dark now.

Of course, because of Shanks' existence, this ninja world will fall into chaos, and countless people will be involved in this storm.

But for people like the old man, all this is worth it.

Didn't his ancestors do the same? Once war and change occur, no one will be spared.

At his age, the old man has seen too much. He has experienced everything from the First World War to the Third World War.

So he could see what the bottom of the ninja world had experienced, and what Shanks did was actually similar to what the rebels did at the beginning.

What the rebels did was to completely wipe out the power of the nobles, and what Shanks did was to give ordinary people the power to fight against the ruling class.

Because of the appearance of Shanks, people like them also had the power to resist.

"Captain Dark has said so, so I will naturally not back down. This time, let me accompany Captain Dark on a trip."


Hearing the old man's words, many people in the caravan worried.

"Leader, the Wind Country is very dangerous now."


"Don't worry, although I am old and weak, my brain is still there. You just wait here for me to come back."

The old man said.

"No matter how many people you go, it's useless. It will only cause more trouble.

Let our Dark Pirates do this."

Ryu, who was next to Dark, said.

Seeing the big sword next to Ryu, everyone in the caravan also realized the gap between them and this group of pirates.

This gap is more reflected in the spirit than in the body.

The so-called "Hero of the Sea" is no joke.

The moment Shanks created this era, the consciousness of the ninja world began to approach Shanks.

The consciousness of the ninja world was originally in an unconscious state. The biggest problem was that Shanks was too strong.

How strong was he? Generally speaking, the upper limit of the ninja world is only this high, but Shanks broke through the upper limit directly, which made the originally stable consciousness of the ninja world begin to transform into the shape of Shanks.

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