The three people who appeared were Gaara, Temari and Kankuro.

"What kind of Devil Fruit user? I am Lord Hyde's subordinate, please get out of the way."

"You've already turned into an ape-man, and you still say you're not a Devil Fruit user?"

Kankuro showed a trace of ridicule on his face. These pirates really looked like thieves.

"Master Hyde? Is that your captain's name? Just right, let's catch him together."

Gaara also spoke indifferently.

The next moment, the three men attacked Rank directly, and the battle was about to break out! !

Rank didn't spare any effort, and a bolt of lightning exploded directly from her body, knocking Gaara and the three back.

"Be careful, this is not an ordinary animal fruit user, but a Ninja Beast fruit user."

"Animal-type electric ape fruit capable person?"

Gaara put away his contempt, it was not easy to capture the other party alive.

And after Rank heard what Gaara and others said, he felt even more unreasonable.

"You pirates... don't try to hinder Lord Hyde's plan!!"

Rank also rushed towards Gaara and the three of them angrily. These people are obviously pirates. The logo on their heads must be the logo of the pirate group! !

As for Gaara, they were also stunned.

What pirates? They are ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind.

"Sha Escape. Hand of Sand!"

"Wind Release. Kamaita's great breakthrough!!"

At this moment, the two sides were fighting again, and Kankuro stepped back and summoned a huge puppet with a huge "sea" printed on its body.

"There's nothing better than using fresh sea water to deal with Devil Fruit users."

Chapter 111 It turns out that the version is stronger

Gaara and his team came prepared.

It’s no secret that people with Devil Fruit abilities will be stripped of their powers by the sea, and “Rank” isn’t the first Devil Fruit user they’ve encountered.

Before this, they also thought about using water escape to deal with devil fruit abilities, but obviously, it was of no use.

That's why Kankuro used puppets to fill a large amount of seawater, even keeping the seawater fresh and preventing the seawater from reducing its effectiveness.

As for Rank, they, a group of people who had returned from overseas, had no idea about the situation in the ninja world.

In the original plot, Timsey fought Naruto for the first time, and was even surprised by Naruto's chakra power, and wanted to recruit Naruto to join their "Utopia" plan.

To put it simply, this group of people belong to the previous version. Not to mention the current "Ninja and Pirate World", even the original "Ninja World", this group of people has no idea.

It can only be said that fate brought them into good times. Not only did they meet ninjas, but they also met this group of strong pirates who looked no different from normal people, but were inexplicably able to fight against ninjas.

"Damn it!! What kind of ability is this? Could it be that these people have also obtained the power of Grayl's Stone?"

Ranke dodged the attacks of Temari and Gaara in embarrassment.

Under the siege of two people, Rank had no chance to attack.

In fact, if Temari and Gaara hadn't kept their hands, she would have died.

"Sand Escape. Sand Wall Funeral!"

Just as Rank dodged, Gaara's ninjutsu was unleashed again, and towering sand walls rose from the ground and surrounded Rank.

On the other side, the fan in Temari's hand gathered a strong wind.


"Wind escape. Kongliu!"

After hearing Temari's words, the puppet summoned by Kankuro opened directly, and a large amount of seawater gushes out of the puppet's body.

The next moment, the sea water was directly controlled by the "empty current" and rushed into the sand wall in the distance.

In the sand wall, Ranke, who had transformed into an ape form, was flashing with electric light. She used the power of electric light to improve her physical fitness again. The powerful force that exploded made her step on the quicksand and ran up.

next moment! !

Peng! !

The sea water hit Rank directly. This impact would not cause any harm to her at all, but...


The lightning power on his body was completely out of control at this moment, and sparks could even be seen coming out.

"Damn... damn, these despicable pirates."

Thinking that he had been stunned with poison by the group of people before, and now that the group of people had used water to make the lightning on his body go out of control, two words finally burst out of Rank's mouth.

Then... the huge body leaned back and fell straight down.

As the sand wall dissipated, Gaara and the other three saw Rank returning to his adult form. The three of them looked at each other and nodded.

"Sea fruits are indeed useful for Devil Fruit users."

Kankuro was a little lucky. Fortunately, they had good information, but in the Kingdom of Wind, how to find and maintain sea water was also a problem.

"There is no chakra on him, so he is indeed a pirate."

Gaara checked Rank's physical condition and nodded towards the two of them.

After Gaara came back from Konoha, his whole person changed.

Although the Konoha Collapse Plan caused a lot of losses to Sunagakure Village and Konoha, it also allowed Gaara to see his own heart clearly. At least, he was no longer the one who would let Xiang Rin kill him just by looking at each other. The life of a madman.

"Kankuro, lock her up with a puppet."

Temari said, since there are pirates here, she is definitely not the only one.

"Should we send the intelligence back next, or should we act on our own first?"

Temari looked at Gaara. Gaara was the captain of their team. The former Gaara might not be suitable, but the current Gaara is qualified.

"When she wakes up, we will collect some intelligence first."

"Looking at her condition, she seems to know very little about us."

Gaara frowned, it was outrageous that Rank actually thought they were pirates.

And no matter how the other party looked at him, he didn't look like an experienced pirate.

You know, even if those pirates are ordinary people, if the genin doesn't pay attention, they may lose their lives.

Although Rank has the power of "Devil Fruit", his combat experience and belief in fighting for his life are far inferior to those of the pirates.

The three of them rested while waiting for Rank to wake up.

After an hour, Rank finally woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was trapped in a puppet, with only his head exposed.

At this time, Gaara and the other three also gathered around.

"You despicable people!! I can't say anything, I don't know anything about sacred trees, and I'm not a pirate."

Rank said angrily, she had answered this question countless times.

"You don't need to tell me, we can just ask ourselves."

Gaara had a cold face, and Kankuro on the side also moved quickly with his hands, directly piercing Rank's neck with a needle.

"The effect of the potion can last for thirty minutes. It is not useful for people with a strong will, but..."

Looking at Rank, who was already confused, Kankuro nodded in relief.

"It works for her."

After all, they are ninjas. Gaara and his team will not execute torture to extract confessions. This is too low-end. As for genjutsu, they don't know it either.

So I can only rely on Kankuro's potion.仼

"Let me ask."

Gaara nodded towards Kankuro, and Kankuro had a smile on his face, which could be regarded as a reply to Gaara.

The relationship between the three of them is much more harmonious than before.

As Gaara asked questions one by one, and under the influence of the potion, Rank told everything he knew in detail.

But the more they listened, the more solemn the faces of Gaara and the three of them became.

Because they didn't ask for any useful information, and they were sure that Rank was telling the truth.

After asking around, they summarized what Rank knew.

"As I thought, she is indeed not a pirate.

She doesn't even know she is a devil fruit user, which is more difficult than I thought. "

"But before we set off, Granny Chiyo also said that pirates are more difficult to deal with than ninjas. Pirates are different from ninjas. As heroes of the sea, each of them has their own powerful ambitions.

They are better at using wisdom than ninjas. For example, Captain Dark even organized a fleet of more than 30,000 people to besiege Shanks. "

When Gaara said this, Kankuro and Temari also felt troubled. They didn't care about the pirates at first, but judging from Rank's interrogation, these pirates were indeed not that easy to deal with.

"Their leader Hyde deliberately brought them back from overseas, so they have nothing to do with the ninja world. Not only that, they also have nothing to themselves.

And such people are the best tools. Even if they are caught, they will not leak too much information. "

Temari said, judging from this, the pirate named "Hyde" is indeed a hero, with such a thoughtful mind.

“Yes, some of these scheming and calculating people can only be pirates.

Moreover, they attacked many villages, and we couldn't even get much useful information from the villages that were attacked. Since they came to the Kingdom of Wind, they must have come for Shenmu's organization. "

"Besides trying your luck, you just need to find the village, get advice on historical texts from the village, and then look for the sacred tree."

Gaara analyzed that everything Hyde did seemed to be extremely meticulous.

So meticulous that even if they all knew it, there was nothing they could do to stop it.

Because it is impossible to know more detailed information.

As for the utopia and the like, it is not considered intelligence at all.

And the Grayl Stone? Isn't this thing the one named Hyde who told this to deceive this tool man?

“Send her back to the village and imprison her.

After all, he is still a Devil Fruit user and has research value. "

"But now that the first batch of Devil Fruit users have appeared, I'm afraid there will be large-scale pirates next.

There seems to be a lot of pirate groups here, asking for help from the village. We need at least two jonin to lead the team for support. "

Gaara carefully analyzed the situation here, but he didn't dare to take it lightly at all.

Three people face a pirate group. If they are not careful, they will die.

Moreover, there seems to be more than one pirate group in this place.

At this time, at the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth, a ship slowly sailed out from the sand dunes.

On the huge sail, there is a skull printed on it. Behind the skull, two black guns stand crossed.

Cajalo Piqué, standing on the bow of the ship, was once the largest weapons smuggler in the underground black market and the head of the Piqué family.

After the battle with Shanks, he was the one who asked Kidomaru to take all the remaining pirates with him.

"Captain Kagaro, although our ship can travel in the desert, is this too big a goal?"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses beside Kagallo said that the Pico family was an arms smuggler, and it was not difficult to modify the ship, but once the ship was targeted by ninjas, it would be very troublesome.

"Don't worry, even if you really encounter ninjas, you will be fine.

The best thing at the moment is to get Shenmu's organization first."

"Captain Kagallo, you don't have to worry about this.

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