Thinking of this, Jiraiya glanced at Itachi.

It was indeed unexpected that Itachi could appear here, but since Itachi was here, based on his understanding of his two disciples, he thought Itachi must be trustworthy.

It's not that he was trusted by the Revolutionary Army, but... he could be trusted by Konoha.

So no matter how you look at it, this is like a deal between Itachi and Nagato.

It's just... Itachi's identity, no, no matter what Itachi's identity is, after what happened, Itachi can't go back.

For the entire Konoha, Itachi is a sinner.

Sometimes it's like this, and more often, someone needs to make sacrifices. Jiraiya can't judge what Itachi did, just like he can't judge everything the third generation did.

Itachi seemed to understand what Jiraiya was thinking and nodded to Jiraiya.

"Sasuke has received a lot of care from Naruto in Konoha. With a friend like Naruto, he should be living a good life."

"They are the future of the ninja world, and with Kakashi around, nothing will happen to them."

Jiraiya nodded. Everything Itachi did was just to gain a future for Sasuke.

Of course, not only Itachi, but also Shisui, is also gaining a future for Sasuke.

At present, there are only three people from the Uchiha clan who survived in the ninja world, and Sasuke is the youngest. As elders, Itachi and Shisui will definitely not ignore Sasuke.

What is human relations? This is human relations.

Of course, when it comes to this kind of relationship, Naruto's "relationship" seems to be even more outrageous.

His father is the fourth generation Hokage, Jiraiya is now Naruto's ninjutsu teacher, and the current leader of the Revolutionary Army and the strongest man in the ninja world, "Shanks", are all from the Uzumaki clan, and have more or less some relationship with him.

In short, in the ninja world, you can't get through without certain relationships.

Look at why Nagato suddenly jumped out. In addition to finding that he was plotted against, there is another biggest reason, which is that he found that he could not solve the problem by his own strength, and he had to rely on his background.

And what is Nagato's background? It is naturally Jiraiya, and the three holy places behind Jiraiya.

As for Shanks' "relationship"?

Shanks' relationship is that he is a crew member on the ship of "Pirate King" Roger, and a pirate entrusted with the "Straw Hat" by Roger.

Of course, this is what Shanks thought of his "relationship" a long time ago. As a result, when he went out to sea, he found that he was the biggest background board in this world.

However, being a background board also has its advantages, that is, others will more or less rely on his relationship. Even if he does nothing, others will take this biggest factor into consideration when considering things.

"They are here too?"

Hearing Jiraiya say that Kakashi is next to Sasuke and Naruto, Itachi frowned.

"For them, the Kingdom of Wind is the best training battlefield, and there is no danger."

Jiraiya nodded.

Basically, all the Genin of Konoha were arranged to come here.

Also brought here were some soldiers that Konoha had trained for the Land of Fire.

Those soldiers were carefully selected from civilians. Although they had only been trained for a month, they should be able to deal with pirates under the leadership of Genin and Chunin.

"Well! Then let's start the action here."

Itachi did not ask more questions. This time, the mission was issued by Jiraiya.

He was just assigned as a member of the Revolutionary Army.

Itachi did not continue to ask questions. It was completely safe to be led by Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas.

Then, the four people got up and left the izakaya. As soon as they opened the door, the tall Kisame stood outside the door with the unconscious "Camilla" and "Fuuwai".

"Two devil fruit ability users, but their strength is not strong. How to deal with them?"

Chapter 113 The Loulan Dragon Vein is opened! !

"I'll take them back and detain them!"

Jiraiya was not surprised to see Camilla and Fuuwai.

Even the interrogation process was skipped, and they were sent directly to the Sand Village. As for how to deal with them? Now is not the time to deal with these pirates.

In this environment, it is best to wait for the new order to be rebuilt and then deal with these people.

At this time, it is no longer a matter of one village, but a matter involving the entire ninja world. Jiraiya is not sensitive to politics. In this regard, it may be better to let Shanks come forward again.

At this time, both Shanks and Orochimaru arrived at the ruins of the ancient country of Loulan.

There was still only Kabuto beside Orochimaru, and only Shisui beside Shanks.

In the past ten days, they have been in the Sea Country. The Sea Country is now considered Shanks' territory. Of course, it is called a territory, but it is actually similar to the relationship between Zabuza and the Wave Country.

It is just to collect protection fees and then protect the Sea Country.

The Sea Country is extremely welcome to Shanks' arrival. Anyway, the money given to the Mist Village before is not given to anyone, not to mention that the strongest man in the ninja world is now in charge of the Sea Country.

The lord of the Sea Country even felt that he could stand up straight in front of the five major countries.

"I didn't expect that Amado had already discovered the vitality of the ninja world. I really underestimated him."

Orochimaru complained that Amado did not come with them, but during the time in the Kingdom of the Sea, Amado explained what he had researched to Orochimaru and Shanks.

What Shanks said is indeed correct. Judging from Amado's research, the ocean is indeed the birthplace of life in the ninja world.

At the same time, he can also awaken the life force of the world to a certain extent.

"Although Amado's direction is different from yours, he is very powerful. If you have time, you can go to Snow Country to see the geothermal equipment in Snow Country."

Shanks also sighed, indeed, there are still many geniuses in the ninja world and they should not be underestimated.

He originally just thought that as a scientist on the modern technology side, Amado should not be so outrageous.

But after communicating with Amado, Shanks realized how wrong he was.

The geothermal device in the Land of Snow was built by Amado.

What do you say about that thing? Party A doesn't know what its requirements are, but Party B knows what Party A's requirements are, and Amado is really capable of doing it.

Of course, being able to do it is one thing, but how much it costs is another.

The previous lord of the Snow Kingdom gave Amado a very simple request. His daughter, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who had never seen spring, asked Amado to build a geothermal device in the valley. When the snow melts, I can let my daughter see spring.

Thinking of this, Shanks could feel Amado's anger.

Who told you that you can see spring when the snow melts?

But if you explain it to a fool, it would be strange if the fool could understand.

As for the result? The only result is to use geothermal devices to melt the snow, and then use the huge deep geothermal devices to directly change all the weather in that valley.

Amado even directly changed the terrain of the valley, using the terrain and weather to deceive the will of the world. Only then did Mongolia inspire the vitality of the ninja world.

"When I think about it, Amado's wisdom is indeed the top of the ninja world. It would be great if it could be used in the new world."

After hearing Shanks' sigh, although the expression on Orochimaru's face did not change much, there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

"Rather than lamenting Amado's wisdom here, I'm more curious about why you know so many things, Shanks."

Kabuto on the side was opening the "Sealed Book", which was prepared by Orochimaru himself. It recorded all the ninjutsu of Konoha, which was more complete than the one Naruto had seen before.

After all, Orochimaru had watched it often before, so it was normal for him to make a backup.

"I'm also very curious. Lord Shanks is not only able to do this in political strategy, but also has such powerful achievements in scientific research."

Kabuto next to him smiled and flattered Shanks.

The most outrageous thing about Shanks is that he is obviously wearing big pants and looks carefree.

If you want to say that he is an alcoholic, there is really no sense of violation at all.

But when he was in the Kingdom of the Sea, Shanks was still able to discuss scientific research with Orochimaru and Amado, and was even able to tell some things that even Orochimaru and Amado had never thought of.

This is outrageous.

More importantly, as before, Shanks didn't know what he was talking about, because many things were common sense to him.

"It's not that great anymore. I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants. I stand on the lower reaches of history and look at what happened in the past. Naturally, I can see a general direction."

Shanks scratched his head, what should I say? After all, I am also a time traveler. Although my memory is not very good, I can still tell some general directions.

However, these words sounded completely different to Orochimaru and Kabuto.

"Downstream of history? Is Shanks's knowledge domineering?"

"The Haki who can foresee the future. If he can foresee the future... then compared to us, Shanks can be regarded as someone who came to this era from the future."

“No, you can’t say that either.

Shanks's knowledge and color Haki cannot predict the future anytime and anywhere. Just like the old toad on Mt. Myoboku, Shanks cannot predict the future anytime and anywhere. "

"But with Shanks' intelligence, he only needs to see fragments of the future to deduce the direction of the entire future."

Thinking of Shanks' overall view of laying out the ninja world, Orochimaru also felt outrageous. Shanks said that he was standing on the shoulders of giants, but to them, Shanks was that giant.

"Captain, the barrier has been set up. Even if there is a large amount of chakra fluctuation, it will not be noticed by the outside world."

Shisui appeared next to Shanks and nodded towards Shanks.

Later, Shanks took out the memory seal left by Izuna that was found in the Uchiha clan.

"The dragon veins of the ancient Loulan Kingdom were sealed by the fourth generation Hokage, and his time and space ninjutsu is even stronger than that of the second generation.

But if you want to unlock the seal and go back to the past, you can still prepare. "

"Master Shanks, give me the thing."

Kabuto said, the Yondaime's seal is not that easy to remove. It is easy to destroy it violently, but it is not that simple to remove the seal.

Shanks gave Kabuto the memory seal scroll in his hand.

What they need to do next is to use Quan Nai's memory scroll and lock that time through the dragon vein.

"Seal. Release!"

Kabuto clasped his hands together and leaned down. All the chakra on his body was injected into the ground at this moment. Then, dense sealing techniques emerged from the ground. The techniques collapsed layer by layer, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on Kabuto's face.

Only later did he realize how outrageous this seal was. The details of such a huge seal were no worse than the human body. The process of removing the seal was like an operation.

Once there is a slight mistake, the entire seal will be blocked again.

As Kabuto began to unravel the seal, Shisui on the side also propped up the barrier, covering the entire venue.

As time slowly passed, the huge chakra hidden under the old site of Loulan Ancient Kingdom slowly awakened. At this moment, Shanks also looked at the sky with feeling.

Orochimaru also had an extremely solemn expression on his face. The moment he saw Shanks' expression change, he understood.

"Come here?"

"It has begun to gather, but it is not very strong."

Shanks withdrew his gaze, and the gaze he looked at Orochimaru was no longer the same as before, but instead showed a hint of appreciation and recognition.

“Although it is not as good as the will of the world I faced back then, it is still extremely powerful for you.


“Hehehehahaha, Shanks!!

I will decide on the throne of the Four Emperors. I have bet both hands on the new world. Let me see what it feels like to stand on the shoulders of giants. "

Orochimaru grinned, and his face that looked thin and sickly showed an extremely crazy expression.

The next moment, Orochimaru's entire face expanded rapidly, and then, his entire body expanded.

In a few seconds, Orochimaru's body had turned into a huge body more than ten meters tall, and his entire body had turned almost translucent white.

Densely dense scales emerged.

"Chakra transformation of the body? Orochimaru..."

Seeing this scene, even Shisui couldn't help but exclaimed.

Orochimaru is actually able to do this to his own body. This must be a step towards the state of a tailed beast.


Orochimaru said, in this state, he could not maintain his sanity for long.

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