He is a Nymphomaniac.

Chapter 541 - Rhehan knows the truth...!

After another few minutes of deap sea exploration, Rose and Rhehan were already walking back towards the beach. They both were holding each other's hand and were giggling, talking to each other happily. As soon as Rhehan turned his head towards the beach, he spotted Kareem, James and Stefen lying on the beach chair, soaking the sun. His giggles instantly stopped and he was now looking at the three suspects very carefully, studying each one of them carefully from a distance, walking rapidly towards them. 

Rose noticed the change of expressions on Rhehan's face, but did not question him about it. She trusted his instincts completely, and did not want to interfere in his thought process, at all. She simply walked holding the man's hand, giving him his own sweet time to contemplate. 

Soon they both stepped on the grounds of the wet beach and walked straight towards the chair, where fresh towels were placed. They both started wiping the water droplets from their body, while Rhehan side by side looked closely at the three boys. 

The three of them were wearing shirts, covering their upper bodies completely. Rhehan sighed and could feel frustration covering his mind, having not yet able to spot the tattoo. 

"Brother- in -law! This place is amazing. The beach is so well- maintained and clean." Stefen smiled looking at Rhehan, while Vicky looked at Rhehan too, excitedly. "Exactly. This place feels like heaven. I am having such an amazing time already." The smiling girl looked around, at the beautiful view around her. 

"Thank you. I am glad you both are liking the place." Rhehan faked a smile, while constantly looking at Stefen. 

"I must say so myself. This is one hell of a place brother - in - law." James too spoke up ecstatically, nodding his head in an approval. 

Rhehan nodded smiling at James and turned his head to look at Kareem. Kareem had covered his face with a girl's large hat and was lying down still, as if in a deep slumber. He was wearing a dark blue colored shirt, paired with off -white shorts. He looked simply oblivious to the beautiful surroundings around him or was probably pretending to look calm.

"And what about you Kareem? Do you like the place?" Rhehan tilted his head a bit out of curiosity and looked at Kareem. 

Kareem slowly removed the hat from top of his face and turned his neck towards Rhehan. "Offcourse Rhehan! Look at me. I am relaxing happily. Do not I look at ease to you?" Kareem looked straight in the man's green eyes, the two green eyes again looking at each other intensly. 

"No! As far as my study of body language is concerned, you look a bit restless and nervous to me." Rhehan grinned in a challanging manner, looking constantly at the boy. 

"Oh! Really? Then you probably need to improvise your study in body language. I am not at all nervous." Kareem grinned back and laid back his head, covering his face with the hat again. Rhehan grinned mischeviously, constantly gazing only at Kareem now. 

"Heyy!! Why do not we hit the water too?" Vicky suddenly looked at Stefen in excitement, holding his arm.

Stefen smiled and turned to look at James. "Want to hit the waves brother, with us? They look mighty tempting to me as well." Stefen nudged James, with his finger. 

"Sure." James straightened his back instantly and turned to look at Kareem. "Heyy bro. Let us just hit the water. Come!" James nudged lazily lying down Kareem, with his elbow. 

Stefen and Vicky were now already standing on the sandy ground. While Vicky had already removed her sarong, Stefen was waiting for James and Kareem to get up.

"No! I am not in a mood to come. You guys go ahead." Kareem lifted the hat a bit once again and looked at James with cold eyes. James frowned and nudged the boy again.

"Come big brother. Do not be such a spoil sport!" James frowned nudging the kazily lying down boy, yet again. He picked up the girl's hat covering Kareem's face and handed it back to Vicky. 

Kareem lifted his head and glared at James. " I said, I can not come. You go ahead and let me sleep!" Kareem tilted away his head from James and closed his eyes pretending to sleep. 

In the meanwhile, Stefen too had removed his shirt and was looking at Kareem, waiting for him to get up. Rhehan who was constantly gazing at the three boys, could not spot any tattoo on Stefen's chest. This clearly meant that Stefen was not Augus! Rhehan's prime suspect had just received a clean slip from him!!

Rhehan then turned to look at James and Kareem. He was finally happy that he had atleast omitted one suspect from his list. "Oh! Come on brother! Just come for a few minutes." Stefen walked closer to Kareem, pulling his arm notoriously snd giggling loudly. James chuckled looking at Stefen, while pulling Kareem's other arm too. They both started with a tug of war, irritating Kareem to the core.

Kareem opened his eyes and frowned. "You both!! Just scram! Before I get angry any further and smash your faces with unlimited blows. Scram!!" The man shouted loudly looking angrily at the two young men, scaring them instantly. Kareem's face grew scarier and the two men immediately left Kareem's arms and backed off from him. 

Rhehan was closely watching the man's facial expressions, slowly turning murderous. Kareem's face was now catching everybody's attention, present on the beach.

James who looked at Kareem with concern, gave out a loud and awkward laugh. "My elder brother has always been like this. Angry young man."

James then turned to look at Stefen, while unbuttoning his shirt rapidly. "I shall join you guys in that case. We will let Kareem rest for a while." James quickly removed his shirt and threw it away, on top of a beach chair. 

Rhehan looked at James carefully and his expressions grew grave this time. He looked carefully, but could not spot any spot of black ink on James' body too. He then turned back to look at Stefen, to make sure he was not mistaken about Stefen. Both the boys had no spot of any tattoo on their chest, which could only mean one thing now!

Realisation had now hit Rhehan very hard and he immediately sat down on his beach chair, trying to grasp the truth!

Kareem was indeed Augus, and that is why he was not removing his clothes! Rhehan covered the sides of his head with his both hands as he could feel immense pressure inside his head. His worst fears had come true. He will have to fight his own younger brother now and probably kill him too, before Kareem kills everybody in family.

The man turned to look at Kareem and his eyes grew teary! Just a few days before, he felt blessed to have a little brother and now he will have to fight him!

Kareem had turned his back away from every body and was pretending to sleep. He was not even bothering to have fun or talk to other family members, as if he was not even part of the family.

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