He is a Nymphomaniac.

Chapter 740 - The lady boss's wrath..??

The girl was still looking at the man's preceding figure and as soon as Sarah turned to look at the employees, they immediately averted their gaze and then walked away, as if they did not even pay attention to their conversation. "Sigh. Why am I becoming the centre of attraction from the day I have met this man?" The girl whispered and then walked towards Julia.

Julia was now looking at Sarah in the same way as she looked at Sofi, in much reverence. "Who exactly are you? I have never seen the boss act like this with anybody."

"I am his new assistant. And I think he is just a kind boss so he does all helpful kind things to me.'' The girl tried to reason out the fact.

"Of course I know him well. I am here in the company from last one year. Boss is never like that. I have never even gotten a chance to talk to him. In fact nobody except lady boss gets a chance to talk to him like this. And he is not even this sweet with the lady boss." Julia spoke in much astonishment looking at the girl's new Gucci shoes.

"Lady Boss? Who is this lady boss? Is our boss engaged or married?" Sarah frowned a bit in confusion. She was perplexed as to if the boy had some sort of commitment with a girl then why would he sleep around with other woman. So she found the term lady boss as a bit untrue.

"Oh, its Sofi mam. She joined the company a year back and since then she has been the closest to the boss. Boss also keeps pestering her to marry him but she does not agree. Boss really loves her a lot and they both are often seen making out in office. I am also part of her gang; you are also free to join us. You just have to follow her rules and rule number one is, do not flirt with boss." The girl smiled blissfully but she was also a bit hesitant. "But seeing your cosiness with boss, you will have to suffer lady boss's wrath very soon. The boss seems to be fond of you.'' The girl spoke in much anguish not wanting Sarah's future to be like Zara.

"Hmm... interesting. Why don't we go to the cafe, where your lady boss cannot see us and you tell me all about it?'' The girl smiled pleasantly.

"Sure." Julia was now already much gratified of Sarah and also she knew that boss was really into her. So she had already changed her loyalties from Sofi to Sarah. "We can go to the cafe on the corner of this floor. Nobody really comes there.'' The girl pointed towards a tiny cafe situated at the extreme corner of the floor. There was not a single person present in the cafe and Sarah nodded her head in approval.

"Perfect let's go." Sarah once again held the girl's hand and they unhurriedly walked towards the cafe.

"You are really sweet and I do not want anything to happen to you. But am also petrified. Nobody has ever been able to escape from Sofi mam's fury." Julia looked at the girl with much remorse.

"Sofi mam? Is she like elder to you? Or your senior??" the girl frowned in confusion. "Why do you call her mam?"

"Oh she likes it this way. All our senior actors too call her lady boss and mam. " The girl spoke with much fear in her eyes.

"Interesting and does boss knows about it?" Sarah frowned finding girl Sofi very fishy.

"Umm... I am not sure. Nobody ever dares to ask boss about this directly." The girl shrugged her shoulders having no clue

Soon they both were already walking inside circular tiny café, which had a few coffee tables in one corner. There was a gargantuan counter in the other corner where a waiter was sitting reading a book.

"You sit; I will get coffee for us." Sarah patted the girl's shoulder and Julia smile satisfyingly sitting on nearby table. Soon Sarah was bringing two cappuccinos towards the table where Julia was sitting. For the first time the girl noticed that Julia was actually very good looking and had sharp features and long silky brown hair. "Here." She placed the coffee on the table sitting on the chair opposite to Julia.

"Thank you. But promise me you will never ever let anybody know that I told you all this. You are really lovely girl and I trust you, that is why I am telling you all this. I do not want anything bad to happen to you. So after you listen to the entire scenario, it is up to you to decide if you want to get cosy with boss or join Sofi. All of us have only chosen the latter option as we love our jobs." The girl spoke with a little dread in her eyes.

Sarah could not help but notice that whenever the girl spoke about Sofi, she could see fear in her eyes. "Hmm... why are you so scared of her? Tell everything."

"So basically as per Sofi mam, she started dating boss a year back as soon as she entered the company. We have often spotted them making out in office car or even at home. Just today a girl had been thrown out of the company because she was praised by the boss. Even though she was not trying to flirt with boss and Sofi attacked the girl in the bathroom getting her n.a.k.e.d pictured clicked. The girl was black mailed and was forced to resign." The girl whispered even thought the cafe was entirely empty and nobody could her them.

"What? That is a crime!! Why don't you tell Mr. Jobs about it and have her thrown out?" Sarah exclaimed in horror.

"We cannot. If she is not fired by the boss, instead boss will fire that person for putting false blame on his girlfriend. And then later the entire office will turn against that person who tried to complaint against Sofi mam. "The girl gulped in fright.

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