On this seemingly ordinary noon.

One of the safest and most core buildings in China.

A news that shocked a few people inexplicably.

And these few people, stomp their feet casually, can make the whole of China, a big earthquake that the sky is shattered!

One order after another, scattered like snowflakes.

Like a storm, brewing, sweeping in all directions!


At this moment, Qin Sha had already come to the leveling point of the Wind Canyon copy.

There are countless copies in this world, and the entrance location of each copy is naturally different.

The entrance to the Gale Canyon replica is located about five hundred kilometers west of Jiangzhou City.

Any city, fifty kilometers out of the city, is out of the safe zone, and you may encounter monsters at any time.

This 500-kilometer journey, even by a special direct bus, takes a day to reach.

Qin Sha only took ten minutes.

It’s certainly not that he runs fast, it’s not that he’s handsome.

He felt that his size would inevitably cause some trouble in the car, so he spent nine minutes to find a teleportation array, and spent another 10,000 yuan to teleport it directly.

“Ten thousand teleportation, five thousand buy exploration techniques, three hundred meals, and there are 4396 left on the body.”

Qin Sha sighed as he walked.


He is a priest, but he can’t afford even the most basic healing techniques.

You know, a basic therapy technique that can be learned at level 1 can cost 100,000 yuan!

No way, the priest is already important to the team, and the price of skills will naturally rise.

Fortunately, with the divine skill of [Thunder and Rain Dew], it can resist and fight, and it is no problem to get through the early stage for the time being.

As for how to make money later, Qin Sha is not too worried, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

I took out my mobile phone and sent a message to my sister-in-law.

Qin Sha of this world, no father and no mother, only a little sister who doesn’t know how many poles can be played

, sister-in-law Jiang Paner, only three years older than Qin Sha, the two rarely meet, but the relationship is very good.

After Qin Sha crossed over, he only saw her once, that is, on her birthday some time ago, she flew back from the imperial capital on purpose.

For Jiang Paner’s impression, Qin Sha has only one word – beautiful! He is so beautiful, I don’t know how many times more beautiful than any female star he has seen in his previous life and this life combined!

Even, he suspected that she was not a human at all, but a fairy in the sky who came to the mortal world for a private visit!

As for the strength, Qin Sha didn’t know anything.

After all, he hadn’t woken up yet.

Jiang Pan’er also fits the character of a fairy, landing on the ground when she comes, and waving her sleeves when she returns to Beijing, without taking away a cloud.

Only left a sentence for Qin Sha – after awakening, send a message to explain the situation, if you have the opportunity, apply for the university of the imperial capital.

Putting away the mobile phone, Qin Sha also put away his thoughts.

My sister-in-law’s affairs will be discussed later.

The most important thing at the moment is the copy in front of you.

“This is a special copy, Windswept Canyon, it’s really special!”

Although Qin Sha is the first time to make a copy, he has not studied it in books and videos on weekdays.

At the moment, the most striking thing about this copy is that it is big!

Not only is the inside big, but the portal outside is also big!

Ahem, it’s about the space door that enters the copy, which is very large!

It has a diamond-shaped shape and is as tall as a dozen floors, looking like a waterfall falling from the sky, shimmering in the sunlight.

Around the space gate, a small camp has spontaneously formed.

In addition to the people of Zhen Takeji stationed to maintain order, there are also some tents, stalls and so on, coming and going, all of them are professionals, and all kinds of people add up, at least hundreds.

“Something is wrong.”

Qin Sha suddenly thought of something.

“The entrance ticket to Windy Canyon is five million, there are so many people here, are they all so rich?”

He took out his phone and looked it up, and then he figured it out.

“No wonder the space gate here is so big, it turns out that there is not only one copy of the Fierce Wind Canyon, but also the two copies of Qingfeng Lake and the Swift Wind Plain, which can be regarded as three in one.”

“Moreover, the admission ticket given to me by Sazuki is equivalent to the existence of a monthly card, which can give me the opportunity to enter thirty times.”

“No wonder she said that this place can allow me to rise to level twenty-five in one go, it stands to reason that I can go to the shore of the lowest level of Qingfeng Lake that does not require an admission ticket at the beginning, rise to the same level, and then enter the Fierce Wind Canyon.”

Qin Sha was still quite grateful for Xiao Yue’s good intentions, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it.

The bustle of the world is for profit, and the world is for the benefit.

There is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason.

She is so attentive to herself, it is nothing more than seeing her own value, there is no need to think about those who have it or not.

“However, the shore of Qingfeng Lake is not my goal, directly the Wind Canyon!”

Qin Shadang even made a decision.

As he strode forward, his fierce body immediately attracted the attention of the professionals resting around!

“Groove! Here comes a fierce man! Most

of the people who were oppressed by Qin Sha’s fierce aura did not dare to speak, and there were also a small number of strong people who spoke under pressure:

“Hey! Brother, our team still lacks a shield battle, will you come?

“Viper, you’re blind, people are obviously fighting wildly, right?”

“Buddy come to my team, my fifteenth-level mage, the fireball is powerful, the thief burns!”

“You are quite a riot, come to my team, my three-person team, there is a priest!”

Qin Sha ignored everyone, came directly to the space door, took out the admission ticket, and posted it to the space door!

[Current copy – Windswept Canyon, recommended level: 10; Please select the difficulty. 【

Easy, ordinary, difficult, nightmares, hell.】 Seeing

these five choices, Qin Sha did not hesitate in the slightest, and directly chose the blood-red mode at the end!

“Low-level test dummies can be cracked with one punch, can you choose the courage of the highest difficulty?”

Hell level!

[Mode selection completed, entering the copy! ] Whoosh


When the voice fell, Qin Sha only felt that the sky was spinning, but fortunately, his strong physique made this discomfort disappear quickly.

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded from his head!

【Ding! The first time the host enters the replica is detected, the task is issued. 】

【Clearance of the current quest, and get a perfect evaluation, reward SSS-level space equipment! 】 】

【Clearing ten hell difficulty quests, rewarding SSS-level skills, the Pupil of Holy Light! 】 】Mission


Or two!

A trace of essence flashed in Qin Shahu’s eyes!

Every professional after awakening needs space equipment to load things, and the highest one that can be bought on the market is Grade A, about 10,000 cubic meters, worth hundreds of millions!

As for the S class and above, the value movement is billions and tens of billions, or even priceless!

Because any equipment, once it exceeds the A level, will have a hidden effect, and space equipment is no exception!

“SSS-level space equipment? This is priceless!

“There is also an SSS-level skill, the Pupil of Holy Light, I don’t know what a terrifying effect it is!”

“Get the SSS-level space equipment first!”

Qin Sha smiled heartily, he was already a little impatient!

Look around with your eyes on what’s going on.

The location where he is now is considered to be a ‘safe area’ in the replica, and fifty meters ahead, there is a raging wind and a rocky canyon.

According to common sense, as long as he leaves the safe zone under his feet, he can only go forward, and once he returns, he is regarded as giving up the challenge copy and being teleported out.

Level 0 single swipe level 10 hell difficulty copy, Qin Sha did not worry in the slightest, he took a step and walked towards the canyon.


Stepping out of the safe zone, the fierce wind brought biting cold!

Qin Sha didn’t care and continued to move forward.

After walking ten meters, behind a huge rock, a pair of scarlet eyes lit up!

Qin Sha grinned, and a pair of iron fists burst into brilliant blue light!


Electric thunderbolt.

For a while, I couldn’t tell who was the monster!

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