He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1004 Violet Gym, vs Lightning Beast!

Boom! !

While dodging hastily, this time, the discharge trick was a frontal hit!

In an instant, the light of the blue lightning surged, and the scattered electric current gathered together and exploded on Aoguyan's body.

The terrible current pressure pulled Ao Gu Yan from mid-air forcefully, and pressed her firmly to the ground, unable to move.


It's just that in the blue electric light, the proud swallow screamed again and again, and its deeply wrinkled eyes gradually opened.

The unyielding fighting spirit in his eyes made him fully withstand this move.


Finally, with a loud cry, he spread his wings violently, breaking the blue lightning abruptly.

"What a strong will..."

Even the well-informed Tie Xuan couldn't help being secretly surprised.

If it is the evolutionary King Yan, it is not too bad to withstand the electric shock of his three-in-one magneto...

But at this moment, Aoguyan's figure was billowing with white smoke, and her body was trembling even more, obviously she had already reached the residual candle in the wind.

"Do you wear a momentum belt?"

Tie Xuan noticed the red headband tied on Ao Gu Yan's forehead.

"That's the momentum, use Yan Fan!!"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Aoguyan turned into a sharp white light and rushed towards the target.

"Use the gyro ball to block it!"

However, the three-in-one magnet monster just rotated at high speed on the spot, defending in all directions, and easily bounced off Yan Fan's attack.

"Next, use the metallic tone!!"

The three-in-one magnet monster at the end of the gyro ball swings the magnets on both sides of the body, spreading out high-frequency sound waves.

Buzz buzz! !

Being completely hit by the metal sound, Ao Gu Yan's body trembled, and her defense power dropped.

"It's now, use the discharge!!"

Tie Xuan plans to make a quick decision...

It didn't make any sense for a housebird to play in his electric gym. He was more interested in Xiaozhi's electric mouse.

However, at the next moment, Xiaozhi also shouted loudly:

"We use parrots to learn tongues!!"


In the next instant, Ao Gu Yan tensed up, and violent blue lightning burst out from its body, and all of them blasted towards the attacking discharge moves.

In Kaina City, Aoguyan mastered this move only after competing with the old predecessors.

Boom! !

The two discharge moves collided in the center of the arena, and finally exploded into countless aftermaths of electric current, canceling them out invisible.

buzz buzz...!!

However, the rock statue next to it trembled even more.


"What a powerful current..."

Tie Xuan was secretly surprised. Even a parrot would not be able to imitate a discharge move with exactly the same power. It should be a small power electric shock, right?

But it's just a counterbalance, it's impossible for this proud swallow...

"It's now, use the reckless trick!!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly roared loudly.

As soon as the words fell, the surface of Aoguyan's body suddenly burst into a surge of red light, and his figure turned into a shock wave of red light, rushing straight to the target.

"What... Hurry up and use the spinning top ball!!"

Tie Xuan was shocked, why did he still have this move? !

Whoosh whoosh! !

The three-in-one magnetite spun rapidly, trying to block Ao Guyan's moves.

Boom! !

However, the Proud Swallow, which was bathed in red light and carried majestic power, crashed directly from the midair to the ground, and the movement was impressive.


Even after this blow, the three-in-one magnet monster couldn't even get up to maintain its levitation, and its figure was floating indiscriminately.

Reckless, this is a move that forcibly weakens the opponent's physical strength to be the same as his own.

And Aoguyan, who took an electric discharge move, was blown by the wind on the spot, which made Magnemite, who had taken a reckless three-in-one shot, also come to the end of his physical strength.

Don't look at the reckless combination with the flash of lightning, it seems that it has always been the signature move of the arrogant little Lada...

But cold knowledge, reckless is the first move discovered in the Fangyuan area.

And the Pokémon used by the trainer who first created this tactic is the evolution of Aoguyan-Dawangyan.

Proud Swallow and King Swallow are the signature Pokémon of Reckless Moves!

"It's over, use Lightning Flash!"

Xiaozhi naturally took the last move of the combo boxing.


In the next moment, Aoguyan rushed out, taking away the last bit of the three-in-one Magneto's stamina.

The speed is so fast that the turtle-speed three-in-one magnet monster can't resist it at all.

The victory and defeat have been divided.


Seeing the three-in-one magnet monster lying in front of him, Tie Xuan's expression was messed up.

Unexpectedly, instead, I was turned over...?

"Don't be careless, this boy is definitely not a simple person!"

Thinking of this, Tie Xuan quickly put away his carelessness, and put the three-in-one magnet monster into the ball.

That's right, this young man is a Heavenly King trainer, so he must have a deep meaning in using Aoguyan to touch their electric attribute gym, not like a novice Muggle trainer.

"Then the next one will decide the outcome, Xiaozhi!!"

In Tie Xuan's hand, a new elf ball had already been replaced, and he shouted loudly.

Rarely, he also showed enthusiasm.

"Come back, Proud Swallow."

However, on Xiaozhi's side, he decisively took Aoguyan back.

Ao Guyan's perseverance is all about going all out, and then fading... Switching to the opponent in the second round, at this moment Ao Guyan's strength has been weakened a lot.

And today's protagonist is electric collision.

"Go ahead, Pikachu!!"

With a wave of his thumb, Xiaozhi dispatched his general Pikachu.

When he came to the Fangyuan area, he faced the Gym Challenge. Before that, he had always sent the newly tamed Pokémon to play. Today is Pikachu's first Gym Challenge.


Pikachu walked naturally and landed on the side of the field.

Although it was slashed by this area, its strength is still strong, especially in the face of ordinary gymnasium challenges...

It can kill randomly!

"Come out, my ace!!"

A red light flashed, and there was already a beast-type Pokémon in front of Tie Xuan.

It has a medium-sized body, a light blue body, and a lightning-like tail at the end.

On the ankles, abdomen, and head, there are bursting yellow spikes, especially on the head. The yellow spikes protrude upwards, like a bum who has just had a soaring hairstyle in a barber shop.

The majestic eyes scanned the front of him, but they were like soldiers.

"An electric dog in the Yoshien area...?"

This is the first time Xiaozhi has seen this kind of Pokémon, so he quickly took out the illustration book to investigate.

"Didi. Lightning Beast, Shamate Pokémon, the powerful electricity is gathered in the hair, and it has the ability to induce lightning. It is often used as Miss Junsha's partner Pokémon in some places."

The picture book suggested.

Generally, there are many dog-type Pokémon who become Miss Junsha's partners, not just Wind Speed ​​Dog and Katie Dog...

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