He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1038 Finding the Clay of Light

The final of the dog fighting contest is a civil war between two fire dogs.

Emperor Yan is similar in size to Feng Speed ​​Dog, and the latter has the blessing of intimidation, and his aura is not much weaker than Emperor Yan for a while.

Of course, the main reason is that Emperor Yan didn't launch his coercion at all.

"Is it finally the final...?!"

Standing beside him, Xiaozhi's fighting spirit gradually increased.

Now that it's all the finale, it's finally time for the pure Pokémon to fight, right?

Emperor Yan seems to be in a bad mood recently, but this wind speed dog can vent his anger on Emperor Yan.

"Then the last round of competition..."

But Miss Jun Sha suddenly said:

"Comparing the Smell Capabilities of Canines!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

However, Miss Junsha completely ignored Xiaozhi's bewildered expression, and she was already holding two small gray-green mud balls in her hands.

"This is the crumbs of clay of light... The rules of the last competition are based on the crumbs of clay of light. The contestants find the complete clay of light on this chimney hill, and the first one to collect it The one brought back here is the champion of this year's dog fighting competition!"

Clay of Light is a kind of prop, which can be carried by Pokémon. It can not only extend the duration of the reflective wall and light wall moves...even the duration of moves such as mysterious guardian and aurora curtain can be extended a lot. It belongs to a A rather precious tool.

And the top of Chimney Hill is not only a flat square on their side, but also an area with dozens of standing rocks on the other side, which is suitable for hiding.

After introducing the rules, amidst the cheers of the crowd, a Miss Junsha spread her hands and delivered two small clay pills to the noses of the two fire dogs respectively.

The wind speed dog sniffed the small mud ball carefully, then raised his head again, constantly sniffing the surrounding air, looking for clues.


Soon, the wind speed dog let out a low cry, as if it had found something.

"As expected of my wind speed dog!"

Trainer B immediately beamed with joy, and even cast a provocative look at Xiaozhi, and jumped on the back of the wind speed dog.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The latter's figure was vigorous, and he immediately jumped towards the top of Chimney Mountain.


Xiao Zhi, who stayed in place, looked at Emperor Yan who was motionless beside him, and asked curiously:

"What's the matter, Emperor Yan, why don't you smell it?"

Have you started not talking and pretending to be a master?


However, Emperor Yan just turned his head silently, looking directly at Xiaozhi with his majestic lion-headed face, and finally...

A drop of sweat fell on his forehead.

Many canine Pokémon can master the "smell detection" move...

But Emperor Yan really can't.

He is really not a dog!

Sensitive nose or something, this is the only skill that Emperor Yan didn't use.

Xiaozhi: "..."

One person and one dog looked at each other in blank dismay, Yandi, who has always been stable and reliable, was at a loss for his sense of smell, and the atmosphere was rather awkward.

"Pickup, pickup...!"

Pikachu on Ash's shoulder was also talking.

Isn't it enough to have hands to find things with a nose?

Emperor Yan: "..."

The slightly mocking tone of the electric mouse made Emperor Yan want to retire.

"It's fine."

However, at this time, Xiaozhi just stepped directly on Emperor Yan's back, and immediately started to play badly.

"If that's the case, then we'll be done with the wind speed dog!"

The rules of the competition say who is the first to get back the complete clay of light... but it doesn't say that you can't fight.

Since there is no combat item, just trigger the battle and snatch the clay of light from that wind speed dog!


Although his actions seemed not very bright, Emperor Yan, who had already suppressed his anger, wanted to find a sandbag to vent his anger at this moment.

Hearing that Emperor Yan revived his spirits, he immediately jumped out of the crowd and quickly chased in the direction of the wind speed dog.



Chimney Hill, the mouth of a volcano.

Following the rope, two lava team soldiers grabbed the edge of the hole and slowly climbed up.

As soon as they were on the ground, they saw a big fat man squatting outside, which shocked the two of them.

"Uh, Lord Huoyan, why are you here?"

Only then did the two recognize that it was their immediate boss——Huo Huo.

"Stop talking nonsense, are the bombs installed?"

Huo Huo just asked straight to the point, with a rather impatient tone.

This year he didn't even win a runner-up, Huo Huo wasn't in a particularly good mood.

"Okay, okay, there are a total of four bombs, all posted below!"

The two lava team soldiers asked for credit.

Hearing the words, Huoyan raised the corner of his mouth and waved his hand, ready to lead everyone to retreat.

Well, dog fights don't matter at all...then they can pick an auspicious day and blow the volcano off the ground.

In front of everyone, show the power of the earth!

Maybe he can call back Gulardo, the god of the earth who lost his way in the sea area of ​​the Hezhong area!


At this time, a roar suddenly came from the sky, and a huge fiery red figure leaped over the heads of the crowd and landed on the edge of the crater.

The guilty lava team was taken aback by the sudden wind speed dog.

What the hell, aren't they in a dog fight, what are they doing here?


Huo Huo's heart shuddered even more.

But the trainer B, who was determined to win and overwhelm Emperor Yan, ignored them at all, but devoted himself to the task of finding the clay of light.

Seeing that the wind speed dog had poked his head into the crater, he couldn't help asking:

"So something is in there?"

Wind Speed ​​Dog nodded.

This made the amateur trainer secretly puzzled, looking at the hot steam wafting from the crater, he felt a little afraid in his heart.

But looking at the hard gray stone at the bottom of the volcano... that's right, after all, Miss Junsha chose the place, so there can't be any danger, right?

"In that case, let's go!"

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said.


The wind speed dog nodded, and immediately jumped up and jumped down.

Several members of the lava team didn't know it was serious, but it seemed that they didn't come to find them, and they were about to run away for the second time.

Whoosh! !

However, the next moment, a huge dark brown figure landed in front of several people again.

"Emperor Yan?!"

"What the hell?!"

It was the first time for the two soldiers who installed the bomb to see Emperor Yan, and their expressions were extremely shocked.

Why is there still a person riding on the back?

However, Xiaozhi just looked at the members of the lava team suspiciously, and then ignored them, and followed Emperor Yan to poke his head into the volcano.

At this moment inside the volcano, the wind speed dog is using the protruding footholds on the inner rock wall to continuously leap and descend, with vigorous movements.

"So the clay of light is inside the volcano...then let's go down too!"

Xiaozhi quickly opened his mouth and said, secretly thinking that Miss Junsha really knows how to play.


But Emperor Yan hesitated a little.

He is a volcano Pokémon, and he even carries a smoke volcano on his back, so he naturally knows the danger of this chimney mountain.

Although the volcano has been dormant, there is still a risk of volcanic eruptions.

Not to mention ordinary Pokémon, even ordinary fire-type Pokémon are dangerous if they go down.

Only special fire-type Pokémon that are born to swim in magma, like lava snails and duck-billed dragons, can survive.

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