He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1046 Just out of the tiger's mouth, and into the wolf's den

"Haha, this is the one who is against our lava team..."

Seeing this, Huo Huo immediately laughed wildly.

It's just that before he finished speaking, a green figure burst out of smoke and dust, and rushed towards the direction of the big wolf dog.


Before the latter had time to react, he saw a green knife light flashing out of the big wolf dog.

Then there was the figure of the forest lizard, which had already appeared on the back of the big wolfhound, half kneeling on the ground quite chicly.

The blade on the back of the hand has been sheathed and turned back to a normal thin blade.


And after a while, the big wolfhound suddenly fell to the ground, unable to fight likewise.

At this moment, only Nine Tails and Forest Lizard were left standing on the field.

"Damn it, this brat, how dare you treat my pet dog like this...!!"

Huo Huo was furious, took back the defeated wolfhound, and pretended to release other Pokémon.

Xiaogang didn't dare to be careless, he took back Kodora, and there was already an extra tree-like elf ball in his hand, and the second battle was about to start...


Da da da...!

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from the direction of the entrance of Meteor Waterfall. It was quite chaotic, and there seemed to be more than one person.

This also made the two groups of people who were confronting each other stop their movements and cast their gazes subconsciously.

I saw that the leader was a dark-skinned rough man, dressed in a blue uniform, with a beard around his fierce face, he didn't look easy to mess with.

Beside him was a slender woman with gaudy hair hanging down and heavy makeup on her dark face.

As for the third person, it was the bald senior cadre that Xiao Zhi had just met in Chimney Hill.

It was the leader of the ocean team, Shui Wutong, and the senior cadres, Quan and Di.

"Oh~ are the lava team bullying the weak?"

"Is it really arrogant enough?"

The three members of the Ocean team walked all the way to the center of the Lava team and Xiaozhi and his party, looking directly at the Lava team.

"Hmph, seeing our Ocean team coming, don't you hurry up? Do you still want to court death?!"

Shui Wutong even cursed in a low voice with disdain, his fierce face and tone, as if he was a desperado who would take the life of the target at any moment in the next second.

This is completely different from the leader of Team Lava, Chi Yansong, with his pair of gentle glasses.


Seeing this, Huo Huo could only curse secretly and clenched his fists.

It's just that the opponent's boss is present at the moment, so it is impossible to get the meteorite today anyway.

Huo Huo and Huo Yan looked at each other, their faces livid.

In the end, he could only give Xiaozhi and Xiaogang a vicious look, and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Is this the lava team? It's really funny to run away with your tail between your legs, haha"

Di was even laughing loudly.

Without Chi Yansong present, the two couldn't even talk back, and finally left Meteor Waterfall in a hurry.




"It should be fine for now."

Just when Xiaozhi and the others breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the crisis should be temporarily lifted, the three members of the Ocean Team who suddenly appeared had already cast their dangerous eyes on them again.

"Then next, give that meteorite to our marine team...!"

Shui Wutong ordered in a deep voice, as if everything was taken for granted.

Xiaozhi: "..."

It's outrageous, just out of the tiger's mouth, and now it's in the wolf's den, right? !

I was thinking just now that the marine team was a rescuer?

"No, this meteorite is an important research material...!"

Dr. Solance still held it tightly in his arms, refusing to back down.

Seeing the three of them approaching step by step, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang quickly stepped back a few steps, not daring to be careless.

I heard before that whether it is the Ocean team or the Lava team, their leaders and bosses all have the fighting power of the alliance's kings, and they are definitely not weak.

If you want to fight more with less at this moment...

"Hey! Team Ocean, stay away!!"

At this time, Dr. Solans suddenly moved away from Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang in front of him, and looked at the three members of the Ocean Team.

Holding the meteorite tightly with one hand, the other hand took out the mobile phone, and the camera pointed directly at the marine team.

"I have opened the official live broadcast of our Green Ridge Cosmic Center, and there are already 1000+ viewers in the live broadcast room, do you really want to do this kind of thing in full view?!"

Dr. Solance summoned up his courage and snapped.

This made Shui Wutong furious, he hated other people's threats the most.

Just as he was about to act, he was pulled back by Quan next to him.

"Boss, the reputation of Team Ocean is important...!"

This guy saved a lot of money. Although he opened the live broadcast room, he didn't say the name of their Ocean team, or what he was going to do... It was a gleam for them.

"That's right, now their Lava team is in crisis, we just need to hold on, and it's already a big victory!"

Di also persuaded repeatedly.

As for this meteorite... They don't know what effect it has, it's just because Team Lava needs it, so they instinctively want to stop the snatching.


Hearing the persuasion of the two subordinates, Shui Wutong snorted coldly, and it was a step forward.

"In that case, let's let you off for now."

After speaking, he gave Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang a meaningful look, and finally turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Quan and Di in the back finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly left with their boss.


After all the members of the Ocean Team left for a long time, Dr. Solans breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously slumped on the ground.

The carapace dragon next to him carefully supported him.

As for the "live broadcast room" in his mobile phone...

Seeing the curious expressions of the two of Xiaozhi, he just explained awkwardly: "This is just a screenshot from the previous live broadcast..."

Dr. Solance is a meteorite researcher at the Green Ridge Cosmic Center in Green Ridge.

The research topics of this universe center are the launch of rockets and the observation of various meteorites... These topics are not interesting, even very boring. How could there be 1000+ viewers in the live broadcast room just after opening.

This data is already their peak data.

Xiaozhi \u0026 Xiaogang: "..."

Indeed, there are not many people paying attention to general astronomy.

Except for the real discovery of aliens, big events such as black holes... But the probability of such a big event happening is extremely low, and 99% of the time is usually in a state of no one paying attention.

"No matter what, today I feel that the two little friends helped me guard this meteorite...!"

Dr. Solance bowed solemnly towards the two of them.

"So this meteorite, is there anything special about it?"

Xiaozhi took back the forest lizard and couldn't help asking curiously.

"I don't know the specifics..."

Dr. Solance shook his head, but held the meteorite the size of an elf egg high in front of him, showing a look as if he was sizing up a treasure.

"But then I will take it back to Green Ridge City. With the help of the equipment there, I will definitely be able to find out the answer!"

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