On the high platform, Yuki took a deep breath and kept his state at his best.

The stupid red-faced dragon beside him shook his head, not knowing what happened.

"Now, use Dragon's Breath on that brazier!!"

Soon, Yushu fixed his eyes and pointed out.

Hmph, although he is starting from scratch now... Yuuki had subdued Rikakuza when he was still in the electronic world!

Although the ancient gods in this world are far stronger than he remembered...

"There must still be a bond between me and Rikakuza!!"

Yuki at this moment is full of confidence.

It's just that the next instruction was spoken for a long time, but there was no movement.

This made Yushu raise his eyebrows, and slowly turned his head to the red-faced dragon beside him.


The latter's two big paws pointed at him, and he opened his dragon's mouth wide, as if he couldn't spit out anything.

The two just froze there.

"Ahem, that..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, the elder lady said:

"A Pokémon like the red-faced dragon cannot master the dragon's breath."

Yuki: "?"

Isn't this the basic trick of Dragon-type Pokémon?

The red-faced dragon is at the bottom of the chain of contempt for dragons, not only because of its naive appearance, the lowest race value...but also because of the extremely narrow range of moves it can master.

So seeing Yushu subdue the red-faced dragon at that time, even the always prudent old lady couldn't think of it.

Yuki: "..."

The momentum that was still high just now was instantly interrupted by his own red-faced dragon.

If it is said that Yuki was still very confident that he had a bond with Rikuza just now.

But now this fetter has been completely severed by this red-faced dragon...

"It doesn't matter, no matter what dragon attribute move it is, use it on that brazier!"

Yuki could only command like this.


This made the red-faced dragon look serious, and immediately let out a low growl, the wings on its back flapped violently, and its figure flew into the air.

Although the red-faced dragon cannot complete daily flight, the wings are not for decoration, but can assist in jumping and gliding.

In a short distance, it is indistinguishable from flying.

And the fat red-faced dragon spun vertically in the air, pressing its tail under its body... At this moment, its tail had already turned into a crystal clear green light.

Dragon Tail! !

Boom! !

The mighty dragon's tail slammed heavily on the brazier, forcing the ground to tremble violently.


This scene made the elder lady look worried. Will the wall of interviews be destroyed?

No one has ever ignited a brazier with a dragon's tail!

But in the end, the wall was strong enough to hold a dragon's tail abruptly.


And on the brazier, raging green flames were also ignited.

It seems that as long as it is a dragon attribute move, it can be ignited.

Seeing the red eyes of the dragon head statue in front of him, and it started to work again, Yushu regained his posture and slowly stretched his palm into the dragon's mouth.


The gap between the teeth began to loosen, and they slowly opened and closed up and down, making a heavy sound.

"This is?!"

The elder woman below had sharp eyes, and her eyes widened in an instant.

Is this boy really in contact with Lord Dragon God? !

She had only seen this kind of movement from Sigana and Sigana's mother!


Yushu grabbed the scroll body and began to pull it outward with all his strength.

It's just that although the dragon's mouth opened and closed...but it didn't open completely. At most, it just let the scroll roll out by 2 centimeters.

After pulling vigorously for a long time, Yuki finally sighed, and slowly withdrew his palm.

Can't pull it out.

"Damn it, what is going on in this world...!"

Obviously, in the electronic world, he was the absolute protagonist, no matter what happened, it revolved around him.

But why in this world, Yuuki always feels that he has become someone's green leaf...

Seeing this, the elder lady could only shake her head slowly.

Like Sigana, she has a connection with Rikkakuza...

But it's not the human being who can summon and fight side by side with the Rift Seat.

"Cyan Mongniao, use Fairy Wind..."


As the brazier dragon flames were extinguished, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Zhi.


This made him suddenly stressed.

"Crack the empty seat..."

Passing by the lost Yushu, Xiaozhi slowly climbed the steps.

This ancient god in the Fangyuan area seems to have nothing to do with him.

If this can be pulled out inexplicably...Xiaozhi will really doubt his identity.

How can everything follow its own logic? !


And Latias, who was following behind him, let out a loud cry, and turned back to his original appearance.

Red and white like a small airplane, with feathers as smooth as glass, and a playful and cute head with a pair of small red horns... This made the eyes of the Meteor People widen in an instant.

This is definitely the most beautiful dragon they have ever seen!

"Latias, please, use the dragon's breath!!"

After Xiaozhi handed over his dragon scale token to the latter, he immediately raised his hand and directed.

Having mastered the dragon's wave, the lower move, the dragon's breath, is naturally easy to use.


Latias circled around flexibly in mid-air, then opened his mouth, and a blue-white cyclone whizzed out.

chi chi...!

When it came into contact with the brazier, the blue dragon flames blazed up... This is a flame that has a trace of empty seat aura.

The entire statue of the dragon head also started to work, and the blood-red eyes seemed to wake up at any time, rushing to eat the target.


Xiaozhi took a deep breath, and slowly stretched his palm into his mouth in front of him.

If it bites together suddenly, it can bite off the wrist directly.

And what I got was a smooth stick-shaped object... The scroll that recorded the finishing touch was not made of paper, but more like some kind of smooth jade with a metallic texture.

"Is it open!?"

The elder woman's eyes widened, staring at the rock dragon's teeth that were biting the scroll.

This was already their last hope. If Xiaozhi couldn't take out this scroll, then even their Meteor People would be completely helpless in the disaster that might happen next.

It's just that everyone held their breath and stared at Xiaozhi's half palm...

After about two minutes, the dragon's mouth and teeth didn't move at all.

Even Hijana and Yuki's slight loosening did not appear.

Xiaozhi and Likongzao do not have any unique connection.

"Hey... the personnel are exhausted, let's obey the destiny."

The old lady let out a long sigh, and she seemed to be ten years older for a while.


But the next moment, a sound of rock cracking and breaking suddenly came, which was very loud in the empty stone room.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response, Xiaozhi didn't care about any trials, and practiced with Dragon God...

Simply pull directly!


The green scroll in the shape of jade metal easily cracked the rock teeth of the dragon's mouth of the statue, and Xiao Zhi directly grabbed it completely in his hand.

The eldest grandmother: "?"

Her feet felt weak for a while, and she didn't know what she saw...

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