He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1067 vs. Strange Jaw Dragon! !


This Goonuniu was shaking its head on the spot for a while, and its eyes were the unique cross-blur pattern of Rabbit Pokémon, as if it was in a state of confusion at any time.


Under Xiaozhi's curious eyes, this Goonuniu suddenly jumped up and jumped in one direction.

From time to time, he stopped and turned his head, as if deliberately letting Xiaozhi follow.

"What the hell...?"

I don't know what's going on, but Xiaozhi's curiosity was completely aroused, and he just followed behind this Goonuniu all the way.

The rabbit was in the front, and the people were in the back. After a while, Xiaozhi was taken out of the border of Kanaz City and came to a suburban field.


This place is not far from the Orange Blossom Forest, and in the dark night, the cries of sonic cicadas come one after another, which is quite comfortable.


At this time, a deafening roar suddenly came from the nearby bushes, like a thunderbolt suddenly falling in the dark night.

Immediately afterwards, a huge red-brown figure rushed out!

In the night, it was too late to see the specific appearance, Xiao Zhi could only see the dense and sharp teeth in the latter's bloody mouth, constantly tearing open and closing, attacking him.


His thick lower limbs stepped on the ground and trembled.


This made Xiaozhi shudder violently. There was a gust of wind in front of him, and the giant beast that was more than ten meters away had already arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye. Xiaozhi could even clearly see the inside of the opponent's open mouth .


Pikachu immediately used Xiaozhi's shoulder as a springboard, and jumped up suddenly.

The body rotated horizontally, and the tail behind him turned into a metal iron tail in mid-air!

Whoosh pound! !

With a forceful blow to Iron Tail, he hit the bloody jaw that was biting him head-on.

Pikachu's petite figure is in stark contrast to the latter's huge figure...

But even so, Pikachu still shook the beast's head violently.

This time, Xiaozhi quickly took a few steps back to keep the distance that the trainer should have.

Humans shouldn't be directly involved in battles between Pokémon...

With time to breathe, Xiao Zhi took a closer look, and only then did he know what the creature that suddenly attacked him was.

This is a huge reddish-brown dinosaur, with a thick and huge body and lower limbs, but the arms and claws are very small.

The entire body is covered with reddish-brown scales as rough as rocks, with a majestic big head, rock spikes standing above the eyes, and gray-white tough hair spikes around the chin and neck.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge jaw of the latter, which makes the mouth of this dinosaur very huge, and there are sharp and fierce teeth in the upper and lower mouth.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?!"

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see a Tyrannosaurus rex-like Pokémon, so he quickly took out the illustration book.

It seems that it is estimated that it is a creature of the same period as the fossil pterosaur?

"Didi. Strange-jawed dragon, tyrant Pokémon, rock-type and dragon-type, is a fossil Pokémon in the Hezhong area. It is the king of the ground in ancient times. It is proud of its invincibility. The power of its jaws can crush everything. , act like a king."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was secretly speechless.

The fossilized pterosaur is the overlord of the sky... so the overlord of the ground at that time was the Pokémon in front of him?

Really overbearing!

"It's just the fossil Pokémon in the Hezhong area, why did it suddenly appear in the outskirts of the Fangyuan area?"

Xiaozhi is at a loss now, completely unaware of what happened.

A wild monster jaw dragon?

And this guy, why did he suddenly attack himself?

Or do you have your own villain settings like the circle bear and the big needle bee?


The iron tail was hit by Pikachu in the middle of the chin, causing the monster jawed dragon to shake its head.


Immediately there was another loud roar, and he kept opening and closing his teeth, making a piercing friction sound.

It seems to be mocking Pikachu's strength, just like scratching an itch.


Pikachu's ears twitched and his eyes turned red.

The provocative trick is successful, and it can only use frontal offensive moves next.

Boom! !

Without waiting for Xiaozhi's command, Pikachu jumped high on the spot, a burst of violent golden electric current erupted from his tense body, and finally turned into a crooked electric snake and shot out.

The opponent is not a ground attribute, even a hundred thousand volts has an effect.

However, this monster jaw dragon did not choose to dodge, but opened its bloody mouth again.

With this mouth size, twenty Pikachu can be eaten at one time.


A similar electric light actually appeared between the teeth of the eccentric dragon, and within a short while, a thick electric tooth had been condensed.


And when Pikachu's 100,000 volts fell, it was as if it had encountered a magnet with an attractive force of max. When the trajectory turned around, all of them hit in the direction of the lightning teeth of the monster jaw dragon, and merged into one.

This made the power of the thunder and lightning teeth of the strange jaw dragon reach its peak for a while!

"Didi. The characteristics of the strange jaw dragon: strong jaws, and the power of bite moves will be greatly improved."

The illustrated book automatically broadcasts the report.

And the eccentric dragon has already taken heavy steps, and sprints towards Pikachu again.

Coupled with the violent lightning between the upper teeth, the terrifying momentum seemed to freeze the surrounding air, making it difficult to breathe.

"Pikachu, get out of the way!!"

It was the first time he encountered such an opponent, Xiaozhi didn't dare to take it hard, and quickly commanded.

Fortunately, the power of this monster jaw dragon is so terrifying, but its speed is a lot worse, not to mention Pikachu's flexibility.


Pikachu's figure kicked to one side, but the opponent's thunder and lightning teeth fell smoothly.

But before Pikachu heaved a sigh of relief, in front of him was a thing as thick as a long whip, which quickly magnified in his eyes.

Whoosh! !

Thunder Fang missed, and the monster jaw dragon turned around and swept out its own tail, just in time to slam Pikachu, who was unable to dodge in mid-air, with a tail.

This is not a move...but the strength is still not light, causing Pikachu to hit the tree trunk next to it, and then stop the backward trajectory.

It's just that after landing, his head was spinning for a while.


"Hiss, what a powerful dinosaur...!"

After a fight, Xiao Zhi blurted out admiration.

His expression gradually became serious, and he didn't dare to be careless at all. He didn't expect such a powerful enemy to appear in the calm night...


And with one hit by himself, this monster jawed dragon entered a state of excitement.

Huge rocks began to condense from the two short claws, and they were thrown towards Pikachu one after another.

Rock Blast! !

After landing, Pikachu was also outraged, and immediately jumped up in the air, and when his figure spun, a lightning net had already condensed at the end of his tail.


The lightning spread out all over the sky, sweeping away all the rock blasts, and the last move exploded in the center, sparking a terrifying explosion!

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