He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1086 Tanabata blue bird


Soon, the four heads on the big screen in the square turned again.

After seeing his profile picture appear, Manchu took a deep breath and looked at the blue bird on his shoulder.

"It's finally our time, Qingmianiao!"

He boarded the hot air balloon steadily, and slowly rose into the sky with the three people around him.

In the middle of the arena, when the hot air balloon with the target ring attached to it reached its apex, its full momentum changed, from the previous soft and weak, hesitant and tentative expression when speaking, to an extremely firm expression.

"It's now, Qingmianiao!"

At the beginning of the game, Qingmianniao flapped its wings and rushed out first.

"Hunting swallowtails, use the silver whirlwind!!"

"Natural finches, use fantasy light!"

The two Pokémon behind were chasing after him, and even released dangerous moves.


The blue cotton bird glanced down from the corner of the eye, and between the flapping of its small cotton wings, it actually evaded the two attacks at the same time.


The bird's beak pecked, and firmly held the ring in its mouth.

"This guy has a hand!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up in the spectator seat. After all, Manchu is a trainer who challenges the gym, and his level is much better than that of passerby trainers.

But the fourth Pokémon in this game...

"Um, it's outrageous."

Seeing that the fat, round yellow dragon was not in a hurry to catch up at the rear, Xiao Zhi's face tightened, and he couldn't help complaining.

Outrageous, are the fast dragons used to participate in the ring contest now? !

The fourth contestant is a punk man with a mohawk hairstyle, a muscular body, wearing a bosozoku costume with spiked nails, unrestrained.

Just like there are many locomotive gangsters around Rainbow City in the Kanto region, there are also a large group of people around Zijin City.

Lusha Town is adjacent to Zijin City, and there are also many bosozoku nearby.

"Hey! Kuailong, kill them all at once, use the wave of the dragon!!"

The bosozoku burly man commanded with stern eyes.

Kuailong, who was at the back at the moment, almost lined up the three targets in front of him on a horizontal line.

Immediately raising his head, a purple-black energy current rushed out, and turned into an extremely fierce energy dragon on the way.

Boom boom whoosh! !

The wave of the dragon swept across, and the terrifying power continuously exploded on the natural bird and the hunting swallowtail, and even continued to shoot towards the highest point of the green cotton bird with more stamina.

"Get out of the way!!"

Man Chong shouted hastily, his face also turned black at this moment.

Outrageous, why did Kuailong appear in the first game? !

Isn't this the extremely precious quasi-god Pokémon in the Kanto region? !


The chubby figure of the Qingmianniao rose up, avoiding this menacing dragon wave very dangerously.

After the other two flying Pokémon were hit, they all entered the state of candles in the wind, teetering in the air.

"Oh, can you still block a blow~"

The bosozoku guy laughed out loud, and then attacked again:

"That is to use the storm to completely defeat them!!"

This time in the ring contest, he was here to beat people up.


The expression of this Kuailong is also very fierce, not like the usual cute Kuailong.

Sasha! !

When a pair of small wings flapped, a powerful hurricane swept across most of the sky, and even surrounded all three opponents.

Although the power is much weaker due to the sharing of moves, it still blows the natural sparrow and hunting swallowtail into a whirl.



The last bit of physical strength was deprived, and the two finally fell invincibly from the sky.


For a moment, only the figure of Qing Mianniao was left struggling to hold on.

The petite body is like a small boat that will be overturned at any time in the big storm...

Under the storm, the whole body seemed to be in a quagmire, making it difficult to move.

"It's now, use the wave of the dragon!!"

Kuailong suddenly stopped flapping his wings, raised his head again, and opened the dragon's mouth to the maximum.

Whoosh! !

A burst of purple-black energy giant dragon rushed out again, the speed was extremely fast, Qingmianniao didn't react at all, and the wave of dragon completely exploded on it!

In mid-air, there was a cloud of smoke.

"What a ruthless fast dragon...!"

Many viewers couldn't help but blurt out in amazement.

Is this the quasi-god from other regions? Although the size is a bit strange, it is really violent enough...

"The green cotton bird!?"

And Man Chong, who was on top of the hot air balloon, shouted anxiously, wishing to jump out of the hot air balloon and take a closer look.

And as the smoke dissipated, the scorched green cotton bird reappeared in the public eye, with a crumbling figure...

He didn't even have the strength to bite the ring in his mouth, and just fell to the ground below.

It's just that the latter's eyes are still extremely firm, turning his head to stare at Man Chong.


"The green cotton bird..."

Gradually, Man Chong was also infected by Qing Mian Niao's fighting spirit.

For the purpose of this ring competition, one person and one bird stayed in Luyin Town for many days and experienced hard training.

Even if you can't win the championship today, at least you can't just get out in the first round!


I only heard the blue cotton bird sing again, and the next moment, a strange and dazzling white light enveloped its body.

The body shape is even more in the white light, constantly expanding and getting bigger...


"Evolved again...?!"

"Is this the second time?!"


The audience in the arena was amazed, this year's Ring Competition is really quite violent.

You must know that this game is actually very peaceful, most of them are fighting for the ring, rather than direct violent battles...

Just these two games now, in previous years, are already the quality of the finals.


And as the light dissipated, the Qingmianniao also showed a brand new attitude.

Its size became huge, about 2/3 the size of a fast dragon, with a slender neck, and two long feathers like ribbons floating on its round head.

But most of the blue body is hidden in a thick layer of fluffy white cotton, only the head, paws, and tail feathers are exposed.

"Didi. Tanabata blue bird, dragon attribute and flying attribute Pokémon, cotton feathers endow it with strong defense power, and its singing is intoxicating. However, in recent years, Qixi blue bird has been hailed as the treasure of dragon traitors. Pokémon."

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically recognizes and broadcasts reports.


Looking at this beautiful figure in the sky, Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows.

The last time was the shame of the Dragon Clan, good guy, this time the traitors of the Dragon Clan have all come out.

You dragon-type Pokémon, why do you have so many contempt chains? !

After completing the evolution, the Qixi blue bird has improved by leaps and bounds in combat power, but the damage from the previous moves is still there, and the expression looks very tired.

But at this moment, each person and one bird have a fighting spirit on their expressions, just like Xiaozhi and Dawangyan in the last match.

"Use White Mist!!"

Manchu waved his thumb, this time it was his turn to take the initiative to attack.


As soon as the Qixi blue bird spit out its mouth, a huge white mist completely engulfed Kuailong.

Although it didn't have any power, it temporarily trapped it in the air, losing its vision.

The Tanabata blue bird immediately stretched out its wide cotton wings, and instead of attacking Kuailong, it rushed towards the ground where the ring fell!

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