He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1123 Gulardo Returning Home

The people who had just hatched hadn't gone far when the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy.

Da da da! !

Then came the bean-sized rain pouring down, which caught people off guard.

However, the four of Xiaozhi seemed to have expected it a long time ago. They took out their umbrellas in unison to completely block the heavy rain, and their expressions seemed a little numb.

The sudden rain lasted less than a minute, the sun had already broken through the dark clouds, and the previous rain disappeared immediately.

The four of Xiaozhi naturally put away their umbrellas and prepared to continue on their way...

Da da da! !

However, less than a while later, it was pouring rain again, and the four of them mechanically opened their umbrellas again.

The next scene is the endless cycle of heavy rain, opening an umbrella, closing the umbrella, and opening the umbrella again...

The four of Xiaozhi are like robots, even predicting the end time of the heavy rain in advance, and can put away the umbrella at the same time.

"Well, it's time to close the umbrella again."

Seeing the torrential rain falling for a full 59 seconds, the three of Xiaozhi put away their umbrellas knowingly, they had completely figured out the pattern.

Da da da! !

However, this time the heavy rain was still pouring down, and the three of them were drowned directly.


Only Shota is still holding an umbrella, so it's not a big problem.

He even looked at a few people with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey, didn't I remind you, every ten times is a cycle, and the end time of the tenth time is not allowed."

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

The three of them with messy faces grabbed Shota's umbrella directly, making the latter also messy in the rain.

There is still a long distance from Shuijing City, and the surrounding area is barren and wild, and there is no place to hide from the rain.

"Tsk, has the weather change affected this place?"

Xiaozhi frowned, it seems that the influence of Gulardo and Kyoka is getting more and more exaggerated...

Da da da! !

Now that they were completely soaked, the four of them simply let go of their feet and ran wildly in the rain, heading towards Shuijing City...



half an hour later.

The elf center of Aqua City.

Four distressed drowned chickens opened the door and walked in, the cold air from the hall fell on their wet bodies...

"Ah Autumn!!" x4.

The few people didn't have time to do anything, so they rushed to the bathroom and took a hot bath.

When everyone packed up and walked back to the hall, ready to have dinner...

"Insert a major news, due to the actions of the Weather Research Institute, it has successfully attracted the attention of the God of the Earth, and pulled it out of the surrounding sea area of ​​the Hezhong area!"

The public TV next to it suddenly broadcast a news broadcast.

On the screen, there was a crimson lava monster walking slowly on the sea.

The tumbling sea water fell on the latter's fiery armor scales, and a thick white mist was constantly evaporating.

"According to the footsteps of the God of the Earth... it will take no more than a week to officially return to the Fangyuan area!"

The news that was interrupted suddenly caused the entire elf center to boil, and many passers-by talked about it.

But the eyes of Xiaozhi and the others who heard the news brightened.

Unexpectedly, the fake vermilion orb project of the Weather Research Institute actually worked? !

Gulardo is said to be a great ancient god, but he is somewhat careless...

Obviously, he knows the way home, but he firmly believes that the place where the vermilion orb is located is his hometown.

"It seems that this weird weather should be able to recover, right?"

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Xiaomao has made a great contribution this time!

The return ship of members of the Weather Research Institute also flashed on the TV screen...but everyone glanced at it, and did not see Xiaomao's figure.

Didn't you come back with me?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi became curious, and went directly to the public phone booth, and called Xiaomao for condolences.


And listening to the conversations of several people who seemed to understand brother, this made Xiangta look confused behind listening.

He has never been to the weather research institute, and it is like a blank sheet of paper at the moment.


Soon, the phone was connected, and a brown-haired flirtatious boy appeared on the screen.

"Yo~ Isn't this Xiaozhi, why did you call me suddenly?"

Seeing Xiaozhi again, Xiaomao began to tease with muscle memory.

A few pleasantries... It seems that after the full-strength battle at the Silver Conference, most of the feeling of the two fighting against each other at this moment has disappeared.

On the contrary, it is more like a pair of old friends who have not seen each other for a long time.

"Oh, you said the Weather Research Institute, I didn't come back with them~"

Xiao Mao shrugged and said quite freely.

But speaking of this, his expression became serious again.

This time the fake orb was able to successfully lead Gulardo back, it really was his meritorious deeds.

In fact, the fake orb developed by the Weather Research Institute didn't have much effect at all. It just made Gulardo tilt his head, and he wasn't completely seduced away at all.

"It went so smoothly... all because I found the real vermilion orb!"

Xiao Mao explained with a frozen expression.

Before they suspected that someone had brought real orbs to all parts of the world, which would turn Gulardo into a headless fly running around the world...

"When I arrived at the Hezhong area, I walked all the way in front of Gulardo's eyes. After a while, I found a strange Pokémon."

"It seems to be a dragon-type Pokémon, but it's also weird like a ghost..."

At that time, Xiaomao was taken aback.

In the hand of this ghost dragon, it is holding a scarlet orb!

"However, this guy is very cunning. In the end, I just took back the scarlet orb and didn't arrest the ghost dragon."

Xiao Mao sighed helplessly.

This ghost dragon seems to be a Pokémon in the Galar region, which is extremely rare.

So at this moment, the "fake orb" that the Weather Research Institute seduces Gulardo is actually the real one, and Xiaomao gave it to several of his partners.

Seeing that there was still this inside story, Xiaozhi and the others showed expressions as if they were listening to a story, and they were surprised again and again.

"So why didn't you come back with me?"

Xiaolan couldn't help leaning towards the camera and asked.

"I have already investigated the data of the Weather Research Institute, and then I will rely on them~"

Xiao Mao just spread his hands.

It was the first time he came to the Hezhong area... Now he is attracted by the ancient myths of the Hezhong area.

Hoen area...will talk about it next time.

Xiaozhi and the others can only feel that Xiaomao is worthy of being Xiaomao. Even if he has changed his job to become a researcher, he is still so alive and kicking.

After everyone talked about some more, they hung up the phone.

"By the way... in a week's time, we'll be able to see Gulardo up close?"

Xiaozhi suddenly reacted and said.

Xiaogang took out a map to investigate, and the Hezhong area was to the east of the Fangyuan area.

If they come back from the east... the city of Shuichen they are in at the moment, or the city of Luyuan they will go to next, are located on the easternmost side of Fangyuan Continent.

Speaking of which, can he become the first witnesses to witness Gulardo's return to his hometown? !

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