He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1150 Sky Pillar

"So, did you have a premonition of some big crisis, so you appeared in front of me several times?"

Xiaozhi approached a few meters again and asked.

At this moment, Gulardo is about to reach the Yoshien area, and Gaioka reappears.

He also came to the Sky Pillar in an attempt to summon the Rift Seat.

It can be said that the three gods of Fangyuan are all alive...

These three ancient gods are not simple masters. In the legends and history, meeting each other is all kinds of unreasonable battles.

What message is this calamity beast conveying to him?

"At this time, if that guy Meow Meow is here..."

However, the Calamity Beast with snow-white fur and calm blood-colored eyes just stared at Xiaozhi quietly.


He didn't say anything, and finally jumped up and landed on the high rock next to him.

Absol looked down at them like a gate guard.


Unaware of the severity, Xiaozhi and Penghuo looked at each other, and could only move on.

Along this winding stone road, at the end is the location of the Sky Pillar.

Right in front of it is an open stone door, which leads to the deep interior in darkness.

The gray-brown walls on the surface are composed of neat prismatic rocks, and there are small black square holes leaking in many places.

A few meters away, a desolate and ancient atmosphere rushed over, making people dare not underestimate this towering building.

"You two, who are you?!"

At this time, a low shout came.

Xiao Zhi took a closer look, but saw a woman guarding the entrance of the Sky Pillar.

About twenty years old, with a pretty face, wearing a water-blue wide-sleeved kimono, which is quite traditional.

Beside him, there is also a stinging jellyfish floating around.

"The Pillar of the Sky is a legendary forbidden place, no one is allowed to enter without permission!"

The woman in kimono shouted coquettishly, with a serious face.

"I am Penghuo from the Meteor Realm, and I am about to bring the envoy of the Dragon God into it now!"

Penghuo took a deep breath, and opened the mouth to speak.

Before coming here, the elder granny had already reminded him that there was a high probability that someone was stationed here.

"The Village of the Meteor?! Wow. Are you the People of the Meteor!?"

The kimono woman's eyes widened immediately, and she quickly bowed to Penghuo.

"My name is Qingzi, and I am the people of Liuli who are in charge of guarding the Sky Pillar for the past six months~!"

She introduced herself with a smile, her expression changed drastically.

"The People of Glazed Glass?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, "The People of Meteor, and now there is another People of Glass?"

"Yes, the meteorite that fell over thousands of years created the Meteor Falls, and our Meteor People were born...and another meteorite that created Liuli City also brought the people of Liuli."

Penghuo quickly explained to Xiaozhi.

But looking at the fashionable woman in front of her with modern makeup and blonde hair, although she was wearing a traditional kimono, she seemed a bit out of harmony.

Different from the people of Meteor, the people of Liuli live in Liuli City, and have already lost the traditional customs of the people of ancient Liuli. They are completely modern city people.

Of course, there are still some major missions retained.

For example, guarding this pillar of the sky.

"You guys are finally here... that's great, so I can go back to Liuli City on vacation~!"

Qing Zi said happily.

They have been passed down to the current people of the glazed glass, and every year they will randomly select unlucky ones to come to this place to garrison...

She is the unlucky one this year.

If the people of Meteor came to take over, she would be able to take her vacation early today.

"But the little brother next to him is..."

Qingzi raised her eyebrows, looked at Xiaozhi, and her playful expression became serious again.

Penghuo's outfit can't be faked, but Xiaozhi's appearance...

"He is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and also the envoy of the Dragon God, the legendary trainer who can fight side by side with Lord Dragon God Lie Kongzao!"

Penghuo quickly introduced, and then gave Xiaozhi a look.

"oh oh..."

Xiaozhi understood, reached into the backpack and groped for a while, and finally found a green jade scroll.

It was the blank scroll that he pulled out from the mouth of the statue of the Rifting Seat.

"Dragon God Scroll?!"

Qingzi's eyes were bright, and she exclaimed loudly.

Although she only heard it mentioned by the elders in her family, it was a small green scroll.

Those who hold this object are naturally eligible to enter the Pillar of the Sky.

"Then you two, you can go in, I won't stop~!"

Qing Zi took the initiative to retreat to the side, giving up the position of the gate.

She has never heard that the sisters stationed at the Sky Pillar before encountered any intruders...

Didn't expect the witness of history to be himself? !

Qing Zi was very curious about what would happen next.

Is it really like in the legend that the Dragon God splits the empty seat and calls it down?

The people of Liuli are not followers of Likongzuo, but rather the three gods of Fangyuan, the guardians of the entire Fangyuan area.

Especially the younger generation of people of Liuli who are derailed from history, in fact, do not have much recognition for these metaphysical legends.

"No, only the envoy of the Dragon God can go in alone... I am not qualified to go in."

Penghuo also took the initiative to retreat to the other side of the stone gate.


Seeing that both pairs of eyes were staring at him, Xiao Zhi held the scroll tightly and was about to step into it.

"By the way, before going in, let me introduce you to the situation inside the tower~!"

Qing Zi also said enthusiastically.

"The height of the Pillar of the Sky soars into the sky. I don't know how many floors there are, but it is said that the top of the tower is an open-air rooftop plaza... and inside the tower are inhabited by many wild Pokémon, with extremely high levels. Free-range Pokémon are completely different."

It seems that it has also obtained an ability bonus from the Sky Pillar it is in, and it is extremely powerful.

"And every floor in this tower is in a half-broken state."

"Half broken?"

Xiaozhi looked puzzled, what is this saying.

"That is, you may look like a normal ground, but if you step on it, it may collapse at any time..."

Qing Zi looked serious and said:

"Once you fall, you will fall to the next floor...and the floor that you crushed before will return to its original shape."

Xiaozhi called it amazing, this is no longer a normal building.

He raised his head and tried to look up from the outside.

By the way, since the top is open-air... wouldn't it be good to fly up directly from the outside?

"This is also the most critical point... within the range of the Sky Pillar, once the height exceeds five meters, it will be a complete 'no-fly' area."

As if they have been given a powerful gravity move, they can still move normally when they step on the ground, but once they fly, they will naturally sink. Hearing that Xiaozhi still didn't believe in evil, he tried to direct Latias to fly directly up.


Sure enough, when it reached a height of about five meters, Ladias seemed to lose control of his body and fell like a log.

It didn't fly again until it fell back within five meters.


Xiaozhi nodded again and again, calling out miraculously.

"Then, I wish you good luck for the next step, really Xiaozhi from New Town."

"Please, Dragon God Messenger!"

Finally, under the eyes of the People of Glazed Glass and the People of Meteor, Xiao Zhi took back Latias, and walked into the dark stone gate together with Pikachu.

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