He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1157 Raid and Fall

"Then now, you can move on!"

Put away the crowd, with Pikachu and Latias who looked like a maid, Xiaozhi stared at the upper stairs not far away.

He has not forgotten the purpose of entering the Sky Pillar this time.

Reach the apex and summon the dragon god crack empty seat!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi started to walk, and his figure quickly shuttled over these broken floors.

This time, he no longer climbed the tower in the mode of sweeping the whole map, but advanced by the fastest path.

In the Sky Pillar, not only do you have to avoid the local powerful wild Pokémon, but also... the floor that is easy to break from time to time.

It seems that the higher you go, the more often the floor breaks.

In the beginning, Xiaozhi tried to find the rules, but under the "no-flying" rule, he tried several times to miss the ground, fell to the next floor, and fell straight into a squat.

After that, Xiaozhi simply didn't look for any rules anymore.

As long as he runs fast enough, the breaking speed of the floor can't keep up with him!

Whoosh whoosh! !

Xiao Zhi quickly ran on the floor, heading straight to the upper stairs.

clatter...! clatter...!

And the floor he stepped on was broken and fell, cracked into gaps.

But the disaster was always one step too late for Xiaozhi.

In a few breaths, he had already rushed to the stairway on the upper floor.

"Pickup, pickup~!"


Pikachu on the shoulders, and Latias on the back, turned into cheerleaders, shouting happily.

Latias, who is banned from flying at this moment, can only float in the air for a very short time even with his mind power.

And running with two legs... This is something Ladias has never done in his life, and he will never do it in the future!

Now it can only hang on Xiaozhi's back like a burden.

"Hoo hoo...!"

Xiaozhi panted slightly, looking at the cracked rocky floor behind him, quite proud.

If it weren't for the two burdens hanging on his body, his speed would be one step faster.

So Xiaozhi retracted Latias temporarily, and looked at Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Why don't you go down and run by yourself, your speed is faster than mine."

"Pika Picka...(My stamina is also completely exhausted...)"

Pikachu hugged his old cold leg, looking like he couldn't fight.



Bypassing all the wild Pokémon encountered during the period, Xiaozhi's tower climbing speed was several times faster this time.

"Hey, this floor..."

Climbing up to the latest floor, Xiaozhi looked around, secretly surprised.

There are no wild Pokémon on this floor, and the floor under the feet is also a complete terrain, which does not seem to be easily cracked.

Looking around, the position of the upper stairs in the distance is also somewhat different from the previous stairs.

The previous steps were all ascending inside the tower, but this time, the direction of the steps seems to extend to the outside of the tower?

"So this is the top floor below the rooftop...?"

Xiaozhi panted a little, and instead of going up to the rooftop immediately, he looked around on this floor.

There is no signal network in the entire Pillar of the Sky, and he doesn't know what is happening outside at this moment.

The illustrated book also lost the function of networking, leaving only the local database information.

Looking around, there are abstract and simple murals on the dilapidated walls.

"It seems that this is the last mural...?" Xiaozhi leaned up and looked it up and down.

Almost every floor of the Sky Pillar is carved with these murals, as if to convey some message.

In the picture, elements such as meteorites, Gulardo, Kyoka, ancient people... can be seen.

Among them, the front end uses a big triangle to replace the long dragon on the head... probably to represent the split empty seat.

But Xiao Zhi didn't know much about this appearance. Isn't Rikuza's head just a normal dragon-shaped head? It has nothing to do with triangles at all...


"Because this is the new posture of Lord Dragon God after he has gained more powerful power and completed the mega evolution of God!"

At this time, a female voice suddenly came from one side of the stone tower, echoing in the empty room.

Xiaozhi realized it later, and was still thinking about the mega evolution following the other party's words, and then he was taken aback for a while.

Is there anyone else here? !

He turned his head, only to see a woman in a pale gray robe standing there in a dusty manner.

With a rather dark face, he looked at him with a smile on his face, as if sizing up the danger of prey...

"Sigana?! Why are you here?!" Xiaozhi's breathing tightened instantly. When did this woman enter the Sky Pillar? !

Or came in one step earlier than yourself?

The visitor was not kind, Xiaozhi didn't think that the other party came to shake hands with him and make friends.

Now the Pokémon on him are basically exhausted, unable to send out to fight at all.


Pikachu let out a low cry, and landed in front of Xiaozhi, ready to fight.

It is one of the few that still maintains sufficient combat effectiveness.

In addition, Emperor Yan and Latias still maintain sufficient physical strength.

Considering that the top of the tower is still unknown what will happen, Xiao Zhi deliberately kept them, just in case...



At this moment, a dragon's roar suddenly came from the ceiling above the two of them!

Violent and mighty voices kept rolling and echoing in this enclosed space.

Xiaozhi raised his head subconsciously, but saw a big blue dragon.

He raised his ferocious and dangerous head, his limbs were suspended in mid-air, and the bloody wings on his back flapped slowly.

Blood Wing Wyvern!

"Why can it fly?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, each floor of the Sky Pillar was eight or nine meters high, and it looked extremely open, but the interior was absolutely forbidden to fly.


However, this Blood Wing Wyvern has already opened its mouth, and a huge orange energy ball around the mouth condenses into shape.

Boom boom whoosh! !

A beam of orange energy beams came suddenly!

Destroy the dead light! !

Pikachu just wanted to use one hundred thousand volts to resist, but found that this destructive death light did not attack them.

Instead, the trajectory was advanced, and it hit the ground one meter in front of the two of them.


The terrifying impact instantly shot through the unstable rocks on the ground.

The spreading cracks caused the ground under the feet of Xiaozhi and Pikachu to crack instantly, forming a huge gap directly.

Before they had time to react, one person and one mouse stepped on the ground and fell straight down.

boom boom...!!

This powerful destructive death light blasted out with full stamina, and even blasted a large vacuum hole in the floor of several consecutive floors below.

"Go down...Only I am the human being who can summon Lord Dragon God!"

On the edge of the top floor, Sijana was condescending, looking at Xiaozhi who hugged the electric mouse immediately after the fall, with a somewhat cold face.

After that, he stopped paying attention to the person who fell, and walked slowly towards the stairs leading to the roof alone.

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