He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1171 Chaomeng's Help

"Since it is a tribute to me, then I will accept it..."

As the black cracked empty seat said, it was about to move forward and bite the meteorite in front of it.


Just for a moment, the sound of erratic air flow came from my ears, and I could even see a faint afterimage of blue light in my eyes.


The native Rikuzao attacked from the rear with great speed!

A wide-area destruction with one blow cannot completely defeat him.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Being interrupted to eat made the black cracked empty seat angry.

Immediately, the figure also came out completely, and after violent friction with the qi, reaching the extreme...

call out...!

The pitch-black cracked empty seat also completely lost its trace in the air, leaving only a faint ink shadow.

Speed! !

It's like who doesn't know how to do this move!

call out...!

call out...!

This also made the battle extremely weird for a while.

Xiaozhi stood there in a daze, unable to see the figures of the two empty seats at all, and could barely see the slender afterimage floating in the air.

At this moment, the two giant dragons displayed their super speed at the same time, and their speeds were evenly matched.

The slender and winding body is intertwined and intertwined, shuttling through the high-altitude clouds, and the flying distance of 100 meters is in the blink of an eye.

Whoa whoa whoa...!!

The speed of the collision intensified, and it also caused a hurricane to blow over the Pillar of the Sky where the air was originally locked.

With a lot of gravel on the triangular high platform, flying sand and rocks!


Xiaozhi could only stand there like a wooden man's stick, watching the flickering afterimages in the air, and the muffled sound of collisions that could be heard from time to time, and couldn't intervene at all.

It's just that the direction of the plot has completely exceeded his imagination.

"He really summoned Lord Dragon God..."

On the other side, the way Sijana looked at Xiaozhi had completely changed.

Immediately, my heart was full of loneliness.

In other words...the method of Meteor Village is the correct path.

It's just that the person who can summon the dragon god, the messenger who establishes the connection, is not himself.

The body could no longer support it, and Sigana finally fell down on the spot, completely losing consciousness...


In the sky, soon, two empty seats appeared at the same time.

In the swift duel, the two did not decide the winner.

Whoosh! !

Then there was the confrontation of the dragon's wave, which aroused huge energy explosions in the air.

Even the launch of the destructive death beam... The destructive death beam that needs to be cooled down in a round, in the mouths of the two cracked seats, it is like a free machine gun, shooting wildly.

The orange-yellow light speed piercing the sky cuts everything it sweeps!

As for the long-range moves, they were evenly matched, and the two split empty seats entered into melee combat again.

The dragon claws that can tear apart everything, and the wide-area destruction of the dragon tail with majestic power...

One black and one green, two slender bodies intertwined in the air, what can be seen is an extremely vigorous physical collision.


The two ancient gods bombarded and collided in the air again and again as if their physical strength would never be exhausted, which also made Xiaozhi sigh worriedly.

More than ten minutes passed, but he could only stand helplessly on the sky pillar and watch.

If I ride Latias close, any aftermath may crash the plane...

There is still a gap between the strength of the ancient god level and him now.

It's just that in the sky, the size of the meteorite is also slowly increasing.

On the 128th waterway, the influence of the Fangyuan twin gods' battle is also expanding.

Now the two places have not been resolved, and the third battlefield has come out...Xiaozhi only felt a headache for a while.


At this time, Xiaozhi's illustrated book suddenly trembled.

After receiving it, I didn't expect it to be a call from Dawu.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, can you hear me...?!"

On the other end of the phone came Dawu's voice.

"Let me make a long story short...the meteorite is about to fall...if we don't catch the Rift Seat in twenty minutes...we will launch a rocket to intercept..."

The aftermath of the energy pulse caused by the civil war in Likongzuo interfered with the surrounding signals...

This made the voice on the other end of the phone intermittent, as if the signal would be completely cut off in the next second.

This also made Xiaozhi's eyes tighten.

"Is there only twenty minutes left?"

But in the past 20 minutes, how can he make the attention of these two cracked empty seats turn to the meteorite that is constantly approaching!

But you can't just stand still...

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's gaze fixed, and he climbed directly onto the colorful meteorite.

Then he crossed his hips, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth as wide as possible.

"Hey!! Two dragon gods!! A meteorite is approaching, please go and intercept it!!!"

Xiaozhi used Loud Roar.

This is definitely the loudest roar he has ever used. His entire face was purple and blue after shouting, and his brain was short of oxygen for a while.

However, this attack also succeeded.

"?" "?"

The two Rift Seats were actually in mid-air, they stopped their attack at the same time, and turned their heads to look in the direction of the Sky Pillar.

Well, this human...

Such a loud voice.

Then they looked up at the same time, looking in one direction of the sky.

As the meteorite continued to approach, the size of the light spot seemed to become larger.

It's just that the next moment, two similar wills of God came from Xiaozhi's mind at the same time.

"Why am I going to intercept that thing?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

With the double will of God, Xiaozhi's head was buzzing, but this answer made him even more unexpected.

Rikakuza is a deity with a high degree of territorial awareness.

As long as a foreign object breaks into his ozone layer, Rikakuza will regard it as an enemy and smash it to pieces.

But that meteorite...

It's just a simple dead object, not within his attack range.

And it doesn't have the energy they need up there.

After all, the black cracked space can even perceive the colorful meteorites across the world, and the cracked space is extremely sensitive to this energy.

As for the life and death of humans and Pokémon below...

This is not within the jurisdiction of the Rift Seat, they have no sense of saving the world at all.

Boom! !

Boom! !

Then the two cracked empty seats fought in the air again, and the air current swept wildly.

This also made Xiaozhi completely lost his way, and lowered his head.

He did his best.


"What should I say, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, do you need help?"

At this time, a low voice suddenly came from Xiaozhi's mind.

This made Xiaozhi feel as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and once again ignited the fire of hope.


If the big boss Chaomeng makes a move, maybe he can turn the tide of the battle!

It's just that this existence has been silent like old brother Chi, like a transparent person.

After all, even without the empty seat, the rocket at the Green Ridge Cosmic Center can solve the meteorite crisis, and the problem is not big.


Xiaozhi hurriedly begged seriously, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

So, is Chaomeng boss going to punch Likongzao and force the latter to attack the meteorite?

Or do you want to break the meteorite with your bare hands?

Soon, he had the answer.

On the Sky Pillar, Xiaozhi's body was suddenly covered by a burst of blue light.


In the next moment, Xiaozhi's figure appeared out of thin air above the head of the native Likongzao.

Both feet stepped on the front of the cracked seat's head, and the two hands were just able to grasp the pair of dragon horns growing obliquely on the cracked seat.

Xiaozhi: "?"

His face instantly turned pale.

Wait a minute, is this what you mean by helping? !

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