He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1185 Xiaozhi vs Xiaozhi

In the early morning of the next day, Xiaozhi rushed to the battle tower full of energy.

Now he only has ten consecutive victories, and strives to achieve thirty consecutive victories in one day!

On the avenue with a lot of traffic, Xiaozhi accidentally bumped into another person head-on.

Bang bang!

There was a crisp crashing sound of heads touching heads.

"Hiss, it hurts..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but bent down, clutching his forehead and feeling the pain.

It took a while to straighten up again, and his expression changed.

No, usually when he bumps into someone...even if he doesn't directly knock him out, no matter how you say it, the other person will cry out for pain.

Why this time, it seemed like he had hit an iron wall instead?

"Hiss, it hurts..."

However, soon, a similar whining sound came from the opposite side.

Taking a closer look, it was the local Xiaozhi!

"Why is his skull so hard?" "Why is his skull so hard?"

Covering their heads, the same thought came to their minds.

But soon, Xiao Zhi, a local, also recognized him. It was the mysterious man who watched his game at the end of the stands yesterday.

On the shoulder, there is also a rare snowman Pikachu.

Xiaozhi also calmed down a little, only then did he notice that beside this local Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaoyao were also staring at him in a daze.

This man's face...why is it so blurry?

Moreover, the clothes on their bodies... obviously didn't hinder them, but when they tried to recognize them clearly, they were as blurred as their faces.

Most importantly, in the minds of several people, they all felt that this process was very normal.

Xiao Gang's eyes fell on Latias who looked like a maid behind Xiaozhi.

Long red hair with double ponytails, gorgeous straight black and white maid dress, mysterious amber eyes, and that charming and pretty face...

In normal times, he would have turned into a bloody hungry wolf and pounced on it.

"Hey, this big sister..."

Today, Xiao Gang is completely dull, without any muscle memory.

Like Musashi against the Rockets.

And where did I seem to have seen the face of this red-haired maid?

"Sure enough, the teacher Gang in this world is the real rock will!"

Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly, Latias's transfigured appearance is definitely the top beauty among human beings, but this Xiaogang was completely unmoved.

Immediately, the two Xiaozhi met their eyes.

"This guy..."

Although the local Xiaozhi couldn't see the other person's face clearly, a very strange sense of familiarity made him feel a little creepy.

And the Pikachu on the shoulders... How do I feel that the color has recovered a lot today.

From the previous complete off-white, it turned into a light gray-yellow.

"Hurry up, Xiaozhi, your 19th singles match is about to begin!"

However, the two groups of people did not continue their conversation, and soon entered the battle tower.

"Hiss, it's really like looking in a mirror..."

The local Xiaozhi can't see the face, but Xiaozhi can clearly see the other person's face... exactly like himself!

But it seems that I still have to mature a lot.

"Would you? I think it's 50-50..."

"Pure passer-by, I think that Xiaozhi opposite is a little more mature than you..."

In my mind, there was a sharp commentary discussion between Chaomeng and Brother Chi, and Xiaozhi's expression darkened again.

How about you play on that Xiaozhi.

It's just that Xiao Zhi just had this idea, the red and white hat hanging on the hem of his clothes, and the master ball covered with the poke ball, all levitated at the same time.

"good idea."

"I'm tired too, just change to Xiaozhi during this time..."

Tool Man is still a new fragrance.


The next moment, the hat and the elf ball disappeared in place at the same time.


Only Xiaozhi with a confused face was left on the spot.

He just said whatever he wanted!



Soon, fight against a certain floor in the tower.

The trainer in front of him has already dispatched two Pokémon.

Xiaozhi could only forget about Brother Chi and Senior Chaomeng who were going out to play temporarily, and concentrate on his doubles match.

Anyway, they will understand sooner or later...wine still smells old!



However, the audience in the big room today is obviously much larger, and the discussion is loud.

After yesterday's incident, the officials have contacted Xiaozhi to ask about the two elves he sent.

"Two ordinary Electric God Pillars and Dragon God Pillars, yes, they are Pokémon of the same series as your Three God Pillars."

After hearing these words, the intelligent robot was stunned for a while.

I heard about the big Three Gods Pillar since I was a child, but today it suddenly became the Five Gods Pillar... It can be said that many tourists and audiences who heard the news came to this room one after another, looking forward to Xiaozhi's battle.

I heard that yesterday, the guy named Dakdo with the beast, basically pierced the Dian Shenzhu directly from the beginning to the end of the ten-game winning streak, a vigorous one.

"Then it's up to you!"

Xiaozhi also lived up to their expectations, and still sent out the lively Dian Shen Zhu and the Dragon God Pillar like dead stones.

Anyway, the Electric God Pillar is enough to penetrate it.

Long Shenzhu was eating some experience by the side, maybe he woke up suddenly that day?

In front of him, a Pokémon has only a jet-black head, and the surface is covered with a hard white shell with several holes.

The body exudes icy cold air, and looks fierce.

On the other side, there is a lavender upright fierce beast with fierce blood eyes and a huge mouth that is bigger than the whole body, and even more fierce than the former.

Ice Ghost Guard, Popping Monster!

Big and small, Xiaozhi has almost traveled all over the Fangyuan area, and now almost no need to take out the Pokémon to look at the Pokémon he sees again.

"Preemptive attack, Ice Ghost Guard, use the freezing wind to slow down!"

"Boom, use the treble to control the opponent!"

This elite trainer is obviously not a rookie, and he is very skilled in doubles.

However, Xiaozhi's command is more simple and violent.

"Electric God Pillar, use Discharge!!"

"Beep beep~!"

After bouncing back and forth, the Dian Shen Pillar made a high-frequency sound, and then slowly raised his current arm.


The palm completely composed of energy and current spread out from the end, turning into a dense thunder and lightning net, covering the sky and covering the earth.

The full-scale electric discharge trick can directly disperse the freezing wind.

As for the sonic monster behind it, before its throat was fully opened, dazzling lightning had already descended from the sky.

Boom! !

Boom! !

The discharge trick turned into two beams of electric beams, which shot up into the sky from the Ice Ghost Guard and the Popping Monster respectively.

Boom! !

In the end, a huge energy explosion was triggered, knocking the two of them into the air at the same time.

As the smoke dissipated, the Popping Monster and Ice Ghost Guard simply fell to the ground, losing their ability to fight on the spot.

Easy, 11 consecutive victories achieved.

Such a fierce and crisp battle made many viewers stand up straight away, their eyes almost popping out.

Can you still fight like this? !

The Lightning God Pillar is too strong... If my grandma went up to direct it, wouldn't it be able to penetrate it directly? !

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