He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1193: The Gold Content of the Beast Man!

The next day, Larousse City was operating as usual.

But most of them didn't sleep much last night.

Last night's dragon chant rang throughout the whole night, deafening, reaching everyone's ears.

That supreme fury made everyone's hearts tremble, and they almost fell to their knees...

What kind of Pokémon is this that can make such a dragon roar? !

But Xiaozhi was full of energy, and his face was quite rosy.

The furious roar of the dragon seemed to be the most beautiful light music of nature, and it also had the unique effect of calming and sleeping, making him sleep soundly.

After all, I have been crazy about following the mega empty seats...

At this moment, I heard the roar of the dragon thousands of miles away.

"That's it?"

This was Xiaozhi's only thought.

However, he could hear the call of Likongzuo from it, but he didn't know if it was the one he knew.

Are you so angry, are you fighting some monster?

"It doesn't matter, today's last game, after the game, go find the white stone and go home!"

Xiaozhi put his mind away and headed towards the battle tower.


In the battle tower, there is the most spacious battle hall.

The roar of the Dragon God throughout the night did not dampen the enthusiasm of the crowd, and the seats were still filled with seats one by one, and the cheers and applause did not stop for a moment like a mountain torrent and a tsunami.

When the appointed time came, Xiaozhi was already standing at one end of the arena.

On the other side, is that elegant middle-aged man—the owner of the Liuli Gym, Adam!

"Mr. Adam, I want to see your fighting style."

In the spectator seats, the local Xiaozhi stared at the arena with his eyes wide open.

This man, he will have to face it later.

As for Dakdo on the opposite side...

Xiaozhi, a local, is even more curious about what kind of Pokémon he will send out today.

What's the deal with a powerful gym trainer?

He had heard that Mr. Adam's disciple is now the strongest trainer in the Fangyuan area—the league champion, Mikri!

The strength is also far beyond the average gym trainer!

On the stage, wearing the glasses given by Chaomeng, no one recognized Xiaozhi's appearance.

Before the referee robot spoke, he suddenly spoke first:

"Mr. Adam, this battle should be regarded as a Gym Challenge, please use the badge of the Liuli Gym as a bet!"

Adam was taken aback by these words.

He prepared mysterious water drops in advance as a gift at the end... It seems that they won't be needed.

But with the strength of the latter, he is also challenging the gymnasium and the alliance conference, right?

Why didn't I hear my colleagues mention it before, such a monster appeared.

"In that case, as you wish!"

Mr. Adam smiled, turned his palm over, and there was a triangular badge made of three water droplets stacked in his palm—the water drop badge!

Luckily he carried a spare badge with him.

"But since you have decided the bet...then let me decide the rules of the battle."

Then Adam snapped his fingers slowly, and said:

"In this exhibition match, we will adopt a 2v2 doubles match, a decisive battle!"


Hearing this, Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, but quickly agreed.

It's ok if you are willing to give a badge!

"In that case, let me show you our art, the gorgeous illusion of water created by me and Pokémon~!"

Adam bowed gracefully, talking about the coquettish words before the game, as if it was a gorgeous competition at the moment.

With a flick of his palm, he sent out his two Pokémon first.

boom! boom!

On one side, there is a blue sea lion with a fat body, white fur like billowing water splashing down from its head, and two huge ivory tusks extending outward from its mouth.

On the other side, there is an unusually beautiful sea snake, with a slender pale yellow body curled up, with two slender eyebrows and long whiskers above the gentle eyes, and long red fins like ribbons falling from both sides.

The tail on the second half of the body is covered with blue and pink mottled scales, and the overlapping blue and pink scales at the ends are like a small fan.

"These two Pokémon are..."

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book, and the two Pokémon looked a little strange.

But the second Pokémon is exceptionally beautiful, and he is more or less known to be an evolution of Uglyfish.

"Brother. Emperor Fang Sea Lion, thick fat Pokémon, water attribute and ice attribute, huge fangs can crush ice, thick fat can resist the cold winter, and even rebound the enemy's attack."

"Didi. Menus, a beautiful Pokémon, water-type, evolved from an ugly fish, is known as the most beautiful Pokémon, and has the mysterious power to quell battles."

The illustrated book carefully introduces the two in front of them.

"Emperor Sea Lion and Menus..."

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, as expected of the last water attribute gym, both of them looked very strong.

Moreover, the opponent offered doubles, maybe there is a subtle cooperation...

"Then it's up to you!"

Xiaozhi flipped his palm, and first deployed the frisky Dian Shenzhu.


The filamentary energy currents extending from the arms and lower limbs immediately made the two water-attribute Pokémon on the opposite side shrink back at the same time, with a bit of fear in their eyes.

The weird opponent jumping left and right in front of him had extremely terrifying electricity.

As for the second...

Xiaozhi originally planned to send the Lizard King, the grass attribute has a good attack effect.

But for no reason, he changed another poke ball.

"Anyway, I'm leaving after this game..."

That being the case, let the name Dakdo become a legend and spread here forever!

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he threw the second elf ball.


A red light flashed, and a huge brown lion appeared on the stage.

Raising his head, his face covered with a three-color hard-shell mask is majestic, and his back is even covered with several silver spikes.

The gray mane fluttering backwards seemed to be carrying a volcano on its back, constantly spewing out the volcanic smoke.

Emperor Yan! !


Emperor Yan raised his head to the sky and roared in a low voice, which shocked all the audience, and their eyes almost protruded from their sockets.

"Is it Emperor Yan?!"

"Another legendary Pokémon?!"

"How many legendary Pokémon does he have?!"

The entire arena once again fell into a great boiling.

Is this the gold content of the beast man? !

As for Adam who was closest, his expression became even more solemn.

Facing two legendary Pokémon at the same time... the pressure on him is also extremely tyrannical.

One has a super electric power, and the other...

Although he has never fought, he can know the majestic power contained in the latter's body just by looking at him.

At this moment, an idea similar to that of the local Xiaozhi yesterday flashed in Adam's mind.

"At least, I will kill at least one."

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