He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1212 Good Start

Bang bang! !

The same powerful kick, the flame kick and the flying knee kick collided head-on in the air.


However, Charem let out a low cry, and his flexible figure actually exerted force for the second time, kicking the flame chicken backwards.

After several somersaults in a row, the flame chicken stabilized its figure.

Shaking my lower limbs in the air, I felt a tingling sensation.

"Hmph, my charem characteristic is yoga divine power, and I am invincible in power!!"

The karate boy Yuanqi looked very confident.

This is a characteristic similar to that of a Hercules, which makes Charem's physical attack moves extremely destructive.

"As expected of a trainer who collected eight badges..."

Xiaozhi's eyes are bright, even the opponent in the first round has a few brushes... This kind of battle is interesting!

"The next move is... Charem, use the spiritual blade!!"

Charem flipped his palm, and unexpectedly, two sharp waves of thoughts flew out of nowhere, piercing through the air!

With the blessing of yoga divine power, the size of the pink-purple thought power sharp blade has doubled in size.

Don't look at the mental blade as if it's a long-range move...

But this trick is still counted in physical close combat.

"In this case, let him see your jumping ability...Flame chicken, use the bounce!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly pointed his finger at the sky.

"Pull out!!"

The flame chicken bent its knees, and its body shot up into the sky like a rocket!

With the instant burst of jumping ability, even the audience in the highest position of the auditorium needs to raise their heads high.

Seeing that his mental blade was dodged by his opponent, Charem raised his head subconsciously.


It was just the dazzling sunlight, which almost overlapped with the flame chicken, so it couldn't be guarded, and Charem was blinded by the blinding light.

And Xiaozhi's raised arm was already under heavy pressure.

"Kill it all at once...Use Brave Bird Onslaught!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly.

"Pull out!!"

Rising to the highest point, the flame chicken roared in mid-air.

The next moment, the whole body was ignited with raging flames, and his figure turned into a straight arrow, which suddenly fell obliquely.

Boom whoosh! !

Halfway through, the red flames turned into a palpitating blue.

It was like a blue flame, but it had nothing to do with flames at all, filled with the sharp and sharp impact unique to the flying attribute, it had already fallen!

Brave Birds Attack! !

This is the result of the flame chicken's special training on the Sky Pillar, not only mastering such a big move with flying attributes.

The bouncing trick of the egg move, the first bounce can be used to evade the trick.

And the falling of the second stage can be used to boost other moves, so that the attack of falling can reach its maximum value!

Brave Bird attacked and landed head-on, and Charem wanted to use flying knee kicks to meet the attack. He had just jumped three meters, and the opponent's moves were overwhelming.

Boom boom boom! !

The brave bird attacked and exploded!

Charem was instantly crushed by a huge force and fell down, hitting the ground heavily!

The effect is outstanding!

Then a strong explosion erupted in this area, and the smoke and dust billowed.

And as the smoke clears...


Charem, who was still in the yoga power before, fell to the ground, his eyes rolled, unable to fight any more.

One trick wins!

"Charem loses his ability to fight, and the flame chicken wins...so in the first qualifier, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town advances!"

Hearing the referee's voice fall, the karate boy half-kneeled on the ground in disbelief.

"How can it be...?!"

He is the hope of their martial arts gymnasium, but he was eliminated in the first round...?!

"It's not far..."

Far away in the Martial Arts Gym, Teng Shu, who was watching the live broadcast of the game, also shook his head.

The gap is not a star and a half...


"Pull out!!"

On the field, the flame chicken on the other side just maintained a tall and straight body.

With the anti-injury arc of the brave bird onslaught on his body, he spewed a bunch of fiery geese into the sky, as if he hadn't had the most fun yet.

"Come back, there are still many battles to come..."

Xiaozhi can only take back the latter who is in full swing temporarily.

The flame chicken is the first Pokémon I have come to the Fangyuan area, and it is the first to appear at the moment... It is a good start!




At the end of the battle, Xiaozhi was just about to leave the field when he heard blunt blasting sounds from the side.

The distance from the competition field is not too far, just a few steps away... It seems that the Caiyou Conference is in a hurry, and the preliminaries gather all the players together, which is very compact.

And my side ended almost instantly, and the side just entered the white-hot stage.

"Iron dumbbells? Interesting."

Seeing that one party sent the initial form of the signature quasi-god of the Fangyuan area, Xiaozhi became interested and casually leaned over.

It’s really the per capita quasi-god now...I don’t have one of the two major signs in the Fangyuan area!

When he walked in, he realized that the man driving the iron dumbbell was a boy with orange hair, his thick and messy hair was tied into a small braid.

The clothes are also more traditional martial arts uniforms, and the figure is chubby.

On the electronic screen, it was shown that this was a trainer named Masamune.

The opponent is a strong electric beast.

"Iron Dumbbell, use Impact!!"

"Electric Beast, use Thunder Fist!!"

But he saw iron dumbbells in the shape of dumbbell rocks suspended in mid-air, and his figure suddenly rushed out, unpretentious.

On the other side, the Electric Shock Beast condensed its lightning fist and hit the target with a punch!

Zizi bang! !

It was obvious that the Electric Shock Beast was more powerful, and it directly threw the iron dumbbell into the air.

"Iron dumbbell, don't lose to it, then use impact!!"

However, Masamune kept repeating the collision as if he had only one line.

"Are you looking for death...then continue to use Thunder Fist!"

This gave the Electric Shock Beast a good chance, and it swung lightning punches continuously, smashing the iron dumbbells into the air.

After a few rounds, the iron dumbbell's grey-blue body with sharp edges and corners seemed to have been beaten to pieces.

But it still didn't stop using the impact, and rushed out without fear of life and death.

"Didi. An elf like an iron dumbbell can only use the hit move..."

The illustrated book suddenly showed a wave of presence.

This made Xiaozhi slightly taken aback.

You dare to release it as a starter like this... Aren't you afraid that the first game will be overturned?

"Spirit!! Iron dumbbell, show him our courage!!"

However, the chubby Masamune just growled from behind.

This made the iron dumbbell's fighting spirit high and immortal, and rushed forward continuously.

After being hit by the electric shock beast countless times, the whole body of the iron dumbbell suddenly shone with dazzling white light, and its size also swelled several times.


The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, full of surprise.

As the light dissipated, the iron dumbbell had turned into a flat rock iron plate elf, suspended in mid-air, and the extended arms seemed to be a combination of two additional iron dumbbells.

Metal Monster!

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