He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1214 Yonekariyo Daigo

"How can it be?!"

You Ye was dumbfounded, everyone was of the grass attribute, so how could the opponent directly kill his trump card Mengge cactus!

"Good job, Lizard King!"

However, Xiaozhi just praised without any surprise.

Seeing the latter's predicament, he quickly put it back into the elf ball so that the latter could throw away the burden of idols and pull out the cactus thorns.

You must know that the energy sickle extended by the Lizard King is not just a leaf blade.

After practicing in the Sky Pillar, the Lizard King has honed his chopping skills without him.

At this moment, not only leaf blade cut and cross scissors, but also cross fangs with poison attribute, and even double chop with dragon attribute can be used through leaf blade sickle.

Not only that, but they all seem to have the characteristics of Leaf Blade Slash - easy to hit vital points.

In the hands of the Lizard King, the opponent's armor was completely pierced as if he was not wearing any clothes, and he was able to accurately capture the opponent's openings and create a critical strike.

The second qualifier, easy to win!

Seeing that there was nothing worthy of attention around him, Xiaozhi turned around and left the arena slowly.

"Next is the doubles match...!"

In the two rounds of singles qualifiers, only 30 or 40 players remained.

Then there will be two doubles matches, which will bring the number to the final 16...that is, the top 16.



As soon as he walked out of the arena, Xiaozhi was interviewed by a group of reporters.

His battle ended neatly, like the first person to walk out of the arena after the exam, which naturally attracted a lot of traffic attention.

"Hehe, it's all luck..."

Xiaozhi is also an experienced player. He used to be very excited when facing the camera, but now he is a bit dull.

At the very least, one has to wait for an interview in the finals and semi-finals to have enough taste.

I don't know if there is a lack of information between the regions. It seems that no one here knows his glorious deeds at the Silver Conference, which disappointed Xiaozhi for a while.

When Xiaozhi finally walked on the street alone, there was a sudden sound in his ears.

"If I'm not mistaken...you are the champion of the Silver Tournament, the trainer of the Heavenly King, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town~!"

This made Xiaozhi tremble all over, and even had an illusion, am I hallucinating?

Turning his head and looking towards the source of the sound, he saw a gorgeous man with blue hair.

Tall and slender, wearing a white silk cloak.

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, if he didn't recognize the wrong person...

"League champion, Mr. Mikri?!"

Seeing this, Mi Keli walked over with graceful steps and smiled at Xiaozhi.

Before Xiaozhi could say anything, Mikoli's expression changed, and his face suddenly became serious again.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, let me tell you something interesting... Among the more than 100 contestants participating in the league meeting this time, only one contestant used the general badge of our Liuli gymnasium..."

Mikri suddenly took out an exquisite badge composed of three water droplets from his arms.

"But the general badge of our Liuli Gym has always been kept with me, but I have never given it to others..."

General gym badges are stored with his teacher Adam.

The universal badge is deposited with him as a nostalgia...

After all, there is not much difference between the two for the Challenge League Conference.


Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately shivered.

No, it won't be discovered, is this actually the badge of other worlds? !

Did Mr. Mikri come to Xingshi to question him? !

"If my guess is correct... Your badge should be the badge of the Liuli gymnasium in other worlds, right?"

Mi Keli's next sentence surprised Xiaozhi even more.

Unexpectedly, it was directly clicked out.

Speaking of this, Mikri's serious expression was put away, and he put on an elegant smile again.

"Hehe, I was just joking with you...don't be so nervous."

He and Dawu are close friends, so he naturally knows the overall plan of Devon Company and Green Ridge Universe Center.

The two were communicating throughout the whole process, and Mikri naturally knew that Xiaozhi, the rider of the Rift Seat, was transported to an unknown world by the dimensional transmission device.

"Riding a split seat...what an incredible boy."

It was the first time I heard Dawu say yes, and Mikoli was shocked for a while.

And at this moment, Xiaozhi returned to the original world inexplicably, and even took out a badge that he had never given to anyone else...

After thinking about it, Mikri naturally guessed the general idea.

This young man challenged the Liuli Gym in another world!

Of course, it could also be a fake badge.

But Xiaozhi's information Mi Keli also went to check it himself, and he is a trainer with good roots, so it is impossible to falsify.

Not to mention that Dawu still praised the latter in front of him, calling him "the strongest rookie trainer".

The badge is real...then that's the only possibility.

This time Mikri took the initiative to approach, but he didn't come to ask the teacher for his crime.

You must know that Xiaozhi is the unsung hero of this incident, but he wants to express his gratitude on behalf of the entire Fangyuan area.

But the latter obviously has strong strength, why is he so startled, like a stunned young man who is about to break, almost writing his thoughts on his face...?

Generally speaking, the stronger the trainer, the better he can hide his thoughts, making it impossible for people to see the flaws.

But the boy in front of him couldn't see it at all...

However, the previous qualifiers were extremely fierce. It was just a simple battle, and Mikri couldn't see the latter's true strength for the time being.


But at this moment, the yellow and white Pokémon flying above Xiaozhi's head...

If he's not mistaken, it should be the legendary Pokemon named Kiraqi, right? !


Hearing this, Xiaozhi was relieved.

Indeed, what are you panicking about?

"Oh, Mr. Dawu... By the way, where is Mr. Dawu now?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but asked, just as he hadn't heard from Dawu since he came back.

"Oh, that guy Dawu has already left the Fangyuan area. It is said that he discovered a special mine in another area, and flew over in a hurry..."

Mikri replied, gritted his teeth somewhat when he said this.

In the end, he could only sigh.

He also wants to be as free as Dawu!

Now that there is no disaster looming, my own Devon company, my cousin Dache can also manage it properly... When Dawu heard the news about the special stone, the plane ticket he booked in the morning slipped away.

Dawu is just an ordinary mountaineering man.

At best, it's just that he looks a little handsome, has a little money, and has a little fighting power.

When Dawu asked Mikri to succeed him as the league champion, he thought it was a good thing... It turned out that he was here to go to jail.

Except that it was quite fresh at the beginning, now there are a lot of affairs restricting him every day, and even his favorite gorgeous competition, he can only participate in it occasionally a few times a year.

It's just that Mikri hasn't found a suitable candidate for the championship yet...

Otherwise, he would retire on the spot, follow Dawu's example, and leave behind.

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