He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1216 Kiraqi, go up and punch twice

"Come out! My ace!!"

Soon, this heroic female elite trainer threw two poke balls.

In an instant, two fiery red figures appeared in front of her.

Flaming horses, duck-billed fire dragons!

Although Xiaofeng is from the city in the ocean——Liuli City, she is quite rebellious and manipulates the fire-type Pokémon.

On the other side, Xiaozhi also threw... a poke ball at the same moment.

"Mie Dang~!!"

A sound with its own reverberation exploded, and the shiny metal monster appeared on the field.

The platinum body, with some golden spikes embellished, made countless audiences orgasm in an instant.

The flashing quasi-god... This is the former league champion - Dawu's signature Pokémon!

"As for the other one... Kiraqi, go up and punch it twice."

Xiaozhi said.

Kiraqi on his shoulders immediately narrowed his black eyes, and lightly landed on the metal monster's head.

Few people recognized Kiraqi, they only thought it was a rare elf in other regions, and it didn't cause any disturbance for a while.

"Hmph, a steel attribute quasi-god that hasn't fully evolved yet..."

Xiao Feng was thinking secretly.

Don't look at the god as if it's amazing, but the metal monster is only the second form, and its actual ability is not much stronger than other Pokémon.

And it's still steel, so the two fires on my side can melt it directly!

As for the other one... Although I haven't heard of it, it looks like a vase Pokémon, and it probably doesn't have too much combat power.

The battle begins!

"Duck-billed fire dragon, flaming horse, and use jet flames to attack metal monsters at the same time!!"

Xiaofeng directly locked the target on the metal monster.

Kiraqi should not have much fighting power, so it can be ignored.

"Kirachi, use the light wall to block it!"

Kiraqi flew lightly and landed in front of the metal monster, raising two small white hands in front of him.

Boom puff puff...! !

The next moment, as if hitting an invisible wall, the blazing flames suddenly exploded in the air and spread towards the surroundings.

Obviously, the wall of light only has the effect of weakening the damage...

But Kiraqi's light wall is like a solid and thick wall, which completely blocks the flames.

With both superpower attributes and steel attributes, Kiraqi's superpower moves are far stronger than ordinary Pokémon.

"Now, use Bullet Punch!!"

Xiaozhi took the opportunity to punch out.

Last night, he had an impromptu exchange with this metal monster, and he had a general understanding of the latter's combat effectiveness.

"Mie Dang~!!"

The metal monster let out a low snort, and its suspended body flew out, and the iron dumbbell arm was even covered with a layer of silver light.

Boom! !

A swift punch directly hit the flame horse's face, and the powerful force knocked the latter back several meters on the spot.


Xiaozhi sighed with emotion, his metal monster level was still a little lower.

If the level was higher, he would probably be able to unleash the signature Comet Punch!

"Duck-billed fire dragon, take the opportunity to use the turbid mist!!"

And Xiaofeng also seized the opportunity, and suddenly attacked Kiraqi who was still watching the show behind.

Puff puff...!

As soon as the duckbill spat out, the thick purple mist instantly engulfed Kiraqi.


However, Kiraqi just shook his head in the mist, without even the most basic cough.


"Is it also a steel-type Pokémon?"

Xiaofeng was taken aback, only steel-type Pokémon could be so immune to the smog... This attribute has nothing to do with Kiraqi's cute appearance!

But in other words, the opponents are all steel-type Pokémon that are restrained by her...

"In this case, the duck-billed fire dragon, use the flame fist!! The flame horse, use the flame wheel!!"

This time Xiaofeng became more courageous, and used the flame move without thinking and it was over!

"Metal monster, block it with metal claws!!"

"Mie Dang~!!"

This time the metal monster stretched out its silver arms again, especially stretching out three silver sharp claws in front of it, and rushed up to face the two opponents at the same time.

It actually wants to fight two against one.

Boom! !

Boom! !

The extended metal claws, one on each side, hit the flame wheel and the flame fist at the same time.


This also made Xiao Feng's complexion sink, this is too arrogant!

Sure enough, the metal monster's strength was a bit weak after all, and it was directly pushed back by two flame moves.

There were also traces of burn marks on his body.

"Tsk, I'm still a little short of strength... Kiraqi, use the water droplet of life!!"

Xiaozhi probably figured out the power limit of his metal monster.


And Kiraqi in the air slapped his palm, and a drop of water fell down.


The splashed drops of water landed on the metal monster, quickly healing the latter's injuries.

"One support Pokémon, one power Pokémon... Huh, then I've won this battle!"

Seeing this, Xiao Feng seemed very confident.

"Duckbill Charmander, use ghost fire!!"

With a swipe of the duck-billed fire dragon's palm, several dark blue fire balls flew out, with strange and unpredictable trajectories.

boom boom chi...!!

Just as Kiraqi was about to go up to rescue, a blazing pillar of fire from the flame horse next to her shot at her, forcing Kiraqi to dodge backwards.

This also allowed the will-o'-the-wisp to fall entirely on the metal monster.

chi chi...!

As flames ignited on his body... the metal monster entered a burnt state.

This time, the metal monster's attack power dropped significantly.

"So now, the winner is decided...?"

Xiaofeng put her hips on her hips and said with a light smile.

The other party doesn't even have a basic output player, and today is already a script for her to advance.

"Well, it's true... Now that's the case, metal monster, you can just watch from behind..."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi said.

Once caught in the will-o'-the-wisp, it can be said that he directly crippled his own metal monster.

It seems that I have to be careful about this weakness in the future...


Seeing that the opponent let the metal monster retreat to the second line, and let Kiraqi fly to the front of the field, Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment.

Then he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Are you going to use this vase to fight two against one?

"Since that's the case, let it show you how powerful you are... Duck-billed Fire Dragon, kill her directly with big characters Blast Flame!!"

Xiaofeng said mercilessly.

Boom puff puff...! !

Following the riot of flames in the duck-billed fire dragon's body, the next moment, the flames that flew out from the mouth turned into a big character of flames in the air, with extraordinary power!

The big characters burst into flames!

"Then it's our turn now, Kiraqi, use Comet Fist!!"

But Xiaozhi's eyes were piercing, and he punched out fiercely.


Kiraqi jumped lightly in the air, then clenched his small white fist tightly, and streamers of silver-white energy quickly condensed in his fist.

Immediately, with a soft drink, he punched out through the air.

Boom boom whoosh! !

In the next moment, an energy fist composed entirely of silver streamers flew out of the body!

This is Kiraqi's first punch, and the surface is also covered with strange pattern tracks of various meteor flashes.

Comet Punch! !

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