He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1219 Dragon God Pillar, please advise~!


Ga La Ga La, who was alone, let out a roar, and smashed two bone sticks hard at the big tortoise shell in front of him.

Bang bang! !

There was a blunt bang and a strong reaction force, but it rattled backwards, the tiger's mouth hurt, and the bone stick in his hand almost fell off.

It's a head of stone, not an arm of stone...

The anti-injury of the palm is still effective.

"It's now, Coal Turtle, use big characters to explode!!"

Taking advantage of the opponent's stalemate, the coal turtle poked its head out suddenly, and the fiery energy of the flame was already ready to go out by its mouth, and then spit it out with all its strength!

Boom...! !

The explosive flames with big characters at almost zero distance exploded completely in the midair! !

The flames roared, and with the heat wave rolling, the latter's figure flew down like a cannonball.

It's not a joke that the big characters burst into flames under a sunny day.


After a while, Gala Gala also fell on the spot with his whole body scorched black, unable to fight.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

"Galla-gala, you can't fight with strange powers, the coal turtle and the iron-clawed lobster win...then Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will win and advance to the next game!!"

When the referee's voice fell, Karen, who looked like a fitness trainer, looked down.

Xiaozhi on the opposite side heaved a sigh of relief.

He originally thought that today's battle was purely a performance by the coal turtle.

My own coal turtle has mastered the "volcanic eruption" move, and combined with the characteristics of sunshine... Once it appears on the stage, it will be over by blowing fire without thinking on a sunny day.

The second one didn't think too much, and threw one on it.

Unexpectedly, the iron-clawed lobster, which was restricted by the weather, was dispatched. I was stunned and didn't follow this line of thinking for a while.

But if you can win, it's not a big problem.

"Thank you for your hard work..."

Xiaozhi took the two heroes back into the ball.

Now, the two doubles matches have been completely finished, and he has successfully entered the top 16 queue of the Caiyou Conference.

"Let's go Pikachu, Kiraqi, we can rest for two days."

Xiaozhi's face relaxed, and he was going to go back to the elf center to have a good rest.

There is one thing to say, starting from the Sky Pillar, and now the Caiyou Conference... His work sequence is completely full, and there is no purposeless rest day in the middle.

After returning to this world, the qualifiers started directly the next day...

But he doesn't dislike such a life.




On the training ground behind the Spirit Center, Xiao Zhi threw out the Dragon God Pillar and the Electric God Pillar together.


The Lightning God Pillar was bouncing around and swaying from side to side, its limbs covered with energy currents seemed rather dazzling in this area.

As for the Dragon God Pillar, it still looks like a fire-breathing dragon head statue.

However, it opened and closed quite a bit, and you can see a fiery red inside, covered with patterns similar to "dragon scale traces".

"Is this the true appearance of the Dragon God Pillar?"

"very strange..."

Xiaogang Xiaolan and the others were beside them and said in amazement.

It can be seen that he is already conscious, but why can't he come out?

"Uh, I was beaten by the cracked empty seat..."

Xiaozhi sighed helplessly, telling what happened in another world.

This made everyone amazed that the "Dragon Egg" in front of him could actually make a few tricks with Mega Cracking Seat head-on?

Even if he is defeated, it is still an incredible record!

Then Xiaozhi looked at a red-haired maid next to him.

"Please, Latias uses the dragon's breath... less powerful."


Latias nodded. It didn't change back to the dragon shape, and still maintained the appearance of a beautiful human maid...but the whole mouth seemed to have a big gap, which looked quite intrusive.


As soon as the dragon's mouth spit out, a blue dragon's breath blasted out like this, and all of them fell on Longshenzhu.

It doesn't look like it landed on other objects, and the moves exploded, but was completely sucked into it like a sponge.


As if he had eaten enough, the Dragon God Pillar completely opened the upper and lower dragon mouths, and his body leaned over, revealing the complete fiery red egg-shaped body inside.


I didn't see where the sounding organ was. The Dragon God Pillar made a sound similar to an electronic signal broadcast, similar to the Electric God Pillar...

However, the frequency telegraph sound of the machine has the movement of the sound of the dragon chant, the sound is not loud, and it has the majestic momentum unique to dragon-type Pokémon.

"Wow, is this what it really looks like?"

"very strange..."

"Xiaozhi, is this...?"

Tetsuya who happened to pass by was also taken aback by the scene in front of him.

A fiery red egg was suspended in mid-air, with short lower limbs, and on both sides, the upper and lower parts that resembled a dragon's head were split, and were suspended as arms on the left and right.


Even Meow Miao, who was wearing boots next to him, lost his former coldness and widened his eyes.

This appearance is completely as weird as the Electric God Pillar they fought against that day!

Well, Zhe Ye swept his eyes and found that the Lightning God Pillar was right next to him, jumping around whenever he touched it.

It seems quite a funny move... But he knows how terrible the destructive power of the electric current of the electric god pillar is.

And now, there is another X pillar? !

"Little Zhi, this guy has subdued something incredible..."

Zhe also somewhat panicked.

He is a veteran of the league competition, and he is bound to win the championship of this conference, and he is even ready to challenge the king of the league next.

But facing Xiaozhi...he only felt his scalp go numb.


Xiao Zhi stepped forward and patted the eggshell of the Dragon God Pillar slowly.

"It's okay, it's just that I lost to the empty seat once, and one day, you will be able to flush it!"

Xiaozhi encouraged.

Anyway, the boss of the dragon god is not in this time and space now, so he can say whatever he wants.


The Electric God Pillar next to him also emitted a burst of electric frequency sound, as if to comfort his own kind.

But... really unfamiliar.

Don't look at them as if they are all "extra works" of the Sanshenzhu series, but Dianshenzhu has never seen anything similar.


But obviously, this newborn Dragon God Pillar prefers Latias who can give it dragon energy, and soon levitated over.

As if he had found a nanny, he flew around Latias quite intimately.

Even though neither it nor Dian Shenzhu were old monsters that had existed for so long, they were both like babies who just came to life when they woke up again.

"Turbish ~!!"

However, Latias quickly ran to Xiaozhi's side, grabbed the latter's shoulders, and expressed that he was not familiar with you.

Only then did Long Shenzhu realize who was the boss here, and looked at Xiaozhi.

The breath given to it by this human is quite familiar...

Especially with an aura that made it tremble with fear.

It was as if the jet-black peerless dragon appeared in front of him again, roaring like thunder... so frightened that the dragon's heads on both sides almost closed.

On Xiaozhi's body, there are also black dragon scales, which contain the latter's strong aura.

"Dragon God Pillar, then I will teach you well~!"

Xiaozhi didn't realize it, he patted the eggshell of Dragon God Pillar and said.

But in Long Shenzhu's mind, it was more like a mysterious threat from some kind of superior.


The Dragon God Pillar could only nod repeatedly, for fear that Xiaozhi would also spit out a cloud of dragon waves from his mouth, blowing it up into the sky again...

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