He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1222 Long-tailed monster hand!

"come back..."

At this moment in the 4v4 battle, he had already lost two Pokémon first, and Masamune's expression had long since lost the fighting spirit he had at the beginning.

"Even so, I won't admit defeat!!"

With a low growl to cheer himself up, this time Masamune released a puppy-type Pokémon.

It has a brown-red body with black lightning cracks, and a dense brown-yellow mane grows on the top of its neck.

"Catty Dog...?"

This is the puppy from his hometown, Xiaozhi is very familiar with it.

He wondered if it was the wild boy in front of him. He didn't know that Katie needed the fire stone to evolve, so he still looked like a baby at the alliance conference.

"In that case..."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi also took back the metal monster in front of him.

It is already a good record to be able to wear two in one for the first time.

Then he pressed the elf ball and released his second general.


The red light flashed, but it was a purple naughty monkey, appearing on the stage with a naughty and funny smile.

Short limbs, but the strange hand-shaped tail behind is more eye-catching.

Long-tailed monster hand, this is the Pokémon hatched from the elf egg that Xiaozhi got from the Viola Breeding House.

Although the incubation time was not too long, during the special training of the Sky Pillar, the Long-tailed Monster Hand had been watching from behind.

The level of the wild Pokémon there is too high, if you touch it, the whole monkey will melt directly...

But when the Lizard King and the Flaming Chicken fight, the Long-tailed Monster Hand will occasionally help out with a "tail wag" from behind.

Rounding off, a lot of experience points have been absorbed in a short period of time!

In the arena, it turned into a battle between two small Pokémon for a while...

"Katie Dog, use Flame Jet!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Katie opened his mouth and spit out a beam of thick flames, which shot straight at him.

"Long-tailed monster, jump up on the ground!!"

Xiaozhi said calmly.


The flames hit, but the long-tailed monster laughed, and the tail of the end of the hand suddenly pressed to the ground, using its strength to bounce up.

"Now, use the high-speed star!!"

Even during the jump, the slender tail swept across in front of him, and immediately shot out several yellow energy stars, spinning and lasing out in unison.

"Katie, use the flame wheel!!"

Katie dog let out a low growl on the spot, and his whole body instantly ignited raging flames, turning himself into a small fireball.

The blazing flames acted like a barrier, bouncing all the high-speed stars away.


He even let out a low growl again, and with the fiery flames, he rushed straight to the target!

"Long-tailed monster hand, use the shadow clone!!"

However, when it was Flame's turn, the long-tailed monster suddenly showed a sly smile, and more than ten phantoms appeared in his figure, scattered in this area.


Katie's flame wheel just went straight through one of the phantoms, meaningless.

"Damn it, then use jet flames and let him see the temperature of our flames!!"

Masamune somewhat broke the defense, no matter what moves were easily broken by the opponent.

Boom! !

Katie raised his head, and the flame beam swept out, sweeping nearly half of the arena in an instant, and at the same time crushing almost all the phantoms of long-tailed monsters.

On the rock arena, there is only one monkey left.

"The target is him, use the flame tooth!!"

Masamune's eyes brightened, pointing at the target and shouting.

The Katie dog strode out again, and the flames kept swallowing from the open mouth... attached to the sharp teeth, forming a piercing flame bite!

"Long-tailed monster, step back and keep a distance..."

However, Xiaozhi's command was extremely stable, and his eyes were closely watching the field.

Cardi Dog rushed forward, but the Long-tailed Monster Hand also retreated, keeping a monkey and a dog at a safe distance at all times.

One charge and one retreat, in a relatively static state, for a while, the flames of the former could not be bitten out successfully.

And Xiao Zhi, who seized the opportunity, suddenly attacked and said:

"Now, use the Megaton Punch!!"

Seeing that the opponent's attention was completely attracted by the front of the long-tailed monster's hand, but the tail of the monster's hand at the end of the latter's tail had been completely raised.

The arms clenched into fists were covered with dazzling white light.

Wait until Kitty Dog notices coming.

Boom! !

The long-tailed monster's hand has already circled around from above and smashed down heavily! !

This old punch directly hit Katie Gou's lower back.

And the long-tailed monster at the front still had a funny and confusing smile.


With a whine, Katie's sprinting figure was immediately crushed to the ground, his limbs spread out, and he fell heavily to the ground.


Masamune looked very anxious, and he was thinking of calling Katie to stand up quickly.

"Don't give it a chance, use Lightning Flash!!"

Xiaozhi's attack was even more decisive.

After landing, the long-tailed monster's hand lightly touched the ground to adjust its body shape, and the body shape turned into a white light arrow and rushed up.

boom...! !

Immediately there was a flash of lightning, Tie Shan Kao, knocking the Katie dog several meters away again.

By the time the latter landed, his tongue had already been stuck out, his eyes were dizzy...


"Catti can't fight, the long-tailed monster wins!"

When the referee's voice fell, Masamune's expression changed.

Don't look at it as two small Pokémon fighting, but the quick and sensitive fighting style of the long-tailed monster hand, as well as the weird and powerful monster hand tail, have won rounds of applause!


The long-tailed monster, who won the battle for the first time, immediately jumped up and down, jumping abnormally, as if welcoming the enthusiastic cheers of the audience.

On the other hand, Masamune had already released his last Pokémon.

He's totally fighting with his back.


Most of the Pokémon who played this time were of a larger size.

The body of a dark blue half-beast and half-fish, the body is half lying on the ground, above the two eyes and the tail, there are black striped black fins.

It has a slightly broad face, with yellow air sacs with spikes growing on its cheeks.

The webbed extremities, but the shoulders and lower limbs are particularly muscular.

"Didi. The giant marsh monster, water attribute and ground attribute, is the final evolution of the marsh jumping fish. It has infinite strength, and its arms can easily crush boulders. Even in dirty muddy water, it can clearly see things. "

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically prompts.

"Is this the last Yusanjia..."

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, he had both the flame chicken and the lizard king, except for the water attribute Yusanjia... This was the first time he had seen the giant marsh monster.

"Come back, Long-tailed Hand..."

Immediately without delay, Xiaozhi took the long-tailed monster's hand back.

This is probably Masamune's initial Pokémon, and it is somewhat reluctant to continue to let the long-tailed monster fight.

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