He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1252 Red Gyarados!

"Then my Pokémon...is decided to be you!!"

On the other side, Xiaozhi also threw his elf ball.

boom! !

A red light flashed, and a huge monster appeared on the field, its figure looked very familiar.

The slender scale dragon, the ferocious head, the wide open mouth, and the majestic bifurcated triangle...

This is another Gyarados!

"This is...?!"

Mi Keli's face changed, the color of Xiaozhi's tyrannosaurus was completely different from usual.

The place where the blue scales were originally turned into deep red at this moment, which is similar to the color of the carp king.

And the bifurcated triangle on the head, red with a little pink, looks extremely extraordinary.

It was the red Gyarados rescued by Ash from Team Rocket!

Because of Team Rocket's special experiment, a carp king was forcibly induced to evolve, so that although the body shape of this tyrannosaurus changed, its body color was still similar to that of the carp king, which was very special.

Like Xiaozhi's pink Butterfly, the attributes of this red Gyarados have also undergone special mutations.

Water + fire attributes!

At this moment, completely opposite attributes appeared on the same Pokémon.

Even Dr. Oki asserted that it is absolutely impossible for Pokémon with water + fire attributes to appear in this world... This is a unique Gyarados!


The red tyrannosaurus roared up to the sky, and its momentum was not inferior to the previous tyrannosaurus.

After a long period of recuperation, the current red Gyarados has been able to fully control the side effects of the special evolution - its own violent arrogance, and cooperate rationally with the trainer to fight.

"Really, then let me see your Gyarados...!"

Mi Keli shone brightly, eager to compete in the water attribute that he was good at.

"Mosquito incense and frog king, use the water cannon!!"

"Gyarados, we also use water cannons!!"

Boom! !

Boom! !

The next moment, two thick water jets collided in the center of the arena. With the blessing of the rainy weather, the power of the two water cannons reached an exaggerated level.

Finally, it burst into water mist, scattered and fell, evenly matched.

Regardless of the small and happy appearance of the Mosquito-repellent Frog King, the strength is equally terrifying.

Under the mist, the field of vision is completely covered.

"Use the giant sound!!"

However, the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King just let out a loud and clear frog cry, and the ear-piercing sound waves spread to the audience, even the red Gyarados could not help but frown, showing embarrassment.

"Next is surfing!!"

Mikri's attacks continued one after another.

Whoa whoa whoa...!!

With the blue light in the eyes of the mosquito-repellent frog king, a huge wave was set off and rolled towards the other end of the arena.

The mosquito-repellent frog king even stood on the highest point on the waves, showing the style that belongs only to the king!

The Mosquito Frog King, like the Silly King, is a Pokémon evolved with the help of the "King's Certificate", and it has a deterrent power of a king.

Xiaozhi also did not back down, commanding:

"Gyarados, use Tide Spin!!"

The Gyarados roared, and its eyes also glowed blue.

Unlike the general tidal vortex trick, a huge vortex of water spews out from its mouth...Gyarados' tidal vortex is to manipulate the water in front of it to form a turbulent and dangerous vortex.

Hush! !

The next moment, the mighty surf began to spin out of nowhere, and turned into a huge funnel whirlpool, constantly spinning.

"Red Frog...!"

This also caused the mosquito-repellent frog king who was stepping on the waves to be suddenly dragged into the vortex of the current, making it difficult to escape.

This time, the violent surfing became the opponent's helper instead.

Using the opponent's moves to attack... This is a common coping strategy in the gorgeous competition, which makes Mi Keli's eyes shine.

But then, Mikri snapped his fingers and directed:

"In that case, use diving~!"

I saw the strange water flow energy lingering around the body of the mosquito-repellent frog king, completely isolated from the surrounding vortex.


It plunged into the water directly and swam flexibly.

With the cover of surfing, it suddenly broke through the water and flew out at a tricky position, and the ice-blue energy in its mouth was ready to go.

"Now, use the frozen light!!"

The next moment, the ice-blue electric snake shot out, bombarding the Gyarados head-on.

Creak creak...! !

The chill spread rapidly, and with the continuous rainwater falling around, the Gyarados turned into a big ice sculpture in the blink of an eye!

The Gyarados entered a frozen state and could not move.

The huge ice sculpture of Gyarados, with its majestic and ferocious face completely frozen in the blue-white ice layer, is the most perfect work of art.

"Hehe... On rainy days, it's not just a move that increases water attributes~!"

After finishing this blow, Mikri chuckled lightly.

If you can make good use of the surrounding rain, then the freezing light can better trigger the freezing effect.


But being completely frozen, Xiaozhi showed a strange smile instead, as if he was expecting something.

Chi Chi Chi...!

The next moment, there was a sharp and ear-piercing sound from the position of the tyrannosaurus ice sculpture.

It's like the sound made when ice cubes directly touch high-temperature magma.

"Boom, boom...!!"

In less than a while, the thick ice was completely melted by the Gyarados, and the latter's body roared again and appeared in front of everyone.

Not only that, but at this moment, the surface of the Gyarados's crimson body was still floating with curling steam visible to the naked eye.

It seemed that the whole body had turned into a hot iron block, which made the rainwater fall on it, and was instantly evaporated into mist.

"This is...?"

Mikri was surprised, he is also a tyrannosaurus, and this kind of Pokémon can indeed use the flame-throwing move...

But the whole body is hot, like a piece of hot iron, which has never been seen before.

"Hmph, let me show you something more... Gyarados, use hot air!!"

Xiaozhi waved his thumb, and as the Gyarados roared to the sky, bursts of fiery red hot waves blew up on the field in an instant.

This is intertwined with the original rain, making the weather look very strange.

"Finally, use big characters to explode!!"

Xiaozhi pointed his finger at the sky.

The Gyarados opened its mouth wide, and spit out a big flaming character!

Boom! !

The flames soared into the sky, flying all the way to the sky in a destructive attitude, and finally fell into the clouds.

As if the sky had been pierced through, a big hole in the clouds suddenly opened.

And the rainy weather on the field has completely disappeared.

"I see..."

Compared to everyone who was surprised by the extremely violent flame blow of the Gyarados, Mikri's eyes gradually became serious.

The crimson color not only represents the color of the King Carp, but also the special body that is like a volcano, constantly radiating heat...

So is the red Gyarados in front of you water + fire?

A unique combination of attributes, this is destined to be an extraordinary Gyarados!

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