He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1287 Great Pirate, Venton


Xiaozhi and his party have already slept on the big hotel bed in the presidential suite.


Just as the excitement of the day had subsided, Xiaozhi suddenly heard the sound of a guitar playing from the balcony.

"This voice..."

Thinking of something, Xiaozhi quickly held the drowsy Pikachu and opened the curtain of the balcony.

"Clang clang clang~~"

At this moment, Pichu, holding a ukulele in one hand, is stepping on the edge railing of the balcony, playing and singing softly.

The melodious sound, combined with the dark night sky, gives people a feeling of soothing mood.

It wasn't until the Pichu finished playing that Xiaozhi walked up and gently rubbed the little Pichu's head.

"Did Xia Ye send you here?"


Pichu raised his little paw and let out a cute cry.

Pikachu also jumped to the former's side, stretched out his chubby hand, and tried to play a melodious and cheerful song.


Just a few seconds after the bounce, Xiaozhi had already lifted Pikachu up, and he didn't forget to add:

"Fight well in the future, don't play musical instruments."

It's really ugly enough.

The illustration book also issued a prompt sound in time.

"Didi, Pikachu has mastered a new move: Noise."

Pikachu: "..."


After a little farce, Pichu had already jumped on Xiaozhi's shoulder, indicating that Xia Ye was waiting for him downstairs.

"Is the mission finally here? I've been waiting for a long time!"

Xiaozhi turned his head and looked behind him. The doors of the two friends' rooms were closed tightly, and they were not disturbed by Pikachu's noise.

It seemed that the two were tired of being spectators during the day, and Xiao Zhi didn't choose to disturb them.

With two electric mice on his shoulders, he jumped over the balcony railing.


The soles of the feet supported the wall, and the two hands grabbed the downward pipes and slid down two or three meters.

Then he lightly kicked off the wall and bounced back to the outside air conditioner on the first floor.

Without stopping, Xiaozhi took advantage of the situation and jumped out again. When he landed, he quickly hugged his body and rolled around on the ground, removing more than half of the impact force.

After a set of operations, he jumped from the balcony on the fourth floor to the street in a few blinks of an eye, without even taking a breath.

Clap clap! !

Suddenly, applause came from behind.

Xia Ye, who was dressed as a ranger, also slowly came out from the darkness with a startled expression.

"Not bad, Xiaozhi, with your skill alone, you can be a movement instructor in our ranger school."

Pokémon rangers are more outdoor field personnel.

In comparison, the requirements for the battle level of Pokémon are much lower, and it is more about training temporary and cooperative combat with various Pokémon.

At the same time, the requirements for the flexible movements of the rangers themselves are extremely high.


Little Pichu jumped lightly and landed on Xia Ye's shoulder.

"So the pirates, have they arrived...?"

Xiaozhi asked.

Speaking of which, the urban area where the battle dome is located is quite close to the sea, and you can even see the beach pier from a distance.

"Well, tonight we will act... come with me!"

Xia Ye hooked his hand with a cautious expression.


In the dark.

After a while, the two had followed all the way, staring at two little soldiers wearing blue turbans.

Each of them was carrying a large wooden box, as if they were carrying some supplies.

The logo on the headscarf can be vaguely seen as a slanted letter "A".

"Ocean team?"

Hiding in a hidden place, Xiaozhi said in surprise.

Since the last Gulardo vs. Kyoka incident, the reputations of Team Ocean and Team Lava have plummeted, and the limelight has been completely overwhelmed by Devon.

Coupled with the amazing excitement of this Caiyou Alliance Conference, the status of the Pokémon Alliance has also risen accordingly.

Although these two teams were not completely bankrupt and disbanded, they should be almost there.

However, no rumors have come out so far, and I don't know what the dormant is doing.

"They are not the ocean team, they are the men of the pirate Fenton..."

Xia also reminded in a low voice.

Although the power distribution of the ocean team is not as clear as that on land, it still exists.

Separate one side with several big pirate chieftains, and rule the vast ocean area outside the land.

Except for occasionally running out of supplies, they will go ashore to replenish, basically they will not land, and they are sailing at sea all year round.

The predecessor of the ocean team was, after all, a pirate force in the ocean.

It was only later that they went ashore and gradually evolved into a power on land, which completely separated them from the former pirate power.


"One of the great pirates, Venton, is our target this time...!"

While explaining to Xiaozhi, Xia Ye winked at the same time.


Pichu understood, patted the ukulele, and tilted his head to show that he was wrapped in it.

Immediately, he jumped and landed in front of the two soldiers who were carrying supplies.

"Where is the unlucky electric mouse?!"

"Hurry up, little one, and be careful that my uncle will trample you into a mouse cake!"

The tempers of the two pirate soldiers were a bit bad, and they cursed in disgust. .

As for Pichu's small and exquisite appearance, no one would be on guard.

"Clang clang~!"

Pichu, however, was already sitting on a rock and bounced his ukulele backhand.

The two pirate soldiers were still in a daze, but the melodious melody notes suddenly turned into a golden, dense electric current.

Zizizi...! !

And the current flew towards the two of them quickly.

Caught off guard, the two soldiers were completely hit, and the electric current ran through the entire body surface!

Electromagnetic waves! !

The next moment, the two pirate soldiers were already numb all over and fell to the spot, unable to move at all, and it was difficult to even open their eyelids.

"Good job~!"

After easily disposing of the two miscellaneous soldiers, Xia Ye and Xiaozhi came out from the hiding place.

The former has even begun to skillfully take off the clothes of one of the soldiers.

As a Pokémon ranger, I often have to go undercover in various dangerous organizations... This most basic disguise to infiltrate, Xia also appears to be very skilled and relaxed.

After all, in this world, the destruction of wild Pokémon and natural ecology by natural disasters is actually not too much.

Moreover, most of the natural disasters are difficult for manpower to contend with.

As a ranger, all I can do is stop loss and maintain, I can't do more...

The goal of their missions, more, is aimed at ambitious humans, secretly threatening the entire world.

After a while, the two had changed into the clothes of the two pirate soldiers, and tied the two unlucky bastards to the tree.

Immediately, the two looked at each other, lifted up their own boxes of supplies, and walked towards the pirate ship.

Xia Ye has already investigated the route and so on.

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