He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1294 Fight against the pipeline, vs thistle!

Driving into the urban area and driving on the street for a while, Yahida parked the car in front of a building with a very strange shape.

Viewed from the front, it looks like a gate with the mouth of an abyss.

It has a red mouth shape, curved fangs extending from the upper two sides, and a slender carpet that spits out from the bottom like a scarlet tongue.

It looks like a dangerous beast with a big mouth.

But from the side, you can see that the building looks like a huge rice spoon snake, and you can see the purple-black skin and golden pattern decoration on both sides.

A tail shaped like a dagger extends from the end.

A slender and huge building with a very strange shape.

And at the entrance of the "rice spoon snake" with a bloody mouth, a figure was waiting there early... Yashida had already contacted by phone in advance.

This is a tall woman about 1.7 meters tall, with long black hair hanging down, and a somewhat cold expression on her face.

The slender white waist is like a water snake, wearing purple cropped short sleeves and straight black wide-leg pants.

The aura it gave people was like a snake with a spoon, as if it would sprout fangs in the next second and take a bite.

"Little Ji, this is the powerful trainer I found~ It will definitely make our battle against the Frontier Zone a hit~!"

Yashida led everyone into the hallway with excitement.

"Hello, I'm thistle from Battle Pipeline."

The snake beauty nodded coldly to them, her tone was not as cordial as the previous few who opened their minds.

"Oh, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, please give me more pointers..."

Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, a figure had already flashed in front of him, one step faster than Pikachu's lightning flash.

But at some point, Xiao Gang had already changed into a clean and neat suit and uniform, his face seemed to have been put on a beauty filter, and his eyes were deep.

A hand holds flowers and hands them out.

"Xiaosheng is Xiaogang from Nibi City, a man with an iron will!"

Xiao Ji took the flowers in a daze, and before she fully understood the situation, Xiao Gang had already lightly cupped her other palm, bowed his head, and gently kissed the back of the former's hand like a gentleman.

"You are really the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Xiaosheng has completely fallen in love with Miss Xiaoji's peerless beauty..."

Thistle: "..."

She stood there dumbfounded. Although she had always had a cold appearance, although she looked beautiful, no one dared to approach her like a snake with a spoon.

Not to mention such a bold and direct show of love.

"That's right...but you're not the point today~!"

Xiaolan reluctantly dragged Xiaogang away, not to delay the business.

What "you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen"...You seem to have said this to Ms. Joy at the Fairy Center yesterday, right?

"Haha...it's not a big problem, Xiaoji, can you start the challenge now?"

Yashida could only laugh dryly, and quickly changed the subject.

He seemed to know the essence of this black guy.


Only then did Xiaoji come back to her senses, she glanced at Xiao Gang who was being dragged away behind her, and then nodded slightly to the others.

"Then come with me, the battle field is ready."

Only then did everyone sparsely walk into this haunted house-like battle pipeline facility.



The inside of the facility is not as scary as it looks from the outside.

Especially the battle arena, which is a rock-like arena, with potholes on the ground and erected stone pillars, as if you are really in a spacious cave.

In the center, there is also a sunken pool.

This is also a combination of pools and rocks.

However, the rock area accounts for 70% of the area.

"Little Ji, time is running out, let's skip those operations that test your luck, and start the final battle to open your mind."

Sitting in the spectator seats, Yashida couldn't help reminding.

The assessment of the battle pipeline is the luck of the trainer... There will be several tests about luck in the front, and finally you can face the challenge and develop your mind.

If you encounter any unlucky trainers, you will be severely tortured.


Xiaoji didn't speak, but nodded towards the referee next to him.

The latter understood, and immediately said loudly:

"Then the rule of the battle against the pipeline is 2v2, and the two Pokémon will win!"

The rules of battle have become extremely simple and rough, and the two have already stood at their respective ends of the arena, ready to go.

"Miss Ji, come on, Xiaosheng will always support you!!"

In the stands, Xiao Gang couldn't help shouting.

These words made Xiaoji's face turn red, and the palm holding the poke ball trembled slightly.

However, her combat literacy made her quickly come back to her senses and focus on what was in front of her eyes.

According to Yashida, this challenger is a fierce trainer who has swept the previous three battle facilities all the way, and his strength is extremely powerful.

With a solemn expression, Little Thistle threw the first Poke Ball.


A red light flashed, and a big purple-black snake appeared in front of her.

The flexible and slender body has golden and purple dangerous lines, red blood eyes, and two slender and penetrating fangs exposed at the corners of the mouth.

Even the tail at the end is a half black, half red dagger blade.

It is the prototype of this building - rice spoon snake!

"A rice spoon snake..."

This is Team Rocket's Pokémon, and Xiaozhi is quite familiar with it.

With a thought, he also threw a poke ball backhand.


An emerald green upright lizard appeared in front of Xiaozhi, with a large cluster of needle-leaf tails extending from the end of its tail.

With a cold and arrogant expression, he just folded a branch and put it in his mouth as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"The lizard king?! He was completely restrained to death by the poisonous rice spoon snake!"

Holding the camera, Ahida couldn't help exclaiming.

But after looking at it for the past few days, it is obvious that Xiaozhi would not do this kind of stupid behavior... Is there a routine?


After seeing that his opponent was a rice spoon snake, the lizard king's expression became really angry.

At this moment, there is still a horizontal scar on its chest that cannot heal... This is the scar left by the Rocket's spoon snake a long time ago.

This made the lizard king not have the slightest affection for any rice spoon snake.

The battle begins! !

"Rice spoon snake, use jet flame!"

At the beginning of the match, the corner of the rice spoon snake's mouth was already full of strong flames... It even mastered the moves of the fire attribute.

Throat! !

However, before the flames spit out, a sharp spiked hidden weapon suddenly shot out through the air, stabbing straight at the rice spoon snake's face.

But it was the lizard king who spit out the twig in its mouth.

The action is not big, but the hatred is directly full.


The rice spoon snake roared angrily, opened its bloody mouth wide, and blasted out with fiery flames!

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