He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1296 Not Quadruple Restraint

Whoosh! !

The Rice Spoon Snake repeated its old tricks, and under the cover of the flames, a poison-tailed dagger stabbed straight at the target!

Even with the dragon attribute, the grass + dragon attribute combination is still restrained to death by it!


It's just that as the poisonous tail blasted out with all its strength, it was completely missed, and it went straight through the afterimage of the Lizard King.

After completing the mega evolution, the lizard king, who was already extremely fast, increased his speed to a higher level.

In the blink of an eye, it has already appeared behind the rice spoon snake, which is an excellent offensive position.

"Lizard King, use Double Slash!!"

Xiaozhi yelled loudly, the blade on the back of Mega Lizard King's hand was already ready to go, and the huge blue scythe slashed at the target fiercely!

"Rice Spoon Snake, use Coiled Coil!!"

Little Ji still chooses to believe in the defensive power of the rice spoon snake.

The Rice Spoon Snake quickly curled up and concentrated to improve its defense...

Bang bang! !

The first slash came down, causing a burst of explosions, leaving a white slash mark on the snake skin of the rice spoon snake blade... It didn't break the defense.

But the double chop is a continuous move.

The mega lizard king's eyes were fixed, and his spirit was also highly concentrated. The second round of double chops was even more impartial and slashed at the same position.

Bang! !

This time, the blade directly broke through the skin and flesh of the rice spoon snake, and even knocked the rice spoon snake's entire body into the air, falling heavily outside the arena.

hit the nail on the head! !

The Lizard King's Leaf Blade Slash was able to find the target's flaws and execute a vital slash.


This powerful two-stroke strike actually beat the rice spoon snake to the point where it could not fight on the spot, and the dangerous snake head also fell from the midair with a bang, and completely fell to the ground.

And the Lizard King had already started picking up branches after the fact, with a cold expression on his face.

After the evolution of mega, the body that was originally pure color is now also paired with red, making it even more ruthless!

"The rice spoon snake can't fight, the lizard king wins!"

The referee brother hurriedly made a loud judgment, and this announced the end of the first battle.


"Come back, rice spoon snake..."

After a short pause, Xiaoji took back the rice spoon snake.

What Yashida said is right, the trainer in front of him is indeed not simple...especially as the battle progresses, the strength displayed is getting stronger and stronger.

"Miss Xiaoji, Xiaosheng will always support you~~!!!"

However, the cheers from the stands made Xiaoji subconsciously cast his gaze.

"Hey, hey! Xiao Zhi is our friend, we should cheer for him!!"

Xiaolan seriously corrected at the side.

"Xiaozhi will win anyway...so I choose to support Miss Xiaoji!"

Xiao Gang took it for granted.

These words made Xiaoji's lips twitch slightly, his fighting spirit was rekindled, and the second poke ball had already been thrown.


A red light flashed, but this time it was a creamy yellow sea snake Pokémon, with colorful scales and long pink beards, very beautiful.


This Pokémon Xiaozhi has encountered many times recently, and he is not too surprised.

It seems that Ji's Pokémon are all snake-like elves?

"Miss Ji, come on, Xiaosheng also has a big hard rock snake here, I can make friends with you..."

"Don't disturb the game!!"

Before Xiao Gang finished speaking, Xiao Lan had already completely blocked his mouth.

And the battle on the field begins again!


This time the attribute advantage completely fell to his side, and Xiaozhi took advantage of the situation to let the mega lizard king continue to end the battle.

"Meinas, use the water cannon!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Menus opened his mouth and spit out, shooting out a strong impact of water flow!

"Lizard King, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

Reusing the moves of this attribute again, the Lizard King looked very comfortable. With his arms waving, he easily pierced the powerful water cannon.

Da da da...!

The steps under his feet didn't even stop at all, the bright green sickle slashed straight away!

However, Xiaoji's expression did not change, and he directed:

"Meinas, use the tornado!"

I saw Menus poking out the tail at the end, and the red and blue scaled tail began to spin rapidly, as if it had become a big fan.

Hurrah! !

The blowing wind and waves completely covered the charging Lizard King.

The effect is outstanding!


In the tornado, the Lizard King frowned uncomfortably, but his sprinting pace did not slow down.

After all, the power of a tornado is average, such a move can't stop its attack.

"Meenas, stick your tail into the water!"

However, Xiaoji was already prepared and commanded out loudly.

Menus nodded slightly, and the end of his tail just inserted into the pool next to him.

This time, the tornado was not just a simple storm, but also swept out water.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the tornado directly turned into a huge waterspout, roaring and spinning, crossing out, and bombarding the Lizard King with a strong current.


This time not only the dragon attribute moves, but also the impact of water flow...

It actually blocked the attack of the Mega Lizard King, and even sent the latter flying upside down.

"So the pool is prepared like this...?"

Xiaozhi still wondered, what is the purpose of preparing a small pool in the rocky field.

Not only that, but at the moment the whole body was covered with water spray, the wet mega lizard king hadn't had time to shake off the water spray.

"Meinas, use Blizzard!!"

With fierce eyes, Xiaoji suddenly attacked.


Menus made a melodious sound, opened his mouth, and the chilling snowflakes roared out together with an extremely powerful storm!

Sasha! !

The blizzard raged out, and every place it passed was instantly frozen with traces of ice and snow.

The mega lizard king is afraid of such a move from the bottom of his heart. You must know that it is a combination of grass + dragon attributes at the moment. For it, the ice attribute move is an extremely terrifying move!

Four times restraint!

Whoosh! !

The mega lizard king displayed an astonishing speed, flashing frequently, preparing to dodge the blow.

It's just that Blizzard is an AOE move for the audience, and even Xiaolan and his group in the stands felt chills for a while.

creak creak...!!

There was no way for the Lizard King to hide, he was frozen into a big ice sculpture, frozen in place.

Four times restraint damage!

Cooperating with the water spray of the waterspout, the Lizard King fell into a frozen state!

Xiao Ji was overjoyed, thinking to himself that he finally managed to win back a victory, right?

"You're wrong, it's not four times the damage..."

However, at this time, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke, and the content of his speech was somewhat confusing.

Yashida seemed to have guessed something, and quickly zoomed in on the camera lens, giving the Lizard King a close-up.

However, in the ice layer, the appearance of the lizard king has already withdrawn from the state of mega evolution.

Such a dangerous ice attribute, at least not as exaggerated as the four times restraint of Xue Beng.


Yashida also found that in the ice layer, the ice cubes did not fit perfectly with the Lizard King.

It seems that the moment Lizard King was frozen, he withdrew from the form of mega evolution... His body shrunk a lot, which allowed Lizard King to still have a lot of room to move even in the ice.


The next moment, the ice shattered and collapsed, and the Lizard King lifted the frozen state.

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