Soon, Pixy and Geng Gui shook their fingers again.

When the white light fell, Pi Kexi's fist was already covered with white light, and he slammed it towards Geng Gui with vigorous strides.

call out...!

However, it went straight through Geng Gui's body again.

Pixie shook his stun fist, but it was completely ineffective.

Female Trainer: "..."

As for Geng Gui's side, they had already levitated up at this moment, with great momentum.


But seeing Geng Gui's entire body suddenly burst into dazzling lightning, and then all of them got out of their bodies and blasted out!

It turned out to be a big trick of the electric attribute - thunder! !

Boom boom boom! !

There were bursts of thunder, Pi Kexi couldn't dodge at all, and took a full thunder move.

When the lightning dissipated, the whole body was scorched black, and the damage was not light... However, since Geng Gui is not an electric-type Pokémon, there is no one-time winner.

"Hey, good luck!"

Xiaozhi rubbed his nose, this time the outcome is almost the same!

"Pikexi, Master Xiaomao is watching from below, work hard!! Use finger waving skills!!"

The female trainer yelled with a bit of unwillingness.

Obviously, she is Xiaomao's fan, and she came here specially to support her idol.

If you can win the championship, let Xiaomao personally present the award to yourself...

Sensing the trainer's firm will, this Pixie's eyes were fixed, and this shaking finger actually separated out a cloud of yellow powder.

It's mushroom spores! !


The powder fell on Geng Gui's body, which made the latter melt instantly, his whole body collapsed on the spot, and he fell into a deep sleep.

"Great opportunity, Pixie, use the Finger Waving Technique!!"

This female fan is overjoyed, her chance has come!

Pixie's fingers shook, but this time the light soared, almost blinding the eyes of the audience in the first row of the arena.

Flash, doesn't make any sense.


Pixie shook his finger again, this time it made a high-frequency trembling sound, which almost exploded the eardrums of the audience in the first row.

Metal sound!

Geng Gui's special defense dropped.

Seeing that Geng Gui was still soundly asleep, Pikaxi used his third kung fu!

"Give me an attack move!!"

The female fan trainer shouted in her heart.

The white light dissipated, but this time a big horn of white light protruded from the position of Pikaxi's head, which was obviously a terrifyingly powerful trick! !

"Then go on like this!!"

The female fans were overjoyed, it was outrageous, after shaking the third round, they finally had a big trick!

Boom bang bang! !

Geng Gui was completely asleep, and finally was stabbed in the chest by the big horn of the white light. The force was so great that it seemed to completely pierce Geng Gui's body.

Million horns! !

As for the damage...

Geng Gui has four times the resistance effect to insect attribute moves, which is equal to scraping.

Female fan trainer: "..."

But this time Geng Gui woke up from his sleep, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and shook his fingers with his backhand.

"Hmph, it's finally our turn, Geng Gui, swing your fingers with all your strength!!"

Xiao Zhi roared loudly, this mushroom spore is quite disgusting.


Geng Gui also showed a sinister expression, releasing a terrifying ghost pressure, shaking his fingers again and again, the white light gradually took shape at the fingertips, and he was about to rush over and strike to decide the outcome.

It's just that when Geng Gui rushed in front of Pi Kexi, he braked suddenly and drank the milk in his hand.

This is a trick to drink milk using a large milk tank.

Xiaozhi: "..."

"Hahaha, this is the fun of the Finger Waving Cup Competition, everything is random~!"

In the air in the distance, Xiao Mao, the host and referee, was still commenting sharply on the game, laughing loudly.

Seeing Xiaozhi make a fool of himself is much more interesting than going up and fighting by himself~!


"Haha, Geng Gui, you're killing me with laughter!"

Many spectators off the field also burst into laughter. Obviously, the viewing effect of such a novel battle is still very good.


It was Pikasi's turn to shake his fingers, and this time his whole body also burst out with dazzling lightning, as if he was about to hit a thunderbolt.


Then all the electricity was withdrawn into the body, and Pixie's special defense increased.

This is a charging trick that doesn't hurt.

Female fan trainer: "..."

However, Geng Gui's shaking move this time condensed icy energy on his right fist.


It is very familiar with this move, and immediately flew out, hitting Pi Kexi's front door with a straight punch!

Frozen Punch! !

Squeak...Boom! !

As the ice shards burst, Pixie also flew upside down and fell out of the ring, completely deciding the winner.

"Geng Geng~!!"

This kind of finger wagging competition is obviously very appetizing to this mischievous Geng Ghost, making all kinds of strange prank faces on the ring, showing off his might.


This also made Xiao Zhi heave a sigh of relief... Finally, he barely entered the next round.

This kind of competition is too exciting, and no one knows whether the next move will cause a self-destruct or a big explosion.

It can be said that even if you have 1 drop of blood and the opponent is full of doesn't mean the victory is over.

After watching the battle between the two of Xiaozhi, the next contestants also roughly understood the mechanism of the game and proceeded in an orderly manner.


Boom! !

Boom! !

The next game is a real dance of demons.

He unceremoniously shook out a double-edged head hammer, but his fragile body couldn't even withstand the physical impact, and instead he was shot back and died violently.

There is also a Miss Lips that shakes a will-o'-the-wisp and lands on Heracross.

Abnormal status... The Perseverance feature triggers!

Heracross, whose attack power has been greatly improved, swung a backhand blow in the "Old Man and the Snake" version of melee combat, and beat the kind-hearted Miss Lips so badly that even Miss Joy could not be saved.

"Big bang!" "Big bang!"

Many spectators even realized the essence of the finger-waving cup—shaking out a big bang.

Every time a Pokémon uses the Finger Swipe Skill, they will shout in unison below, trying to see the beautiful picture of shaking a big explosion and committing suicide.

Boom! !

At this time, there was a violent roar on the field, and the terrifying energy exploded crazily, and the explosion soared into the sky.

It was the Big Bang! !

"It finally appeared. The first big explosion in this competition was first used by Ms. Li Jia from Yuhong City. Let us congratulate her and her Lotte Kappa!! This big explosion is destined to be recorded forever Above the eternal history of the cup competition!!"

Xiao Mao immediately shouted loudly, his eyes shining.

Li Jia: "..."

Looking at the Lotte Kappa who was blown into charcoal in front of her, her expression changed for a while.

Recently, she has just subdued a grass-type Pokémon in the Fangyuan area, and has mastered the finger-wielding skill... I happened to see the finger-wielding skill competition on the Internet, so I came here to play with an entertaining mentality.



In the end, Li Jia snorted softly, put away the Lotte Kappa, and left the stage slowly with a somewhat sullen expression.

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